Hello people! I'm sorry it took so long to update, but some time ago my computer crashed taking all the plans and notes I had for this story with it. I forgot how I wanted this story to go and hit a writer's block because I got tired of Naruto fandom. Now I'm back however and I know where I want this story to go. I hope you'll enjoy it. Warning: There is a time skip in this chapter.

Ages: Naruto: In the beginning-16, now-19, during "The Incident"-18

Itachi: In the beginning-21, now-24, during "The Incident"-23

Measure others accordingly (like Rookie nine is the same age as Naruto, team Gai is a year older, etc.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

It has been three years and two month since he first met his apprentice. It has been three years since Akatsuki took over the world.

Kenshin truly didn't know what to think about it anymore. At first, when it happened, he like everyone else was angry, cautious and scared. After all not only Akatsuki was a criminal organization, but also all of its members were highly dangerous, volatile S-class nuke-nin, who could and would commit homicide if something was not to their liking. Add to this the fact that they had all of the Bijuu at their disposal and you get a not so pretty picture for people living in Elemental countries.

It was a dark time filled with fear and uncertainty. All rebellions were mercilessly squashed. People walked on the eggshells unsure of what the future will bring. Akatsuki surprised them though. It was true that they were strict rulers, who wouldn't stand for open rebellion and defiance, but they were also fair. Shocking isn't it?

It was something that shocked almost everyone. They didn't make outrageous or unreasonable demands or laws, and while they ruled with a firm hand they also looked out for the well-being of their subjects.

They prospered. It came to the surprise of everyone, but it didn't make it any less true. Elemental countries became peaceful and prosperous under Akatsuki's reign. Slowly, but surely the opinion of public about their rulers changed. People praised them and admired them. Not everyone of course, there were still those who were resentful towards them, but even such people grew to accept and respect them.

Kenshin being one of them. He unlike many others adapted to their rule much quicker. He had nothing to fear from them, and being the best blacksmith Elemental countries had to offer he knew perfectly well his value for shinobi of their caliber.

As he watched how they changed the way the things were run beforehand, he grew to respect them, but unlike many others he had a very good reason to be wary of them. That reason was his beautiful and delicate apprentice. Why? For he knew that the moment they saw her, the moment they found out about her, they would take her away.

Oh, don't get him wrong, he didn't have any romantic feelings towards his apprentice, even though she was undoubtedly one of the most enchanting women he had ever met. Their relationship was not in any way sexual, nor was it fully the mentor/student type bond. To tell the truth he often felt like an exasperated father of the prettiest teenage girl, who has to fend of her numerous annoying suitors. Amusing, but exhausting.

It wasn't his apprentices' beauty though that made his hackles rise at the mere thought of anyone from Akatsuki anywhere near her. It was her identity and that little surprise. Don't misunderstand his student, being the clever little menace she was, never told him her real name or anything that could lead to who she truly was, but Kenshin was a crafty, cunning old man with a large experience in hiding ones identity.

He knew who this blond beauty was, and he knew that the blond was perfectly aware of it, but they never really talked about it. Information was a powerful weapon in the world of shinobi, and even though he wasn't a shinobi himself anymore, he was good at gathering it. He knew what Akatsuki did to his precious student, and being one of Jiraiya's old friends he knew most of what happened to her before they met.

The gaki grew on him, and he quickly found himself attached and very protective of the brat, and that was why he vowed to do everything in his power to keep her and her precious bundle of sunshine safe. Especially from that man! If that man ever learned the truth…

He didn't know details of how it happened. In his mind he called the whole thing "The Incident" from the capital letter.

It happened almost a year ago. He needed to leave for some time to get the news from his informants about how the things were progressing and then deliver the weapons he made to a 'special' client. He deemed such journey dangerous and unfitting for a proper lady, since the places he would visit were not a good place for pretty girl to be, no matter how much of a kick-ass she was, not to mention that it would draw unwanted attention to her.

That's why he left her with one of his friends, who just happened to own okiya - the house of geishas. He knew it was a good place for his apprentice. Don't look at him like that! It was truly a traditional and sophisticated establishment, not a fancy brothel like many others are nowadays. He knew no harm will befall on her, and since she wasn't really an employee there she could always say 'no', if she didn't want to do anything. She had plenty of money, so there was no reason for her to earn her keep.

Though he thought she might actually learn a thing or two. Nothing bad, but maybe some dancing, playing shamisen, tea ceremony, how to serve and entertain guests with conversation, after all you never know when such things can come in handy.

He might have taken a little longer then he should, but he never expected to find his student shaken, heart broken and pregnant! He was pissed! No, not pissed, furious, spitting mad would suit his condition at that time better. He left her there to keep her safe, knowing that he can trust his friend to look after her and what did he found?

That she let his precious apprentice to get hurt by that no-good bastard! He didn't care that the man was the member of Akatsuki; she should have never let him anywhere near his precious student! Rei however never said a word about what went between her and that bastard. "He left." Was all she said about it when asked and never mentioned anything else.

Still he was determined to protect both her and her child, no matter what. He has failed once; he would not repeat that mistake. He didn't know though that he would be unable to fulfill his promise. That man wouldn't let him keep him away from what was his.

A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you liked it. This chapter is a sort of introduction to the main plot of the story – "The Incident" or more importantly what will happen after it^^ For those who didn't already guess: Rei - is Naruto's new name. I decided that her new full name will be Sasayaki Rei. 'Sasayaki' means 'whisper', while 'Rei' means 'ghost, spirit, departed soul'. I think both names are fitting considering her circumstances and something that fits her sense of humor to choose. The next chapter will be Naruto's side of the story, explaining her gender, life and "The Incident". Please review. Sincerely yours, Eovin.