NOTICE: Yuri Haruno is a RPC of mine. I added her in here because I didn't want Ed using the jutsu to turn into Ino or something!

Chapter 4, Part 1 ~Edward~: His Plan…

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Of course it'll work!"

"Okay then… here goes my reputation if this ever gets out!"

I slowly preformed the hand symbols for a "transformation jutsu" this Naruto-kid taught me. His plan was apparently "fool-proof", but I was having my doubts so far. "Transform!" I shouted, and there was a poof, and Naruto clapped his hands joyously.

"Yeah! You've finally got it!" Naruto rejoiced. "You've got the details exactly! I toldja' you'd learn it easy! Believe it!" He gave me a big ear-to ear grin.

"This feels freakish…" I sulked. Why I did this "Transformation Jutsu" to transform into that malevolent woman, I do not know. But what I did know was that this jutsu thing was supposed to help me find out if Sakura still loves me or not; even after that incident the other day…

I formed my hands into another symbol, which I gotta admit was hard to do with my Automail, and I shouted "Release!" There was another poof, and I was back to my normal self. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and checked to make sure everything was where it should be. This technique reminded me of Envy's transformation ability, and how he could transform different parts of his body at will. So I checked, just to be sure, that I wasn't missing another limb or something along those lines. I chuckled under my breath at the thought.

The Naruto kid shoved a thumbs-up in front of my face; "Now that you've learned the Transformation Jutsu, the second stage of my fool-proof plan will now be put in effect! Believe it!"

Since he first mentioned of this "fool-proof" plan of his, I started to believe that this "fool-proof" was being run by an absolute fool, or more like an annoying idiot. I sighed, and I swear that I was afraid to ask him of the "second stage" he mentioned. So reluctantly, I asked, "So what is this 'second stage' you were blabbering about?"

"It's where you confront Sakura as her cousin!"

Now when he has said this, I was ironically drinking the water I had brought along for the long train ride to Central City HQ. I ended up sputtering it out in shock. "W-What?!?!" I yelped between coughs.

"Yeah! Now all you have to do is use the Transformation Jutsu to transform into Sakura's cousin, Yuri, and confront her! That won't be a problem for the all-powerful FullMetal Alchemist, now will it?" he grinned, and I think he was mocking me. Man, I really wanted to give him a good hard blow right then, but I held myself back. Hell, this kid idolizes me!

I sighed again and let my shoulders slump. My whole life I've experienced strange and abnormal things, but this has to be the weirdest of them all!

"So, Naruto, what does this cousin look like?"

As if on cue, he held a picture up to my face of a girl that looked almost exactly like Sakura, but at the same time, didn't. She had similar length, sugar pink hair, and wore her headband like Sakura did. But this girl had her bangs covering one half of her face, and her eyes were a golden color like mine. She was smiling in the picture, but the smile was a fake, a cover-up, and it was obvious to me she had met a dark past like Alphonse and I had. And from the mug-shot photograph, I could see she wore a purple t-shirt and a black choker with a gold, crescent moon pendant on it.

I took the picture and stared at it. "Really? A cousin? She looks more like an altered clone or something if you ask me," I said, looking up at the idiot before me. "So let me get this straight, you want me to use that transformation jutsu thing to make myself look like this girl here, who you say is Sakura's cousin? And then I'm supposed to talk to her?"

Naruto nodded vigorously, "Exactly!"

"Geez. What have I gotten myself into?" I sighed. "Well do you have a full body shot of this girl at least?" Again, as if on cue, Naruto held up a full-body shot of this girl, Yuri, and around the edges of the pictures were traces of leaves. Naruto grinned. I stared at him. "Are you like, a stalker or something?"

Naruto shrunk back, and his eyes widened, "N-no! What made you think that?!" He looked around frantically. "I-I just realized I need to leave for a mission. Right now. So I'll be seeing you!" And with that, the idiot in the bright orange jumpsuit fled. Leaving me alone, confused, with a few pictures and my own slowly dissipating sanity.


After that Naruto idiot fled, I sat there in the forest contemplating the entire plan he had devised. I had rationalized it would work, but my gut said otherwise.

"What if it doesn't work?" I mumbled to myself, "What if she figures out it's me before I get the information? Damn it all…" I shook my head miserably, I had so many doubts, but it was the only plan I had left.

I decided to go ahead with it.

"Ah! Oh hey! Yuri! Over here!" Sakura called as soon as I walked in the door of the small Konoha teashop. The floor was covered in tatami mats, and the smell of dumplings and green tea wafted around the shop. I slipped off my shoes at the door, and walked over to her. She was seated at a low table, with a cup of tea held in her hands. An almost empty plate of dumplings was on the table in front of her. She gave me one of her sweet Sakura smiles. This plan was working perfectly! far.

"Hey, Sakura," I said as I sat down at the end of the table. That idiot Naruto hadn't given me any heads up on Yuri's personality so I was dancing out on a limb. I hope I don't mess up.

"How'd you're mission go?" Sakura asked inquisitively. Mission? Crap! I'm screwed!

"Oh perfectly fine! He was happy we could get the job done!" I lied. Sakura nodded in satisfaction and went back to sipping her tea. I let out a small sigh of relief. Get to the topic, Elric. You're wasting time!

"Hey Sakura?"


"I heard there's this new guy in town? Edward Elric? Don't you and he have something going on?"

She set down her tea and put her hands on the table, a depressed look overcame her face. "Yes, we did. But he left last night."

Even though I knew what happened, I wanted to get her side of the story, "What happened?"

She explained the ordeal in the forest, and from her perspective, I sounded like I had been a monster. She told me how she felt as if her heart had been torn from her chest when I had left her there. What was I thinking??

"Well do you still love Ed?" I asked her after she had finished her retelling, "I mean, he's on his way out. Do you still care? If you love him then tell him! Before he leaves…"

Sakura sipped her tea, and set it down on the table softly. She laid her hands down on the table and clenched them into fists. "I know…" She said quietly, "But, thing is, Edward is a stubborn guy. I'm just afraid he'd refuse to talk to me or something…and he did break my heart…" She lifted her head up, "…but I— I do still care deeply for him you know."

I felt a blush start to creep into my cheeks, but I tried as hard as I could to keep it at bay. I didn't want it blowing my cover!

I know I broke her heart, and I thought she must have hated me with a passion by the way she acted back at the house. But… she still had feelings for me? After I acted like a monster to her?

"Yuri?" Sakura's voice quickly snapped me out of my thoughts and I saw her staring at me as if I was transparent. "Are you okay? Your face is all red."

"My..face?" I suddenly realized I was blushing hard enough that my entire face had turned red as a tomato! Shit! "N-no! Nothing's wrong! Nothing at all!" I laughed nervously. I jumped up, told Sakura I needed to go to the restroom, and fled to the restroom as fast as my feet could take me. I felt the transformation jutsu's effects starting to waver. I ran up to the mirrors and looked at myself carefully. My face was still red, and I still looked like Yuri. I breathed a short-lived sigh of relief.

Before I even attempted this stunt, I figured I could only maintain a hold on this jutsu for about 27 minutes. It had already been about 24 minutes since I had put it into affect. I needed to hurry out of here and to a safe spot where no one could see me release the jutsu in the next 3 minutes. I'd better hurry up then! GO! I turned on my heels, and ran back out of the bathroom, rushing by a few confused girls on my way.

I skidded around the corner and quickly found Sakura. "Sakura! I have to go, alright? I need to do something important! So, bye!" I waved, and turned and was about to leave the store when…


"Ah! Hey! Move it—" I froze. I was standing face to face with the REAL- and very confused- Yuri Haruno. She stared at me wide-eyed, her mouth agape.

"IMPOSTER!" Yuri suddenly yelled, pointing an accusing finger at me and quickly swiping out a knife –or in ninja terms, a kunai— out of her leg pouch, and flinging it at me. I dodged by a hair, and evaded her until I could finally make it out of the shop, dashing down the crowded street screaming as if ten Winrys were chasing after me with wrenches in hand.

1 minute left.

I turned around a deserted street corner, and stopped to catch my breath in a dark alley. I sat against the wall, and slid down until I was sitting on the cold ground. Panting heavily, I observed my surroundings. A slim, deserted alley. Nothing more.

Time's up.

There was a controlled poof!, and I was back to my normal self. My heart was still thumping against my ribs. I couldn't believe the twist of fate that happened. I ran into the real person! Naruto said she would be gone for at least a week yet!

That's it. No more listening to idiots in bright orange jumpsuits. NO more listening to idiots period.

I slapped my forehead in remorse.

I looked up to see a dark figure standing over me. The sun gleamed down off their hair, giving off a pink glow. Sakura?

"Yo. What the hell were you doing looking like me, jackass?"

No, this wasn't Sakura. This was Yuri.

"Hey! Yuri! Back off him already!"

THAT was Sakura.

"Sakura! Did brother come back?" Alphonse said as she walked into the house, leading Yuri and me behind her. She nodded, and pushed me forward.

"What?!" She gave me a glare that read 'Apologize! NOW!'

I turned to my brother, and let my head fall. "I'm sorry, Alphonse. I was being…" I looked back at Sakura, who was motioning me with her hand to continue, "Go on." I turned back to Al, "… a stupid, hard-headed idiot." Sakura nodded with satisfaction.

"That's okay brother. I know you have a short temper-"

"Don't say short!!!" I intervened.

Al sighed. "A not-so-long-fused temper. But your reaction was a little too extreme, even for you."


Sakura looked at us both. "Hey, Edward, Alphonse?"

"Hunh?" we both said at the same time.

"What happened to you two…? I mean, what happened to your arm, Ed?"

It was silent for a minute after her question. "Should we tell her, Al?" He nodded.

Chapter 4, Part 2 ~Sakura~: The Tale of Two Brothers

"We preformed a forbidden taboo in alchemy. I lost my left leg, while Alphonse lost his entire body," Ed paused," I saved Alphonse by attaching his soul to a nearby suit of armor; I had my limbs replaced with Automail prosthetics later…" He repeated. He had said the exact same thing to me earlier the other day.

I stared at Edward curiously, and I wondered how he could have has so much pain in his life at his age….

He continued.

"I guess you could start our story at our failed attempt at human transmutation…"

Edward and Alphonses' house, 1910—

The chilling wind stirred, and the trees swayed. Crows in the tree branches cawed as they fluttered away. . . A storm was imminent. . .

In the cellar of the seemingly vacant house in the pastoral town of Risembool, were two brothers, getting ready to carry out a forbidden act in the mystical arts of Alchemy; Human Transmutation.

"Water 35 liters, Carbon 20KG, Ammonia 4 Liters, Lime 1.5KG. . ."

". . . Phosphorus 800G, Sodium 250G, Potassium 100G. . ."

". . . Sulfur 80G, Fluoride 7.5G, Iron 5G, Silicon 3G. . .

The sound of bubbling fluid and the odor of diverse chemicals overflowed the small capacity of the cellar. The older brother, Edward, an 11-year old boy, was determined and excited for what he thought was to come. Alphonse, the younger, 10-year old, sibling, however, was skeptical, but in the same way as his brother, excited.

"Ow, it's hot!" Alphonse cried as he carried a larger beaker over to his brother, who was himself carrying materials needed for the transmutation.

"Careful!" Edward warned, "That's what we're making mom out of."

Al laughed, "What's the first thing you're going to say to mom?" he said, smiling joyously, to Edward.

"Don't tell our teacher!"

The brothers emptied the materials into the hefty, metal pan.

"Okay, we've got the basic ingredients for one adult body. . ." Edward said, ". . . We've drawn the runes. . . Last but not least," He jabbed the edge of a sharp pocketknife into his left index finger. "Ow!" Blood trickled out of the cut, ". . . Part of our soul."

With their hands in the circle, the excited Elric brothers looked at each other before they began the transmutation.

"Let's do it, Al," Edward beamed.

Alphonse replied with a nod, "Okay!"

With an enormous BOOM! It began. Alchemic sparks flew, and the boys grinned.



". . . huh?"

"Big brother, something's wrong!" Al cried to Edward, "UWAHHHHHHH---!!!!!!" his arm had begun to be disintegrated by the effects of the alchemy. . .

"AL!!!" Ed screamed to his brother. He tried to run to him, but something had grip of his left leg. He looked, and was mortified by the sight; his leg was also being broken down. It's a rebound!! He thought!

"Ed, help me! ED! PLEASE!" Al cried desperately, and reached out his hand.

"AL---!!!" Ed screamed, and as he would have gotten hold of his brother's hand, Alphonse disappeared.


Yuri and I stared at the brothers and exchanged glances. Their story was nearly unbelievable. But there they were; brothers who had been to hell and back. Edward explained how he had seen the "Truth", and how he had lost his right arm to retrieve Alphonse's soul back from the "Gate". How Edward had become a State Alchemist at the age of twelve, and everything they had experienced on their journeys.

It all made sense now.

He was afraid to love me because others he loved dearly had been taken from him. I understood his reasons, and I wasn't mad anymore, or heartbroken. But I felt a nice warmth inside.

I knew he loved me. And he was waiting on a cherry blossom.

Hey you guys, I'm sorry about this, but this is where I'm ending this. I don't have enjoyment in writing this anymore, and I have no more insparation. I'm really sorry.

THE ENDING IS CHEESY I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D'x

But I didn't know how else to end it.