"Swatbots remove the doors!" Robotnik roared, his new pet machine standing silently beside him. The rotund human waited calmly outside the room as his creations slaughtered the remaining soldiers within the castle. Grinning as the firing ceased, Ivo gave the order to break into the throne room. His mind was ablaze with anticipation.

The swatbots were slowly melting down the final doors of the throne room. Soon he would be able to remove all hope from Mobius completely, breaking its planet and people beneath his boot. Doctor Robotnik could almost taste the fear of the citizens of Mobius. As the doors finally melted down Robotnik turned from his gloating and looked at the steadily clearing smoke.

The massive human looked into the throne room, then, suddenly rushed in alone. His anticipation turned rapidly into disappointment, which in turn flared into rage. He rounded on the diminutive form of the Jules robot.

"You said your sensors had detected her heart beat!" The hulking Doctor growled
The machine was unable to comprehend the tone and responded as though it was a question. "Secondary heart beat appeared for point 0.5 of a second. Then both were gone 2.333 seconds prior to entry." Ivo didn't even bother to explain the stupidity of that statement and simply drove his mechanical fist straight through the puny Robots head.

He then turned to the SWAT bot detachment and roared: "I want this place searched completely, tear it all apart until you find that hedgehog and her children! She can't have gotten far, it's not like she can teleport!" He then turned away as his machines began to search, looking for any evidence of the queen current location.

As he went into the royal quarters he found a small picture. It had Aleena, and her three spawn. In it was Aleena herself, a green hedgehog with brown eyes, a magenta hedgehog with the same colour eyes and a blue hedgehog with green eyes, which was probably blurred from poor camera work. Nothing could move that fast.

Except from Shadow, the doctor mentally added, but he's the only one. The very concept that a natural mutation could match his ultimate creation was preposterous in the extreme.

Robotnik eventually called off the search for the Queen, and established himself as the tyrant of Mobius; the ever present threat of the Robotecisor and his SWAT bot armies ensured that resistance would be minimal. The aristocracy were able to quickly accommodate the new ruler, but the commons were unable to adjust to a man bent on punishing Mobius' people.

The Oracle gazed into a glowing green pool, the Queen standing beside him. He had barely got there in time to teleport her and her children away from the currently captured Palace. In truth, the pool was unnecessary for foreseeing the future, but he needed it to allow Aleena to see the future he wanted. The pool showed her giving up her children, passing them to three different families. These children were raised by their foster parents and ultimately gathered together. They aided their mother in defeating Robotnik and recovered dominion of Mobius for her bloodline.

"Well, there you have it, your majesty, I'm afraid if you wish to defeat Robotnik you must surrender your children." The Oracle refrained from telling her that he would be the one to band them together and thus would be the one who would have even greater influence over them.

"Yes, I see." For the first time in her life the young hedgehog was looking at the Oracle with a suspicious expression, something that didn't surprise the ancient creature: He was asking her to give her babies away to total strangers. She then said something before the Oracle could respond; "I'll be able to move faster without them, and I'll worry Jules' agents less if I am alone."

The Oracle was surprise that Aleena knew about the intelligence network her late husband had assembled. He'd found out on his own, but the fact that Jules had told Aleena about his own personal spies was something that he hadn't accounted for. The best he could do was to agree and hope his slip went unnoticed. "Then you'll be able to slow the human down while your children are growing, a good plan your majesty." He said as the soul of approval.

The Queen hadn't even waited for him to finish the sentence as she walked down to her sleeping children. She gazed at their faces; the infants were sound asleep. The Oracle saw as she reached down to touch the quills of her daughter, Sonia. The Oracle knew that this one was the most like their father, whereas the Green furred child was more akin to his mother. The Oracle found himself hoping that Manuel wouldn't have his sound mind crushed beneath more forceful personalities before it could strengthen itself, a fate that had nearly befallen his mother. The last one, Maurice, was unusual, for even now, the Oracle could see a definite metaphysical resemblance to the black hedgehog that had nearly defeated him.

Although the he had resolved to watch all three very closely, he intended to keep closest to this one, in case he became able to wriggle out of the fabric of destiny.
His planning was interrupted by the Queen, who had finished fixing the babies faces in her mind turned to the Oracle saying, "I'm ready to go." There was little the Oracle could do but teleport her and the infant hedgehogs to the outskirts of Mobotropolis.

He shifted his time-streaming gaze to the present and kept a close eye on her. If some robot came and attacked her, the future would become perilous to his long term plans.

Fortunately, she managed to drop off the girl almost immediately, at an aristocrat's home. The owners of the house came out (somewhat uncharacteristically for Mobian nobility) and saw the baby. The female picked up the child and carried her into the manor, but the Oracle was already moving forward in time, watching ahead of the rightful Queen of Mobius as she dropped off the youngest of her children, Manuel, in the precise opposite conditions of the girl. The slum she had chosen was well known as the worst one in all of Mobotropolis, and when she left the child outside the door, a rat swiftly seized the infant and pulled it away.

The Oracle nearly panicked, and immediately followed in the vision, only to find the infant being presented to a creature he knew to be an old agent of Jules, currently going by the name of Feral. The mutant obviously knew who he was taking into his care, and the Oracle knew that Manuel would be well cared for.
Sure of events he returned to his searching. He was surprised to see that Aleena had gone beyond the boundaries of Mobotropolis into the emerald hill region and was currently talking to her brother in law, Charles. He made the effort to listen into the conversation:

"They're good people, but we're going to need to hide his name." Said the pale blue hedgehog.

"You don't fully trust them?" The Queen replied, a shocked expression on her face.

"Actually I trust the old dog with my life, but Robotnik's been searching for any hedgehog going by the names of your children. Maurice isn't a name of the commons, Aleena, and his agents will pick up on it." Aleena looked shocked and Charles picked up and asked "What?" in a flat tone.

"I left Sonia outside with an aristocrat family with her own name and I did the same with Manuel in the slums." The purple furred hedgehog didn't know about Feral.

Her brother in law stared at her for a few seconds then said glumly"Well, nobody cared about the slums before and I doubt Robotnik will, either. And Sonia is an aristocratic name; as long as she doesn't get too much attention drawn to her she should be okay." Aleena didn't look convinced, but moved on regardless.

"What do we tell them his name is then?"

"I don't know, I've always called him Sonny, but that's just too-." Charles didn't continue, because he felt that there was a basis for a good name there. He just couldn't find it. "One thing, though, is that if you're seen here it'll attract attention. Your clothing is far too fine to be from around here. So you shouldn't be the one to drop him off at their home."

The Queen looked predictably furious at being denied some last few moments with her son, but the Oracle saw that she knew Charles was right. She looked on as her brother in law took her son away, possibly for several years.

As the Queen moved on, the Oracle followed Charles as he went to a house within the village nearby. The pale hedgehog knocked on the door, and this little sound awoke the darker blue infant from his slumber. As the occupants of the house opened the door the infant suddenly rushed inside, startling the middle aged grey dog and his mate.

Charles looked moderately embarrassed by his charges actions and explained the situation to the ex soldier. The gray blood hound looked at the hyperactive hedgehog that was currently bouncing around the living room.

"He's like a sonic boom isn't he, destroying everything within the blast area." The hound's wife said with a hint of mourning in her voice. The phrase sparked an inspiration in Charles.

"That's a good name: Sonic... So can you care for him? Until he can do what he's supposed to do?" Charles pleaded.

The hound shared a long look with his wife, their expressions saying a whole conversation. Briefly the Oracle gazed into their minds and saw that despite their efforts their relationship had remained childless. Despite the infant's obvious problems with keeping still, they really didn't see a choice.

"Alright, Chuck, we'll take him in, but you owe us." The hound's wife said. Charles nodded and left the new foster parents of Sonic the hedgehog to their business.
The Oracle was satisfied with what he saw, so he now decided to intimidate doctor Robotnik.

Unlike the previous owners of the palace, Robotnik slept in a comparatively austere room, unremarkable aside from the advanced technical equipment lining the walls. Years of sleeping at work had ground their groove into his brain, the one real condition the hulking human needed for sleep.

"Robotnik" Ivo awoke with a start, shocked to see the misshapen form of the Oracle before him. He was literally speechless, shocked by the presence of this creature even he would call alien. The Oracle continue as Robotnik gathered his wits "Your days of tyranny are numbered!"

For a fraction of a second he considered arguing with the creature but then chose to call the guards.
Unfortunately before he could reach the comms he felt an agonising pain lance through his body, causing him to howl in pain. The pain intensified every time he attempted to move, allowing the green creature to continue its monologue.

"You will listen!" Stated the Oracle, "One day, Queen Aleena and her three children will form the council of four. On that day your reign of tyranny will end!" With that the Oracle released him from the spell and instantly teleported away.

Far from being intimidated, Robotnik felt new possibilities emerging in his mind. A plethora of what ifs ran their course, and Robotnik decided to take this threat from the Oracle as a poor strategic move, giving away his game plan well before the pieces were set. Ivo knew that the royal triplets were infants and that he had copious time to either find, corrupt or kill them.

Robotnik tried to return to sleep but couldn't, his blood was up. He decided to return to his work on a system that would track down the chaos emerald that had been ejected from the palace shortly before his machines had penetrated. The city-wide black out was still concern, and although his new chaos drives rectified this, they had far less power than a true chaos emerald If he could find one he could create a war machine powerful enough that no one could stop him.

And that is that. hope you enjoyed it. When I started this half a year ago and put the chapters up on Deviant Art I didn't know it would wind up a fourteen chapter long tale. Anyway, hopefully you liked my attempt to fill in some of the plot holes in the background story of Sonic Underground. I know I enjoyed smashing up Mobotropolis with Shadow. And esablishing the dominion of Robotnik.

I'm currently working on two other tales at the moment, Dreaming Mobius, which is sort of a sequel to SU which introduces Tails and other characters to the continuity. Also Radiant Mobius, another prequel set in the era of Tikal. Let me know if you want me to put them up when I'm done.