Title: Guilt

Author: Keitorin (Chou ni Natte)

Pairing: Itachi x Sasuke

Rating: PG

Warning: Do not read if you're not into fictional incest.

Summary: Itachi feels guilty and Sasuke wants to know why. Takes place in the past.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to own Naruto, and I make no profit from writing this.

Written: June 24, 2005

One thing Sasuke couldn't understand was why Itachi often looked so guilty when he was around. To anyone else's eye Itachi was as cold as ever, but Sasuke had almost perfected the art of understanding his emotions. Deep down in Itachi's eyes, there was guilt.

Sasuke started watching his brother every time he could. When they were talking, when Itachi was talking to their father, when Itachi wasn't looking or even when he was. Even though he wasn't able to figure out every emotion, he began to understand what each one signified.

Like when Itachi smirked, it meant he'd proved someone wrong in most cases, or when he closed his eyes slowly, like he was irritated and trying to keep it down. When Itachi smiled slightly at him, he knew Itachi was happy or at least being tolerant of him. It was easy to see when Itachi was angry, as his face became totally blank. Itachi hardly ever lost his cool.

The only emotion he really couldn't understand was the guilt. He knew what guilt looked like, because he'd done little things enough to feel guilty about them. It was an odd thing to see in Itachi's eyes though, because Itachi was perfect.

One day as they sat side by side, he watched Itachi's face very closely, waiting for a sign. After a while of just sitting there peacefully and watching, Itachi returned his brother's stare. They didn't say anything, just stared and Sasuke felt as though he was losing himself in the black pools of Itachi's eyes.

Itachi was the first to look away, much to Sasuke's surprise. Itachi always won in staring contests. Just before turning away, he had seen that same look in his brother's eyes.

That night, Sasuke resolved himself to investigate. For what, he didn't know. He just had an urge to go to Itachi's room.

Tiptoeing down the hall, stopping and listening for any sounds for a moment, he quietly made his way across the hall and stopped in front of the door to Itachi's room. He didn't hear any noise, and for a moment he wondered if Itachi was even in the room. He hesitated for a moment longer before firming his resolve and stepping in.

It was very dark. Dark, and quiet. Sasuke was feeling nervous, and he wasn't really sure why. His heart beat as if he'd run a mile, and he walked with his arms out a little bit so that he could feel around in front of himself.

A moment of stumbling around later and he felt soft cloth beneath his fingers. Feeling around for a moment, he suddenly felt skin beneath his searching fingertips. His breath caught in his throat and he took in a breath. It was just Itachi. Just Itachi.

He kneeled down and leaned against the bed, fingers clutched into the sleeve of Itachi's shirt. He could feel the quiet pulse through his wrist, and for a while he just leaned there, listening. He stifled a yawn, climbed on to the bed and pressed himself against Itachi's body. Before long, he began to doze off.

Itachi carefully rolled over and stared face to face with Sasuke. For a moment he just watched, but after a few seconds he leaned forward slightly and pressed his lips against Sasuke's.

Sasuke was still slightly awake and felt the soft pressure against his lips. With half opened eyes, he watched Itachi lean back and stare at him. The same look was in his eyes that he'd been using to stare at Sasuke with lately.

He responded only by blinking slowly and circling further into Itachi's side, feeling only safe and loved.