The Prophecy Explained.

*Author's Note: For those of you who have been bored/depraved/forced into reading the rest of my stories, perhaps this prophecy rang a bell about certain events portrayed in other stories. I realize, however, that not everyone is foolish enough to tramp through the mire that is my work, so I'll spell it out for you. Here is Tanto's prophecy, and the meaning behind it. *

Tonight a Jellicle shall lose its life.

The death of Tyrophilia, Old D's mate. For more info, read The Red Queen.


Tonight will tip the balance between wrong and right.

Old D's decision to extend Bomba's sentence. For more info, read The Red Queen.


On this night, many nights from tonight

A Jellicle will lose its flower

Dem's capture by Macavity. For more info, read Prisoner of Darkness. Some mention of it in The Red Queen as well.


On this night, many nights from tonight

A great one will come into its power

Misto is conceived on the night of the Jellicle Ball, between Bombalurina and Macavity, although it is a year after this prophecy that conception takes place. See The Red Queen for more info. Also, several years later, at another Jellicle Ball, Misto uses his power to retrieve Old D from Macavity. See The Red Queen for more details.


Because of tonight, a mystic dies

To be revealed in a later work, The Reckoning, a sequel to Dark Side of the Son.


Because of tonight, evil shall rise

Munkustrap's rise as the Jellicle Leader, to be detailed in an up-coming work, which shall be called Dark Side of the Son.


An ancient shall come into being

Ooh, another cliffhanger, to be revealed in The Darkest Hour (Just Before Dawn) a continuation of Dark Side/Reckoning. Let's just say that in every Jellicle generation, there is a cat who possesses an ancient power, which can be revealed during times of great danger. But who shall it be?


A dead shall return to living

The final story in the Dark Side Quadrilogy, The Power Within, shall answer this one as well. So, who's coming back? Griz? Old D? Or perhaps someone else?


Tonight begins a tale of woe—

How dark its end, we may never know!

For the events set into motion on this darkest of nights,

will not reach their end til the eighth Jellicle Light.

Eighth Jellicle Light refers the number of years (8) between Tanto's original prophecy and the end of the events described in the vision.