Yes, it's me. I'm back. And I know it's been a while. But I got busy and then, I'm not gonna lie, I lost interest. I couldn't seem to get this written the way I wanted. So, I left it for a little. I didn't want to give you guys something I wasn't happy with. That isn't fair to y'all. But here it is, finally. Enjoy and please review!

Btw: To anyone who was worried that Kim cried too much: I think it fit. She's suddenly having an onrush of memories. And she's been gone for a year. I think even Shego would be crying a little if put in the exact same position.

Thanks to Laura, as always. You rock, totally.

Disclaimer: See Part 1


Anne just stared at the screen of her daughter's old Kimmuncator. And Wade just grinned.

"Excuse me?" Anne finally said with raised eyebrows. "How did you know about Kim?"

Wade's grin turned sheepish and he shrugged. "When Kim moved out she had me install cameras in the main parts of the house. Ya know, the kitchen, the den, and the foyer. She wanted to make sure you guys were safe." He swiveled his chair around and the camera followed him. "See? I have monitors set up to your house 24/7."

Anne's eyes widened as she focused on the monitors displaying rooms in her house. And if she squinted she could see a little her standing in the kitchen, talking to Wade on the Kimmuncator.

"And when Kim died," Wade continued. "I kept them up and running. I knew she would want that."

Anne looked up and around the kitchen, looking for the camera. "But where?" she started.

"I'm a teenaged super genius, Dr. P," Wade said, drawing the woman's attention back to him. "I think a camera practically invisible to the naked eye would be easy enough." He winked.

Anne laughed and shook her head. "Well, let me give you to Kim, Wade. And thank you. You've always done so much."

As she handed the Kimmunicator over to her daughter, she could almost swear that Wade was blushing.

"Hey, Wade," Kim chirped. Shego, sitting beside her, gave the young man a small nod of acknowledgment.

"Hey, Kim. Hey, Shego. Good to have you guys back." He typed a little on his computer and then grinned. "Now about your problems…"

"Wait," Shego interrupted. "You know what we were going to ask?"

"Cameras," Wade said, not pausing in his typing.



Shego eyed the little screen and shook her head. "Freak," she muttered only to receive a glare from Kim.

"I've already worked out new identities for both of you, as well as Social Security numbers, backgrounds, etc."

"Wow, having your own teenage genius at your beck and call," Shego said. "Not too shabby."

Wade didn't respond to her comment but a smirk crossed his face. He continued. "I've also been fiddling with a new device that will allow a sort of glamour to cover you when you are in public so your outward appearance looks different."

Nothing could be heard for a few seconds until Kim finally spoke up. "You've been busy for the past day and a half, haven't you?"

Wade cleared his throat and hoped his blush wasn't too noticeable on camera. It was. "I got excited."

"Obviously," Shego muttered, earning a chuckle from Kim and an even deeper blush for the genius.

"Look, let's just get on with it." Wade glared at the two women, who nodded with smiles still on their faces. "Okay, Kim your first name can stay the same; it's a pretty common name. So, you will be Kim Goss and Shego, you will be Sierra Poe."

"How did you come up with those last names?" Anne asked, making her way over to the table to look over her daughter's shoulder at Wade.

"A kind of combination. I thought about giving them the same last name but figured that could come later."

"So you know-" Kim stopped herself. "Right, cameras."

"Shego, you have your degree in Education and Kim, you only have one more class to take to get your degree in Sociology, what you were working on before the accident."

Anne's eyes were steadily growing wider. "This is happening rather fast."

Wade looked up from his computer monitor with questioning eyes. "What?"

Anne shrugged. "It just seems like a sort of deus ex machina to me."

Wade nodded, understanding in his eyes. "God of the machine, yeah, I know. But to be honest, I've had some of this stuff ready since the accident." At the soft gasps from all three women he smiled. "It didn't seem right to me. There was hardly anything left of you two; like a finger and a toe. That's it. It just felt unfinished to me." He looked back at his monitor. "I guess I just started it for something to do at first but after a while it just felt right. It felt like you guys were going to come back one way or another. And I wanted to be ready."

"Well, we appreciate it," Kim said. "And, Wade?"

He looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"You rock."

The grin that crossed his face seemed to light up his room and even the Possible's kitchen.


(6 months later)

Shego walked into the apartment and set her briefcase down beside the door, tired but glad to be home. It had been a long week but it was finally over and she didn't have to see another high school kid for two days. There was a God.

"Pumpkin? I'm home!"

Nothing. No usual pounding of footsteps or happy squeal. Just silence.


Shego walked through the apartment Wade had set up for them 6 months ago looking for Kim, who was usually home at this time on a Friday, waiting for her. She found her in their bed, staring at the ceiling with a bored look on her face.


Kim's green eyes slowly tracked over to Shego. "Hey," she said in a dead tone.

"What's wrong?" Shego asked, sitting on the bed beside her lover.

Kim sighed and rolled over, curling her body around the older woman. "I'm bored."

"Um, okay." Shego ran a hand through red hair. "Why don't we go to the gym?"

Kim shook her head. "No, I mean I'm REALLY bored. With my life." She sat up and placed herself in Shego's lap, practically melding her body into Shego's. "I get up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, we eat dinner, we spar, we make love, and we go to bed. Repeat…continuously."

Shego smiled and nuzzled Kim's cheek. "So, you're saying it's gotten monotonous."

"So very," Kim answered with a soft lick to Shego's ear.

The raven haired woman shivered, marveling at how cat-like they both still were even so long after they came back. They still cuddled like cats, nuzzled, and had cat reflexes. And their sight, hearing, and sense of smell were still exceptional.

"Well," Shego started. "I've got something that may help."

She gently disengaged Kim from her body, earning a soft whimper of protest from the red head and reached into the drawer of their bedside table.

"Wade told me to get in touch with him the day this happened. He said he knew it would come."

Kim shook her head. "That kid is too smart for his own good sometimes."

Wade's face appeared on the Kimmunicator. "Hey, Shego. What's up?"

"Kim's bored."

The young man's face lit up. "Perfect. Get ready. You two are going to the East Coast."


"Come on, Greg! Hurry up."

"Shut up, would you! Someone might hear!"

One dark figure looked around. "Who? There's no one here but us. Just grab the diamond and let's get out of here."

Greg nodded and carefully removed the huge diamond from its glass case. "Alright, I got it."

"Good." The two figures crept out of the room of the museum. They silently made their way past the ancient rocks exhibit and into the prehistoric mammals room.

"Hey, Ernie," Greg whispered. "Lookit this thing." He pointed with his thumb at a stuffed saber tooth tiger beside him. Its mouth was open and its face was fixed into a permanent growl. "How'd you like to meet up with one of them in a dark alley?"

Ernie snorted and studied the long dead creature. "He ain't so tough. If it weren't for those teeth he wouldn't have anything to kill with."

A soft noise came from the far corner of the room.

"What was that?" Greg whispered, his eyes darting around the room.

"I dunno," Ernie muttered. "But let's get out of here."

The two amateur thieves quickly started out of the room, only to be stopped by another soft noise; this time closer.

"Greg," Ernie said. "You heard that, right?"

Greg only nodded, his grip on the bag with the diamond in it growing tighter.

The two men turned back to back at another sound, coming from the other direction.

"Shit, Ern!" Greg whispered harshly. "What is it?"

"How the hell should I know?"

The moon's soft glow filled the room, casting shadows all around. And one shadow was moving.

"Greg…" Ernie said, poking his companion in the back. The other man turned around and they watched as the shadow slowly took form on the wall.

And they both let out nervous laughter.

"It's a cat," Greg said as they watched the shadow of a cat move across the wall toward them.

"Must have snuck in through the window we got through," Ernie guessed. He crouched down and held out his hand. "Here, kitty, kitty. Come to Ernie so we can put you back outside."

The shadow grew larger as the cat got closer until it seemed to be right beside the two thieves.

"Hey, look, Ern." Greg pointed at the opposite wall. "There's another one."

Sure enough, there was another cat's shadow on that wall as well.

Ernie shrugged. "They must be friends out for a late night stroll."

"I would just call it an outing," A female voice said, coming from the first cat shadow. "What do you think, dear?"

"Oh, definitely, Pumpkin," the second shadow said. "This is much more than a stroll."

The two thieves' eyes widened as the cat shadows suddenly morphed into human shadows.

"What the-" Greg started.

"Hell?" Ernie finished.

Suddenly there were two women running toward them from the two walls, grins on their faces and a spring in their step.

What happened next is hard to describe. Even Greg and Ernie were dumbfounded about it after the police found them later that night. The two women fought with such grace and agility that the two men swore that they were part cat. They seemed to anticipate a kick or punch directed their way, they could land on their feet from not only impossible heights, like on top of dinosaur skeletons but also from falls that should have knocked them to the ground.

The police found the men tied up and knocked out right in front of the saber tooth tiger display. And beside them was a piece of paper with what looked to be two cat paws traced on it.

And as the thieves were taken out to the police cars, one officer glanced up to the roof of the museum and swore that she saw two figures bounding off into the night. And what really confused her was how the two distinctly human figures seemed to morph into cats. But as the two figures faded from sight, she shook her head. That was impossible…humans can't turn into cats.

But she didn't know that one of those figures was a Possible…

The End

Yes, you read right. This is the end. No mas. I knew this was going to end this way and I'm very happy with it! I just hate that it may seem too short to some. But I didn't want to stuff it with extra, unneeded stuff. It would have been a waste of time for both you and me.

Thanks for sticking with it and giving me such great support. Hopefully, there'll be another one in the works soon. I like working with these characters. So, it may be in this universe or not. We'll see.