New Story!! Merry almost christmas!!

Disclaimer: I don't own lwd

"Derek, wake up." Casey complained.

"What?" He asked as he turned his body away from her.

"Come on, the kids want breakfast and Sunday breakfast is your meal to cook!"

"Arrgh! It's 7am on a Sunday! Let's just stay in bed a little longer," He said as he turned back to her and pulled her in close, "I don't hear the kids yet."

"Fine," Casey said, falling under his spell, "but only 10 more minutes."

"Good," He smirked, "then we have time for what I had planned."

"Der-ek." Casey whined the usual as she smacked his arm and started to get out of bed.

Derek pulled her back down into bed with his NHL muscular arms and she gave in.

He climbed on top of her and started kissing her as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Daddy?" A little girl in a over-sized Leaf's jersey questioned from the doorway.

Derek immediately got off of Casey and sat up to see his daughter.

"Lucy." He said, sort of out of breath.

"Daddy, what were you and Mommy doing?"

"Oh, you know..." Derek said as he looked around the room nervously.

"No, I don't know." The 5 year old persisted.

"Daddy was making sure my contacts were in my eyes okay, that's all, sweetie." Casey smiled.

"Oh, okay." Lucy said as she skipped out of the room.

"Well, I guess the kids are up." Casey frowned at Derek.

"Nice save, Case." Derek said as he started to climb on top of her again.

"No way," Casey said as she pushed him off, "I know that was a good excuse, but I don't think I can think of another if she comes in again."

"All right, I guess I'll get started on the waffles...we will finish this," he said as he pointed at the bed with a wink, "tonight."

"Ooh, can't wait." Casey said as she blew him a kiss.

Derek left the room as Casey slipped into the shower.

"Wake up, Fritz." Derek said as he opened his 3 year old son's window curtain.

"I'm up, Daddy!" He shouted as he jumped up from his bed.

"That's good...or else the tickle monster would have to come!"

"No!" Fritz screamed and ran as Derek started to make his hand into a claw.

Fritz ran downstairs and Derek went to wake up their youngest, Ella, but instead he got a phone call from his best friend, Sam. After talking, Derek angrily hung up and went into the 6 month old's room and picked her up.

"Good morning, baby girl." He said while he held her above his head and danced with her. He loved seeing that baby made all of his problems go away for the time being.

Casey sneaked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, "Okay, Muscle Man, put down the baby and make me some waffles."

Derek handed the baby over to Casey, pecked them both on the cheek, and started to walk out of the room.

"Babe, before you make the waffles, can you get the formula ready? I'm going to change her diaper then I'll be down."

Derek automatically nodded and headed down.

About 10 minutes later Casey was entering the kitchen with Ella.

"Derek, where's the formula?" Casey asked.

"Oh, yeah, umm we're out of it." Derek mumbled.

"Der-ek! It was on the grocery list I made for you last week! What else did you forget? Milk? Eggs? Cereal? Chocolate? I swear, if you forgot the chocolate..." Casey put the baby in Derek's arms and stormed off into the garage.

She climbed into Derek's car knowing that the grocery list was probably still there. Casey looked at it and only 3 things were crossed off. "UGH!" She sighed.

Meanwhile, Derek was inside, not knowing what to do.

A second later, Casey saw Derek standing outside the car window with Ella still in his arms.

Casey opened the door, "What?"

"I'll go, Case. Fritz and Luce are eating. Go back inside, I'll take Ella to the store and we'll get the formula."

"Fine, Derek, but it's only because I'm really cold in this car and I'd rather be eating waffles in the warm house with my kids." Casey pouted.

Derek smiled, "I know." then he gently took hold of her chin and kissed her.

About 30 minutes later Derek returned.

"Hello?" Derek called into the quiet house.

"We're in here." Casey called from upstairs.

Derek, holding Ella, walked up to his room and found his wife and kids in his bed watching a movie. He walked over to the huge bed and got under the covers with them.

"What are we watching?" Derek asked curiously.

"Shh!" Fritz and Lucy said at the same time.

"Charlie Brown's Christmas." Casey whispered.

"But Christmas isn't for another month."

"SHH!" Fritz and Lucy said again.

"Sorry!" He whispered.

"They saw it in the movie shelf and then I said we can get our tree today.." Casey said innocently.

"Case! It's 10 now, I have a game at 2, and then we're going out tonight...when do you expect to get this tree?"

"I don't know...they gave me the damn puppy eyes again." Casey shrugged.

"Well, you're going to have to tell them then!"


About 30 minutes later the movie was over.

"Let's get the tree now!" The kids shouted.

"Sorry, guys, Daddy said we can't!" Casey said sadly.


"Damn it, Casey!" Derek whisper-yelled, "Listen, kids, I promise we can get it tomorrow."

The kids stormed off while Casey took Ella to her play pen. Derek followed her.

"Case, why do you always make me look like the enemy?"

"Because I don't want them mad at me, I guess."

"Yeah, well how the hell do you think it makes me feel when I'm the one they hate? I barely have time to see them because I'm always traveling for hockey and when I do see them you make them get all mad at me! You get to see them everyday!"

"God, Derek, I know, it's just really hard for me to do this right now." Casey said as her eyes watered up and she left the room.

"Do what?" Derek whispered to himself after she left.