Chapter 1 Voldemort's my father? Harry's my brother? WHAT IS DUMBLEDORE MY BLOODY SISTER?

Hermione Granger always knew she was adopted. Her parents Alan and Katherine thought it was better not to keep such a fact a secret from their daughter. Hermione didn't mind because she knew her parents loved her dearly. Of course she was curious as to whom her biological parents were but didn't want to upset her parents by asking such a rude question. She figured that one day someone would tell her. For a brief moment Hermione feared she lost the chance to find out when her parents died.

"Hermione", a quivering voice yelled, "Can you please come downstairs?"

Footsteps were heard thundering down the stairs.

"Yeah Eric?" She paused and observed the scene around her. Her aunt was crying in her uncles arms and there was two men in black suits sitting in their living room. "We'll wait outside", the taller one said.

'Mary? What's wrong? Eric why is Mary crying?', she wanted so desperately to ask though she already knew the answer. She noticed an envelope on the table addressed to her. She knew what she was about to do would break her parents heart but she did it anyways. She opened the letter took a deep breath.

My darling daughter,

Happy Birthday. You are finally16 years old. It would give me great pleasure to see you today but unfortunately it's impossible. I've charmed this letter to appear for you in case I wouldn't be able to do any of this personally.

My name is Lily Potter. My husband James Potter is your stepfather. I never wanted you to find this out, but you have a right to know. Your father is a evil creature called Lord Voldemort. You were the product of rape. Please don't think I hated you. I don't. I love you. James loves you. You were the best part of that horrible experience. You were what made it worthwhile. You helped me heal. You and your half-brother Harry. You made us complete. Us four were a family.

Your godfather is Remus Lupin. He's a great man and I trust he will take care of you no matter what. If anything ever happens to him, Merlin forbid, your back up godfather is Sirius Black, and vice versa for Harry. I don't know if you two are friends, but if your not I would like you to get to know him, but I will leave it up to you to choose to tell him the truth.

When James and I found out Voldemort was after us I took you away from our world, thinking it wasn't safe. I had to protect you. I placed you in a muggle orphanage and made sure you would find a loving family like the Grangers. I hated myself for leaving you there, but I knew it was for the best. Voldemort would've killed you if he found out of your birth. He already knew about Harry, and if I hid you both in the same place, suspicions would arise.

Before I left the orphanage I placed a glamor charm on you and once you finish reading this letter, the charm will expire and you'll look as if the glamor was never put on in the first place. Violet Destiny Evans Potter is your birth name. Feel free to have fun with your name because no matter what you'll always a Granger, but more than that you'll be our little girl.

I want you to remember that no one is born evil or dark. As long as you have our love, nothing will ever stop you.


Your Family,

Harry, James, and Lily Potter

"Hermione", a voice interrupted her thoughts, "You look beautiful."

She looked up with a furrow of her eyebrows immediately ran upstairs to her bedroom. She gazed into the full length mirror. Her mouth dropped open.

The first thing she noticed was her hair. It was jet black and straight till it hit her shoulders where it formed into ringlets which stopped just under her breasts. She took off her shirt to see her chest better. They were 2 sizes bigger and more firm, pressing against her bra,which she took off temporarily. Placing her hands on her hips she noticed she was curvier and more fuller, in a good way, while still being petite. She was slightly taller, but still shorter than Ron or the twins. Her legs were definitely longer and her arms seemed skinnier. She looked up again at her face, and gasped. Her eyes were a emerald green.'Just like Harry's.' smiled to herself. To put it simple she was drop dead model gorgeous. Sounds of someone crying brought her back to earth. She gasped again, but this time out of shock. She hurriedly put on her clothes mumbling something like 'I can't believe I let myself get carried away like that' took a look in the mirror to make sure she looked okay and couldn't help but to admire herself again quickly before rushing downstairs. Before she had a chance to say anything her aunt engulfed her in a hug.

"Oh Hermione we're so sorry," she cried.

"Its not your fault," she said feeling the tears gather in her own eyes. "You loved me like your own, and that's all I could have asked from you."

"Oh Hermione, you are our own. Just look at how proud you've made us and your parents," he said handing her a picture of his brother and sister-in-law happily cradling a baby. She let out a sob as she remember her last memory of her now deceased parents.

Herself and her parents previously had a row, which was very rare for them as they always got along quite well, with the occasional spat here and there, and she had ended up at the Burrow with Molly insisting she stay until the next morning. As Hermione and Remus were about to leave Harry insisted to come with them. Molly approved knowing the only kind of love they had for each other was sibling love and allowed them to leave together as long as Remus who was side along apparating the couple didn't mind. They had apparated a block from her house, when she noticed, flashing lights coming from the direction of her destination. She broke out into a sprint fearing the worst. As she ran she heard Harry and Remus, catching up to her calling her name. When they approached they noticed a crowd,crowding around her house. Remus who had quietly followed the couple, sensed something was wrong and told Harry to activated his DA coin. "Excuse us," she said fighting to get to her door. The three headed toward the door but a police officer stopped her. "Excuse me miss, but this is a crime scene. Anyone who doesn't live here isn't allowed on the premises.

Hermione felt her heart slowly break at hearing his words. "This is my house", she said quietly.

" What is your relationship to Alan and Katherine Granger?", he asked taking a look at the three as if he didn't believe them.

" I'm their daughter, Hermione Granger, and I have to get in there and see them!" she said much harsher than intended.

The police officer looked taken aback at her words, while Remus figured now would be the time to butt in.

"Remus Lupin, family friend," he said with a handshake, "Could you tell us what's going on here please?"

The police officer looked unsure, while Hermione looked ready to seriously hurt him.

"I believe the law requires you to tell me what's happening, as I am a direct relative, to the owners of this house, and am myself part owner, if anything ever happens to my parents, and I-"

"Okay enough, you can go in, but only you."

She glared.

"Or all of you can go in."

They rushed to get into the house. If this wasn't such a serious moment, Remus was sure he would've laughed at the girl's stubbornness, and will.

A medical examiner approached them. "Ms. Granger?", he asked regretting what he'd have to tell the young girl. She nodded. "Please take a seat."

Hesitantly she did, followed by Remus, and Harry on either sides of her.

"At approximately 3am this morning, a unknown male, broke into your house and brutally murdered your parents." He paused waiting to see if she'd say anything.

" Can I see them?", she asked numbly.

" I don't think that's a very good idea. You see, their bodies were mangled-"

" That's enough, doctor," Remus said firmly drawing his attention to the crying girl in his godson's arms.

"Right, sorry. We're taking the body back to our labs for a full autopsy to look for evidence on who exactly it was that murdered her parents ."

She doesn't remember what happened after that, but the last thing she saw when she looked up was her aunt and uncle coming over to take her home with them.

Remembering where she was she took the picture and hugged it to her chest imagining it was her parents instead. When she opened her eyes she saw her aunt and uncle and hugged them tightly before letting them go. They finished crying together before her aunt declared she needed to go out and buy her niece new clothes.

A knock at the door brought them out of their trance. "Are you ready Ms. Granger?"

"For what?"

"To meet your father of course. He's been expecting you."

Her aunt dragged her off to the kitchen before saying "Excuse us",as politely as possible, leaving her husband to talk with the business-like men.

Shouts were heard from the kitchen.

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'He deserves a chance!'

'No he doesn't'

'No choice'

'Muggle Adoption Agency'




'Death Eaters'


'For the best '

'Abandoning me?'

'Sweetheart we love you but'

-were the only sentences he could make out. He had a hard time keeping a grin off his face listening to the two argue, but managed to do so in front of the two men, who were quietly sipping their tea pretending they couldn't hear anything. He tried to think of something to say, but luckily didn't have to as the pair came into the room, one of them begrudgingly.

The two men got up. "Is everything arranged?", one of them asked.

With the wifes nod, he waved his wand twice and said "The luggage is in the car"

Hermione hugged her aunt and uncle one last time before following the men out the door. Her eyes bulged out when she saw the giant black limo. The thin man opened the door for her. Surprised she gave a quick polite smile and slid in. In the front she noticed the second man who was more muscular than the first, put on his sunglasses. She rolled her eyes and used the remote she found to shut the black tinted window separating the passenger from the driver. She cried her eyes out all over again, thinking about everything that has happened in the last two hours.

How could this be happening how can I be Harry's half sister and Voldemort's bloody offspring? What if he makes me tell him how to defeat Harry? Or makes me join the dark side? What if I'm his successor? What about the Order? What about Harry? Well to me he's already like a brother so this shouldn't make our relationship too different but still, what if he hates me? Wait a minute I'm dealing with bigger things here. Like the most evil wizard alive is my dad! Maybe he'll just kill me after I get tortured for information. If I'm lucky.

After coming to face with it all she decides to come up with a little revenge.

Okay now think Hermione, -er whatever my name is now, how can I make this so I'm in domination? He has a disability to love, so I doubt he has that paternal fatherly instinct, but maybe he can't kill me? She gasps. That's it, that's perfect. After all I'm probably going to die soon, so I might as well have a little fun.

I haven't yet decided who Hermione love interest is going to be. Feel free to leave your preferences in reviews no matter what chapter I'm on.

Review please :)

I'm looking for a beta reader. Anyone interested?