A/N— This fanfic reveals how wrestling is partially fake, I.E., moves aren't actually down with force, they just appear to be done so. If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't clog my reviews with crap that you don't like me saying 'its a storyline' or 'do a fake move'. Deal with it! Also I will be using wrestlers real names. I.E. CM Punk-Phil Brooks, Batista-Dave. Usually I'll do this when people are talking. In plain text I'll use ring names. Get it? Got it? Good. Now enjoy! Please R&R!!!

Chapter 1—The Story and the plan

After a grueling match with that damn Layla I finally pulled out my finisher, the X-press. A move I seriously made famous in little time. You get your opponent face down, cross their ankles to form an x, kneel down on their ankles while putting them in a full nelson and pulling them up with a nasty force. This hurts knees, ankles, lower back, and shoulders. Oh that kept her screaming. Finally she was able to reach a hand to the mat to tap out. The bell rang. Lilian spoke into the mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Your winner, Lady X!" The ref held my hand up and a big smile spread over my lips when my entrance music, The Howling by Within Temptation. I left the ring and slapped hands with some of the crowd before disappearing behind the curtain.

On my way to the locker room CM Punk intercepted me, "Vince needs to see us."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh yes, because saying hello first is totally just not needed."

Punk laughed, "Sorry, restart. Hey, X, Vince needs to see us."

I laughed and patted his cheek, "Good boy! Now lets go see Vince. Wonder what stunt he's going to pull now..."

-In McMahon's Office-

Simultaneously Punk and I jumped out of our seats and yelled, "WHAT!?" I looked both confused and pissed, Punk was just confused. Vince nodded. We sat down and I was twitching. Oh hell no was I doing that!

Punk cleared his throat, "Uh...repeat?"

Vince smiled, "X, you're a new diva, but you're a good diva. The fans love you. Punk, hell the fans have loved you for years. I've gotten some ideas from people thinking that CM Punk and Lady X would make the best storyline as a couple." He looked at me, "It's an idea, as you know if the fans don't like it we drop it, but if they d--"

"I'll be flaunted around like some other slutty diva here on his arm wearing damn near nothing for the next year!" I was pissed. I had sworn I would never do a stupid storyline with any superstar so long as I was a diva. McCool, Layla, Jillian, Mickie could be arm candy all they wanted. Not me. Not Lady X. Not Xaltria Lyn Johnson. Hell to the fucking no!

Vince jumped and tried to calm me down, "No, no, no, of course not. You just have to act like a couple, no pro--"

"Vince, X ain't doin' it. You really think you can convince her?" Oh thank God! For once Punk had a little common sense.

Vince shook his head, "Look, X, if you don't want to do it you don't have to, we'll just find another diva or another couple. No big."

I thought for a minute. Well, if we acted like a couple that means we didn't have to be all lovey dovey, and gross. No cameras peeking around corners to see us make-out or any crap like that. Sitting deep in thought Punk and Vince just sorta stared at me. Finally giving a frustrated sigh and looking at them I grimaced, "Fine, but my question. How are we supposed to 'be exposed'? I mean yeah Phil and I are friends and all, but still, we've never acted all cute with each other."

Vince smirked, "You just beat Layla, right?"

"No, no I didn't, that was all your imagination. No shit sherlock, of course I just beat her!"

Punk tried not to laugh.

Vince rolled his eyes, "Anyway, currently Layla and Orton are a couple. So, I decided that Layla's going to get seriously pissed. She, her gang, Phoenix and Melina, and Orton are going to ambush you during next weeks X-tra. Layla is going to be your guest, you'll say something about beating her and she's going to get pissed. Beth, Orton, and Melina are going to come out of seemingly no where and ambush you. Orton will like hold your arms behind your back so the girls can go to town with getting at you. Now of course not all blows will be real, some will, some wont."

I nodded my head, perfectly understood. Hell I'd been ambushed before. I looked over to Punk, he was following. Vince continued, "Alright. After a few Punk will come out to no music, that way he wont be 'given away'. He'll jump in the ring, give Orton a few good blows, pull the girls off you and get you out of there. A camera will follow you into the back. Punk will make sure you're alright. You'll thank him, naturally. Punk, just for the laughs, mention you think Orton's an ass or something."

Punk snorted, "That wont be hard." I laughed, I couldn't help it. True, I also thought he was an ass. Punk was right, so not hard.

Vince cracked a smile and continued, "Alright, alright, anyway. After that, Punk, make it seem like you're confirming a date or whatever."

Punk piped up, "Like ask if 'we're still on for tonight' or 'so see you tonight' or whatever?"

Vince nodded, "Exactly. Then give X a peck on the cheek or something. Just so people see it isn't a friends meeting, but a couples."

I sighed, "Sounds good, and let me guess. Then Phil walks away and I watch him go with a blissful look on my face or something?"

Vince shrugged, "I was just going to have y'all part ways, but I like that idea X, do that. Either some blissful look or a smile or something. Think it up, don't be afraid to add or look cute."

Punk nodded, "Sounds possible, you still up for it X?"

I shrugged, "Sure, hell it sounds fun. But I do have one request."

Vince looked slightly taken aback. Normally people took the storyline and just went along. Not many people asked for revision or anything. He then nodded, "Shoot."

"I want a fight."

"You mean a match?"

"No, I mean like Phil and I get in an argument that causes us to almost 'break up' or like something comes between us. You know, something to spice up the storyline later on if the crowd likes it."

Vince nodded, "Not bad, and I like it. Yeah, we'll do that. If the storyline goes well with the crowd you guys will have a fight in like a month in a half, two months or so. Sound good?"

Punk and I both nodded. Vince then smiled, "Alright then, before you leave. I want to see just a 'for now' look at what you two think you can do for the locker room scene. Where he's asking if you're alright. Got it?"

Punk and I stood up. I nodded, "Yeah, c'mon Phil. Lets see your best superhero savior act."

Punk started laughing, "Fine, c'mere."

I walked over and we got into a position pretty quick that seemed as if he were supporting me. I got a pained look on my face and he got a concerned one. I had to admit, he was a good actor. I really thought he was concerned for my health for a minute there.

Punk took in a breath and made it look like he was searching my face, "X, you OK? Man they were really goin' at it, weren't they?"

I nodded feebly, "Yeah, but I'm fine, I've had worse."

He looked as if some of the worry was chipped away, but not much, "You positive?"

I nodded and rubbed where I would think I would get hit, "Yeah, nothing big. I'll just run by the medics and grab some Ace bandages or something, maybe some Tylenol."

He smirked, "Alright, so, we still on for later tonight?"

I got a sweetheart smile on and nodded, "Definitely."

Punk smiled a bit bigger and I could see in his eyes he was taking a quick second to choose, just nod and leave or kiss my cheek or something! I quickly gave a tiny little nod, barely noticeable. Punk noticed though and gave my cheek a quick peck, which made me blush like freaking crazy. Then he just smiled again and made to walk out of the office. I got a 'oh he is so fiiine!' look on my face and watched him leave.

Vince was laughing, but clapping, "Naturals! Most of the time the damn superstars can't even get past the first sentence without laughing. I commend you two. I think this'll be one of our best storylines yet. Alright, you two are free to go."

With that Punk and I walked out of Vince's office and went our separate ways.

When I got into the divas locker room by total bff on RAW Kelly Kelly came bouncing up, "Oooo! What'd Vince need yah for!? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Yep...hyper as always...

I smiled, "I'm in a new storyline."

This only fueled the fire, "Ooooo!!! Is it with a superstar!? Who is it! C'mon spill!"

I laughed, "Its with CM Punk. Vince says he thinks that the people think we'd make a good match or whatever. We've got a couple storyline."

Kelly Kelly smiled, "Well duh you two look good together. I mean c'mon! He's Punk, literally, the guys a serious punk. And you, you are the punk of all us divas. I mean c'mon! Look at yourself!"

She turned me to look in the full length mirror. True, with her in her vibrant pink bikini-like top and chap pants, she looked like a Barbie doll. No offense Kelly! And then there was me. I was in a pair of black Mondo pants with white edging with little spike studs that I had had made so I could wear them wrestling. I was wearing an awesome leather halter top that stopped just before my belly button with a couple skull and crossbones on the left side of my chest. I wore gloves really similar to Punk's, except mine were all black with a white and black plaid strip running from my knuckles to the end that was about two or three inches wide. Ok, maybe she had a point. I was the punk of the divas. But hey, its me! I may have grown up in a Podunk little town in Texas, but I so wasn't some country chick. I was Lady X, Xaltria Lyn Johnson, the most bad ass diva RAW had ever seen. Or so people thought.

Kelly got hyper again, "Ohmigawd! No way! Soooo, are you excited!?"

I shrugged and started getting ready to leave, changing into a pair of normal jeans and tank top with a comfy black hoodie over top. She slid off her wrestling boots and pulled on a pair of flip flops. She yawned slightly, "Well I'm heading to the hotel, see yah later Barb." Kelly Kelly smiled an bounced away happily.

I yawned again and left the locker room with my bag tossed over my shoulder. I was almost home free for my rental car when I heard, "Hey X!" At first I was going to ignore it, but I noticed Punk's voice.
Spinning on my heel I waved, "Hey Phil, what's up?" He came up to me, slightly out of breath. Obviously he'd been running all over. He gave me a crooked grin and straightened up, "Yeah, just curious if you wanted to get together some time over the next week before RAW so we can work on the storyline."

I smiled, "Yeah sure, hey here," I rummaged around in the pockets of my bag until I found a pen and a scrap of paper. I quickly scribbled something down, "Heres my number, gimme a call whenever yah want to hang or whatever." I handed him the slip with a grin before turning to my car, well actually it was a truck. Tossing my bag in the bed I gave Punk on last smile before climbing in the cab. He pocketed the slip with my number on it and gave me a wave before heading off.

Yawning yet again I revved the engine, pulled out, and headed to the hotel I was staying at for the next day or two until I took a flight back to my home in Arizona. I stayed with my high school best friend and reunited-in-college roommate and she really didn't mind my constant coming and going. Mia and I would always be great friend, and hey, it gave her plenty of alone time with Cameron.

Pulling into the hotel's lot I jumped out, grabbed my bag, and headed in. I went straight to my room, used the key card and trudged inside. I was tired. I was hungry. I wanted peace and quiet. But no...my cell had to ring right away...Joyous...

Answering I sighed, "Hello?"

"Hey X! So, you coming home tomorrow?" Mia, as always. She wasn't a wrestling fan, but she always watched my matches. Good friend.

I smiled, "Yeah, I'll be there around six or seven tomorrow night. I just have to check out then catch my plane."

"Yay! Finally you'll be home! It feels like you've been gone for weeks!
"Well Mia, lets see. Last week I stayed in the hotel longer then expected so I just caught a plane to our next show, here. So, if I'm right, I've been gone for about two weeks."

Mia whined, "I miss you! So you are definitely coming home?"

I laughed, "Yes Me-me, of course. Anyway, your birthday is on Thursday! You know I wouldn't work during that time!"

I could hear her clapping happily, "Yay! So tell me X, I missed your match! What happened!?"

I spoke in an uninterested voice, "I beat Layla, X-Press. Nothing big. However I had an interesting chat with Vince afterwards."

Mia squealed, "New storyline?"

"Mindreader! I swear!"

Mia just laughed as I continued, "But yeah, I've got a new storyline."

"Tell me all X!"

I sighed, "Its nothing.
"Xaltria if you don't tell me right now you'll see exactly why I'm an MBW." Oh no! No! No! No! MBW was a joke Mia and I had had since our freshman year in high school MBW. Mad. Black. Woman. Mia is of Jamaican raised in Texas. Me and her always had a serious attitude and both of us promised we'd blow out of that Podunk town the second we turned eighteen. We kept our promises.

I smiled, "Alright, alright, I'll tell yah. Vince thinks that I should do a romance storyline with one of the superstars. Apparently we make a good match on TV or whatever."

Again she squeals, "WHICH ONE!?!?" I fell and dropped my phone when she screamed in my ear. Regaining composure I yelled back, "OW! My ear! Anyway! Its with Punk, you know CM Punk. I don't know if you've seen any of his matches."

Mia made a noise, "I think I have. He the one with the weird Pepsi tat on his arm?"

I laughed, "Yeah thats him. Yeah next week on The X-tra I've got Layla as my guest. We're going to end up sharing a few nasty words at some point and that'll start a fight. Then Beth, Melina and Orton will all come out. I'll be ambushed, have the snot beat out of me for a minute before Punk comes out and gets them off of me. He'll take me to the back and make sure I'm alright."

"Awwww, sweet!"

I laughed, "Then he'll ask if we were still on for later or sometime during the week. Then he'll like kiss my cheek or whatever. When he walks off I'll watch him go with a face that just screams 'he is so fiiiine!'."

Mia squealed, "OMG! I'm watching all of next week!"

I laughed, "Thanks Me-me."

With that we hung up, I quickly changed and fell into bed with a relieved sigh.

-The Next Morning-

It was around nine in the morning and I was just about ready to check out so I could catch my flight home to Arizona. Packing my gear and grabbing my suitcase I walked out into the hall, making sure I had all my stuff. With a nod after checking my things, I headed down the hall to the front desk. Of course I didn't make it without someone stopping me.

"X! Hey X wait up!"

"Yeah, would you stop walking already!"

I grimaced and turned slowly after stopping. There was...ugh...Ted and Cody. Not what I need this morning. I forced a smile, "Oh, hey Ted, hey Cody. Can I held y'all?"

Ted smiled and threw his arm around my waist and Cody used my shoulder as an arm rest. My biggest pet peeve.

Ted smirked, "Just curious if you wanted to go on the town later."

I faked a smile, "Oh I'd love to, but I've got a plane to catch."

Cody laughed, "There are other planes goin' in the same direction I'm sure."

I tried not to twitch, "Yeah, but my roommate is expecting me home by six. Not to mention I'v--"

Aw c'mon babe, its not like we're keeping you till midnight."

OK thats where I freaking lost it!I hated it, no loathed, when guys called me babe. I turned to Ted, "I said no now leave me alone."

Ted looked taken aback, "Hey, c'mon, just one little date. Can't kill yah?"

I twitched, "I bet it can. I wouldn't go out with you even if I was desperate."

Cody snapped, "Hey, you can't talk to us like that."

I glared at him, "I think I just did. Now leave me the hell alone."

"Problem boys?"

Ted and Cody looked up. Oh thank god! CM Punk was standing there with Kofi Kingston. I swear those two had like some serious skills. This wasn't the first time they had to beat Ted and Cody off. I gave them a 'thank you sooo much' smile.

Punk smirked, "Again, I ask, problem?"

Ted glared at Punk, "No, not at all. Just talking with X here, seein' if she wanted to go out later. Ain't that right Cody?"

Cody nodded, "Yeah, no biggy."

Kofi laughed, "I don't tink X would be fussin' if dere wont no problem."

Punk nodded, "Why don't you and your over stuffed egos just beat it. If I know X she isn't interested in over dressed, pompous jerks like you two."

I gratefully stepped out of Ted and Cody's little circle and into Punk and Kofi's. Ted glared at punk while Cody and Kofi shared a stare down. Of course the rich boys were first to back down and walk away.

I sighed a relief, "Thanks guys, I really owe y'all now."

Kofi laughed, "Its no issue X, anyting for a lady."

Punk gave me a little wink and tossed his arm around my shoulders in a quick hug, "Yeah, ever since you came to RAW six months ago Kofi and I have been watchin' your back."

I put my arm around Punk's waist and Kofi tossed his arm around my shoulders. I laughed and put my other arm around him. Punk and Kofi were a 'dynamic duo', Punk, Kofi and myself? Troublesome trio. We'd become friends early in my career. We always had a good laugh. After I checked out the boys walked me to my truck and I gave each of them a little hug before climbing in. Rolling down the window I gave Punk a smile, "Remember, gimme a call so we can work on the storyline." He nodded as I pulled out and headed to the airport. I caught my plane just in time and off we go!