Here's a NEW trailer for my NEW story, obviously. AND GO! Wait wait, I'm gonna give it a go on Joe GRAY, and stuff instead of Shane GRAY. Oh and the location in this story has nothing to do with Forks! I happen to live in Washington and wanted to place where they live in my town. So everything in this story that has something to do with the town is REAL. Nor does the plot of the story have anything to do with Twilight.

Miley Stewart had just moved from Nashville Tennessee to a small town in Washington called Aberdeen. After her parents has divorced and she went with her Dad.

"I'm sorry you have to move, but it's the way it has to be" Her dad said and put in the last luggage into the car.

She would be leaving everything she knew and loved.

"I'll call you everyday!" Miley's friend Lily said to her as she gave her one last hug.

"Don't forget!" Miley said back.

A new town, new house, and new friends was something Miley wasn't ready for.

"I going to look like a complete fool! I'm southern and these people aren't!" She explained.

Her dad shook his head. "Now darlin' there's bound to be someone at that school you'll click with!"

Her first day of school passed slowly. She'd met a few girls and quickly became close.

"You have to go shopping with us next Saturday, Were going to Tacoma." Alex Russo said as they walked to there table.

"Is Tacoma large?" Miley asked.

"Better this dump of a town, the mall here has Clairs and that's about it."

Soon something caught Miley's eye, a boy. But he was a bit different.

"Who's that guy over there?" Miley asked eying the lonely boy.

Alex looked over and noticed who she was talking about. "Oh that's Joe Gray, he's so weird. He skips most of his classes and doesn't have any friends."

Mitchie Torress spoke up. "I heard he's a cutter."

"No he's not!" Alex shook her head. "But whatever he's still cute!"

There was something about Joe that Miley couldn't help but look. Was it his long dark hair that covered his eyes or the way he'd just blend right in and nobody would notice him.

"Hi I'm Miley!" Miley said to Joe.

Joe looked at her and glared for a moment.

"So?" He asked.

"So, I'm new here and I just thought you were the friendly type." Miley lied.

Joe couldn't keep his eyes off Miley either.

"Why are so rude all the time?" Miley asked.

Joe looked down. "I just can't be friends with you okay?"

Miley soon couldn't stay away from him. She had to get to know him

"What are doing tomorrow?" She asked as Joe slumped into his chair in Biology.


Miley shook her head and looked away. "Never mind."

Joe knew being with her was wrong but he couldn't resist.

"Meet me here tomorrow" He said under his breath.

Miley's head shot up. "What time?"

It quickly got serious.

Miley moaned into Joe's mouth as he pushed her against the wall.

"Why do you make me go crazy!" Joe exclaimed at he tore off her blouse.

Then It got scary.

"What's wrong with you? one minute you can't stay away from me and the next you act like you want to kill me!" Exclaimed Miley.

Joe burried his face in his hands. "I should have never got caught up with, it was wrong and I knew it all along!"

Miley shook her head. "Why is it wrong? why can't you be happy with me?"

Joe looked up with pain in his eyes. "I've done things Miley, bad things."

Miley was going crazy now, she didn't know what to do.

"Every move I make is being watched. Someday they are going to come and kill me if I ever do something wrong."

Miley cocked her head to the side. "What could you possibly do wrong?"

"If I ever fall in love with someone."

Miley and Joe were seen in danger.

"So they are going to come after you and me?" Miley yelled.

"Not if we stay away from each other."

But they both knew that task was harder then they thought.

"I wish I'd never met him, so then I would never have to be in this situation." Miley choked as more tears ran down her face.

"I'd die to be with you, but then you would still be alive." Joe said as he brushed his hands down her cheek.

What will happen? Well you'll just have to wait and see!

Yeah crazy eh? duh. really you guys should getting used to my craziness!!!! Cause out of now where BAM! I couldn't blow some ones head off. But I wont cause then I'd go to prison and then I wouldn't be able to write so I'll just throw rocks.

MWAHAHA! have a nice day and watch out cause My craziness could pop up when you least expect it! Ku-powie!
