
Disclaimer; Me and Emily honestly don't kill sims! WE MURDER THEM xD... any ways... we don't own Naruto... but we own the ghosts of the sims we buuuuuuuuuuurn!

Authors Note;

HONEST!... so yer, me and Emily are having a sleepover week, and like decided to kill sims... as a night hobby... so yer, warning; randomness, a deviously demented Sakura, and just some good Sakura slating. (We have decided to hate Sakura till she loves Lee! But she will be in my fanfics, in the old ones as a nice person, in new ones, as a demented ghost?)

Summary; Leaving the village should be a hard task, but when there is nothing to stay for, will it be so?

Tenten P.O.V;

I whistled quietly to myself, as I climbed the stairs to my apartment, my whistling faltering slightly as I climbed the stairs. As I neared the top few steps, I sped up slightly, taking them two at a time. I pulled the key out of my back pocket, and found the small black device attached to the ring, running it over the sensor pad at the door. The door opened with a click. I pushed it open further and took a step inside.

"Hello?" I called, as I bent over to pick up the plain piece of paper that had fluttered to the floor when I opened the door.

Standing up straight, I unfolded the paper, and read the neat scrawl aloud. "I have just gone down to the clearing to the west of our old training ground with an past friend. Come along if you wish."

I shrugged to myself, seeing nothing better to do. Setting the paper down with a smile, I left the apartment, and made the tedious journey back down the stairs which I had just walked up.


I neared the clearing, swinging my arms freely by my side. I felt the soft grass tickle the bare skin of my ankle, and the uncovered skin of my feet. The sound of my sandals should have alerted the nearby nin to my presence, so I felt no need to call out as I spotted them between the trees.

As I neared I began to notice how unnecessarily close the two bodies were, my pace began to slow as my heart beat intensified, my arms freezing by my side, as I saw the familiar green eyes, and the hair I had glimpsed just once before. Walking at no more then a snails pace, I reached the gap in the trees, peering through the space. I felt my whole body suddenly stop, my heart freezing, as the two lips met in the middle of the clearing, the girls green eyes closing, as were Neji's clear ones.

I felt my eyes unfocused as tears slid from them, my body falling onto the cold floor as a certain memory came back to me from exactly a month ago.

I walked down the street, the bags of clothes in my hands, clear evidence of my activities of the day.

I turned into my road, and slowed my hastened pace. I narrowed my eyes on the flats block, as I noticed Neji standing in the doorway, hugging some unknown brunette women. I shrugged, and clutched the bags tighter, not realising until I felt the plastic begin to hurt the chapped skin on the inside of my hand.

Shrugging it off I carried on walking, as did the brunette, not before turning to me her green eyes sharp, any hint of the playful smile the face previously held was completely gone.

I shuddered as I pieced it together, trying not to scream out as a sudden pain stabbed through my chest. I slowly dragged myself of the floor, trying hard to stay quiet, the last thing I want was for Neji to notice me now.

I slipped my sandals off, and clutched them tightly in my hand, before making a hastened dash through the field, and into the busy streets of Konoha.

Hinata P.O.V;

I stood in the middle of my bedroom, my eyes darting on the various dresses hanging on my walls, my nerves clearly showing, as I stood there never still.

I tried calling Tenten's mobile once more, knowing if she didn't answer this time, I would have to decide what to wear on my own.

As the familiar voice came from the phone, I sighed, and slid the phone down, ending the call. There was no need to leave her a voice mail.

I put my phone on my bed and walked over to my door, opening it just enough for me to peer out of it. I stood there for a few seconds, waiting for my maid-in-waiting to pass by.

"Mia!" I hissed, as she walked passed. She glanced at me, trying to keep her face composed, but the surprise evident.

"Heiress?" She asked me. I beckoned to her, shaking my head as she referred to me as that.

She entered the room, eyes taking in the scattered dresses, instantly knowing what I wanted. Making her way surely across the room, she picked up the most simple dress there, and handed it to me.

Not stopping, she grabbed the matching shoes, and a simple silver locket.

I held the soft silk, the colour matching that of my eyes. Without a second thought I slipped the dress on, holding my hair up as Mia did the zip up for me, and put on the necklace. Bending down to slip on the shoes, I saw her dash to my dressing table, and pull out a white rose from the vase there. I rightened myself, and she simply put my hair into a messy bun, placing the rose through the bun, like a chopstick.

Stepping away from me, she gave me a clear view of my self in the mirror. The tight silk held itself tightly onto my figure, loosening up at my hips, and flowing into a floaty skirt that went to my knees. The colour of the dress gave my eyes some sort of new colour, and my hair completed the look. Simple, but elegant.

"You look perfect... for Naruto, I am guessing?" Mia asked. I nodded softly, her words soothing my doubts slightly, but one question held itself in my mind; Was I really perfect for him, or was I the perfect image of an Hyuuga heiress?


I knocked on the partition window in the car, the driver nodding, knowing what I wanted.

The car pulled to a stop in the road before the one where I was destined to meet Naruto, but my nerves were to much, and I prayed the soothing winter night may pacify them slightly.

As I walked, the cool air did as I hoped, and I found my breath ease slightly. I turned into the road, and heard a Naruto's gentle voice speaking in a hushed whisper. My eyes instantly darted to the sound, and I spotted him and an unfamiliar green-eyed blonde sharing a passionate embrace.

I gasped aloud, and the few people in the street turned to face me, but I couldn't seem to focus on these faces, let alone attach their names to them. All I could focus on were two bright blue eyes, happiness filling them, till he saw me. The happiness was soon filled with confusion. Tears escaped from the corners of my eye, and I shook my head.

"Hinata!" He called, as I turned and ran. I could hear his footsteps following me, running as well. I sped up trying to away from him, but as I did so my heels betrayed me, and my ankle fell to the side, my body following. I lay there on the floor, before I sat up, bringing my knees closer to me. I heard Naruto breathing heavily above me, before feeling his warm breath on the top of my cheek.

"Get away!" I whimpered from my position on the floor.

"Hin-" He started, extending his hand and placing it lightly on my shoulder.

"NO!" I shrieked and leant away from his touch, but his hand stayed planted there. "S-stay away... please."

I felt his other hand touch my face and wipe away a tear as it made its way down my cheek, and I couldn't take it anymore. Ignoring the pain that shot through my ankle as I jolted up, I ran along the streets.

"Please, dont follow!" I called after me as I ran through the streets, raindrops beginning to fall from the sky.

"Hinata!" I heard him call, but I ignored it and focused on my own steps as I ran along the pavement, the rain landing softly on my skin.

Convinced I was far enough away, I stopped, and lent against a wall, sliding down it, letting my tears fall even faster and harder then before.


I knocked on the door, shivering as I stood there wet to the bone. When noone answered I began to knock on the door harder and harder, before I began to pound it with my fists.

I heard the soft sound as someones footsteps made their way across the padded flooring. Eventually I heard the soft click as they opened the door. I held my breathe as I took in the women before me. I knew it was Tenten, but nothing about her seemed right. Her hair was hanging losely from her usual buns, her eyes red rimmed and puffy, and her usual soft smile was no where in sight on her lips, but instead there hung a small self pitying smile, but one that I could tell was not aimed at me.

I knew that I must have looked similar as she looked at me, but I didn't care. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her body, and she buried her head into my shoulder, a new flow of tear spilling out of her eyes, and before I knew it I joined her.

"I thought I had run dry..." She sniffed through the tears, as she pulled away from the hug, and let me into the house. I followed her into her room, sitting on her bed, and wrapping the quilt around me. As she told me what happened while she dug me out some clothes, I noticed the fact that every single piece of her clothes had been shoved roughly into a case.

I didn't say anything as she handed me the clothes, but told her what had happened to me before I commented.

"I know this is an obvious question... but why are you doing this?" I asked her softly.

"Why should I stay, when there is nothing to stay for." She stated. I nodded, slowly, knowing that she knew before I did that I would join her in leaving the village.

"Are you finished?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I am only here as I didn't know how to tell you..." She said gesturing to the mess of scrap paper in the corner of the room.

"Lets go to mine then," I said, leaving the room.


We stood at the gate, and slipped through silently. As we ran through the dense forest I stole a brief glance back at the one place I hoped I would never see again.