
Disclaimer; We don't own naruto... now anyway, who knows about the future :P

Authors Note; So yer, we are still in bed (this was started at 19:44 1/1/09). Happy new year :). Well give me credit people, I am updating like really often! Maybe its the tic tacs...

Summary; Leaving the village should be a hard task, but when there is nothing to stay for, will it be so?

Normal O.V;
(In Konoha, bout ten minutes before Tenten and Hinata wake up.)

"Hey, Hinata!" Kiba yelled, slamming his hands against the door.

"She's not there," Shino said, leaning against the wall next to the door.

"HINATA!" Kiba carried on. "She will answer the door!"

"Move," Shino instructed. Kiba did as he was told, while Shino made the bugs eat at the wood, in order to grant them access to the room. "Fill your boots."

Kiba growled as he stepped over the door, that was now laying on the floor, and into their team mates house. He glanced around.

"W-what!?!" Kiba stuttered, as he left the apartment, having found all the rooms bare.

"She's gone, that's what," Shino replied, walking away.

"Where do you think you are going?" Kiba said, running after Shino.

"Tenten's." He answered, walking swiftly to where the older women lived.


"Tenten!?!" Kiba called and began hitting the door. "NEJI!"

Shino sighed from beside him, but didn't comment.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Kiba screamed, just as someone answered his demand.

"Hey, keep it down Kiba, I do have neighbours," Neji stated as he opened the door.

"Sorry, can I come in?" Kiba asked. "Oh, and you look terrible."

Before Neji could reply, Shino walked passed him, Kiba following.

"Sure," Neji muttered to himself, as he followed them in, shutting the door behind him.

"Where's Tenten?" Shino demanded.

"Not here..." Neji muttered.

"Hm..." Shino replied.

"What is it?" Neji asked, tiredly.

"Hinata's gone, as is her stuff, and I am guessing the same with Tenten?" Shino answered.

"She left me, I got in last night, and she was gone," Neji replied, seemingly emotionless.

"Do you mind?" Shino asked, puzzling Neji, who shrugged. Bugs came from his hands, and made their way through the rooms. Soon they returned. "Hinata was here, with Tenten last night. They left together."

"Why are you telling me this?" Neji replied.

"Well she was your girlfriend." Kiba retorted.

"Not any more..." Neji muttered.

"Well lets go find 'em Shino!" Kiba announced.


Tenten P.O.V;

I walked into the house, keeping my eyes cast downwards, not wanting to see what was around me. The memories were painful, and all I could hope was that the blood had been wiped from the walls.

Hinata gasped from beside me, and I shuddered, knowing that the place probably hadn't been touched since the last time I was here, on that fateful night fourteen years ago now. I hadn't had the will power to return. Who would?

"Tenten?" Hinata asked from beside me.

"Yes," I whispered, not managing to look at her, but instead I stopped in the centre of the room, gazing down at the old wooden floor that was once pristine and beautiful, but now dusty and blood stained.

"What... what happened here?" Hinata asked slowly.

"It happened so long ago now, and I was so young... the details are foggy and faint," I replied. I wasn't in the mood to explain it now. "Plus, I think if I keep telling you the bad things that have happened in my life, you may begin to think nothing good happens to me."

"And to you, it must sound like nothing bad happens to me," Hinata replied in a small voice.

"Something like that," I said with a small smile, though I doubted she could see it. "How bad is the house?"

"Well, I expect you can smell some of it, and you can see some of the dust, grime and blood on the floor. But the walls..." Hinata answered, her sentence trailing off, as if she was unsure as how to finish it.

"The walls?" I asked, trying to swallow the lump that was forming in my throat. I heard Hinata sigh. "Please, I need to know, and if I look... I think I will be sick..."

"Well..." Hinata started in a small voice. "As you guessed there is a lot of dust..."

"And..." I probed her.

"And grime..."

"And..." I tried again, drawing a sigh from the girl.

"The wall paper, if it is wall paper, it's slashed, and bloodstained. The slashes are blood red, like that knife that cut through them was covered with blood. There is hand prints in blood, all up the wall, some small, like that of someone between the ages of three to five, while the other is quite large, the size of an average adults. Alongside that there is smears of the blood, and deep gashes in the wall itself, not just the wall paper." Hinata finally finished.

As she spoke, memories began to come back.

"Is there on large smear, like someone that was covered in blood slid down the wall?" I asked.

"Yes..." She muttered.

I nodded, and prepared myself for the sight that I would soon be seeing. Taking a deep breath, I slowly began to raise my head, closing my eyes as I did so. When my head was facing directly in front of the wall before, I carefully opened my eyes, taking my time. As I began to gaze around the room, I realised that maybe I could do this.

"Hinata, we have some stuff to take care of I do believe." I informed her, leaving the room.


With Shino and Kiba (moments after the girls left the clearing.)

"Was that them?" Kiba asked Akamaru, who nodded to teen. "Well, show us the way!"

"You know, I could do this just as well as Akamaru with my bugs," Shino said as he followed his team mate and dog.


Tenten and Hinata (Tenten P.O.V)

We left the shop, bags in hands, full of the various cleaning equipment we needed.

"This will deal with the dirt and grime, but the wallpaper and decorations will be a different matter. We can always sort that out later though. I think this will take enough time as it is," I said to Hinata, who just nodded at my side.

We made our way back to the house slowly, in a comfortable silence, at least I hoped that what it was. Neither of us could seem to be bothered to do anything to make a decent conversation, and to me this silence wasn't one that was killer.

About a minute later the house came into view, the door wide open.

"Did you close the door behind you?" I asked Hinata.

"Of course I did," She replied. "Byakugun!"

She moved her head carefully over house, gasping slightly as she did so.

"What is it..." I asked, before correcting myself. "Who's there? Do we know them?"

"Its... its..." She began, byakugun inactivating. "It's my team, minus Kurenai..."

I dropped the bags I was holding, the bottles spilling everywhere, but thankfully none of them split and spilt. "I guess you are part of a tracking team. We should have known..."

Hinata bent down slowly, and picked up the bottles, placing them bag in the bags. She stood up straight and held out the bag, waiting for me to take it.

"Well, lets not keep them waiting," I said taking the bags of her, and going through the open door, Hinata walking beside me.

"I can see you two have a lot to be doing today then." Kiba stated from his position on the floor, Shino leaning against his head. "But I think some things remain more important then others. Care to tell us why we find you here...?"

Authors Note;

Sorry its so short, I have been really ill the last few days... :(, as you can tell we started this chapter then I was ill, and it got put on hold, and usually that wouldn't stop me, but on top of that my laptop charger decided to keel over and die, so I got stuck using a laptop with a broken space key, then miracle, the charger healed itself...

So yea... review if you wants, you don't have to, I will update either way :P