Wow I am BACK! with my first story in a while. Since I am a diehard Lelouch fan, and I decided to get away from my own personal story a bit to bettr my writing, I decided to write an FF about what would have happened if Lelouch had told the Black Knights the truth is Code geass R2 Episode 19 "Betrayl" when he was confronted. so here it is. oh and before I continue OUGI YOU BASTARD!

The story picks up right on the itterogation.

"Is it true Zero, are you just using us as pawns in your game?" Ougi demanded, as Kallen stood her ground, defending her leader Zero.

"Should I lie…or is it time…to tell…the truth," Lelouch pondered as the black Knights began to yell insults of traitor, murderer, and betrayal. "SILENCE!" he bellow, and the Black Knights followed his order. "I don't know what Schnizel has told you, but if he said that I used you all as Pawns, he is wrong, I created the Black Knights for the sole purposes of liberating Japan, and destroying Britannia. Anyone who'd believe what a Britannian would tell you, after their lies, discrimination, and usurpation of power over the Japanese, you should be ashamed of yourself."

"What about him saying that you're a member of the Britannian royal family?!" Ougi yelled at the top of his lungs angrily as Villetta rested her hand on his back, "Is that a lie from the Britannians?"

"…No, it is not…"Lelouch said as he placed his right hand on his mask, the back covering receded to the top and he pulled his mask away from his face. Gasp showered from the ranks of the Black Knights, it had been true, Zero, man of Miracles, the savior of the Japanese, was indeed a renounced Britannian prince. "What of it Ougi, isn't your lady friend a Britannian as well, is she what this is about, is she influencing you to betray me Ougi, after you swore allegiance to me back in Shinjuku?" Lelouch questioned as Ougi became enraged.

"Leave her out of this" he said as he glared into Lelouch's eyes, "She has nothing to do with this, you betrayed us in the Black rebellion, you left us for dead for over a year, saving us must have meant that you needed to use us all, and you didn't warn us about Fleija after Britannia warned you about it's power"

"How Ignorant! I Suzaku had betrayed my trust and lured me into a trap for Schniezel he told me about it and I thought he was lying, what would any of you have done if your supposed best friend betrayed you?" Lelouch cut across him, "The reason I want to, no, need to destroy Britannia is because of what they did to my sister Nunnally, and my mother Marianne. They murdered my mother, paralyzed and blinded my sister, all because my mother wasn't of noble backgrounds. I have more hatred of them more than any of you, they tore apart my family, and now…I'm going to tear they're nation to the ground!" Lelouch said, malice filling his tone, and the Black Knights began to talk amongst themselves.

"Is that why you left during the rebellion, to find Nunnally?" Kallen asked him and he nodded, until another shout came from Ougi, who was desperate to prove his point.

"Ok, so you want to destroy Britannia, but what about Geass, you got us to following you using Geass, even Kallen, is she under your twisted control? And what about the Special Administravie Zone of Japan, you Geassed Eupemia Li Britannia into Killing our people" the roars of anger were starting to come again, but Lelouch only laughed.

"I only geassed Kallen into telling me if she was the terrorist from Shinjuku, after I Geass a person once, I can no longer Geass them passed the first time, and the Euphemia incident, was a product of my Geass becoming permanently active. It is with this contact lens" he removed it and held it on his index finger, "that blocks the power of my Geass. Other than Kallen and Jeremiah, none of you have been put under my Geass"

Lelouch looked Ougi dead in his eyes and swung his right arm to the side. "But that is about to Change! Ougi, isn't Villeta the woman that shot you during the black rebellion?" he asked as all eyes now turned to Ougi.

"Y-Yes, she did, but that's not-" Lelouch raised his hand to stop Ougi from continuing his response, and he smiled wickedly.

"Well then, I've got the perfect order for you! Ougi, since you were shot by this woman, Lelouch Lamperouge commands you to shoot her in return, right between the eyes!" he said as his Geass connected with Ougi's eyes and Lelouch tossed Ougi his Pistol.

"Yes, my lord" he said as he aimed the pistol at Vilettas forehead, "you shot me, after I cared for you after you had been shot, you betrayed my trust after all we'd been through!" Ougi said as his thoughts from the Black Rebellion surfaced again.

"Ougi that's the Geass talking, it's me Viletta, I love-" the sound of the gun shot rang through the Hanger as Viletta fell to her knees, then on to her stomach, eyes greying and lifeless.

"Now the cancer that has plagued the Black Knights has been removed!" Lelouch said with another wave of his arms, as the rest of the Black Knights gasped at how evil Lelouch was. "this relationship almost led to the destruction of the Black Knights and Japan."

"Uhh…what happened?" Ougi said as he saw the Pistol in his hand, and Viletta lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. "No, Viletta…you made me do this to here!" Ougi shouted as tear began to stream down his face.

"Ougi Kaname, you are hereby charged with Treason against the Nation of Japan. Attempting to overthrow Zero in the name of a Britannian official!" Lelouch said as he pointed to Todou, "Todou, arrest this traitor" Todou solemly advanced on Ougi and restrained his hands.

"You're going to let him continue to use you like a pawn?! Open your eyes Todou, he doesn't care about Japan!"Ougi shouted, but Todou closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Well, if he is using us at least it's for the best interest of Japan" he said, "Zero, let me be the first to apologizes for our accusations and suspicion." Todou escorted Ougi to the Prisoner Cells.

"What are your orders, Zero" Diethard asked Lelouch, but he just shook his head.

"From this moment on I am no longer Zero, he is dead now. Call me by my actual name, Lelouch Lamperouge. As for my orders, listen closely…."

In the negotiations chamber…

"I wonder what they'll do to him now that they know he used them" Cornelia thought aloud, "I mean I know he killed Euphie but, he's still my brother" she sighed, she couldn't help but worry about the Brother she thought she lost during the war.

"I'm sure he'd just Geass them like he did Euphemia." Schniezel said. "That power seems to have corrupted his mind." The doors to the chamber and a dozen Black Knights filed into the room and formed two lines of six coming from the door. Kallen walked in through the door and sat at the table, she was soon followed by Kaguya. Before she sat down Kaguya motioned to the doorway.

"Now entering, the leader of the Black Knights, Lord Lelouch Lamperouge!" Lelouch walked through the doorway, much to the surprise of Schniezel and Cornelia. Schniezel seemed to be uneasy with all of this; it had been the entrance of a Royal, but the announced Lelouch by his mother's maiden name.

"Hello Sister and Brother. I see you have been speaking with my subordinates and trying to persuade them to overthrow me… but your attempts have failed." Lelouch said as he interlocked his fingers and rested his head on his hands."Black Knights Capture my siblings at once!" the Britannian forces guarding cornelia and Schniezel were subdued and Kallen subdued Cornelia while Todou retrained Schnizel.

"Have you used your power to stop their rebellion and follow your every word?" Schniezel asked , Todou's forarm pressing against Schiezels throat.

"To the contrary Prince Schniezel, I simply told them the truth, it's amazing how powerful the truth is. Now I wish to negotiate this ceasefire terms. I believe the first agreement, of turning me in, in exchange for Japan. Well that deal is now off the table." Lelouch glared into the eyes of his Brother, who's calm demeanor remained on his face.

"Well then what are the new terms? Recapturing Cornelia to use her as a hostage? Or something more?" he asked, showing no fear of Lelouch's Geass, since whatever Lelouch would make him do, his guards would prevent it.

"No, you can have Cornelia, what I what…Is Nunnaly" this demand was met with gasps from both the Black Knights and Britannians.