I was bored and wrote this little drabble.

Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, Wendy or the song One thing by finger eleven.

One Thing

Restless tonight, cause I wasted the light, between both these times, I drew a really thin line.

He was a silhouette to anyone through the window, and a mere boy to anyone in his own land. Balancing on the thin pane of the glass window Peter toed the line that he had scratched into the painted wood from his numerous visits, the line that kept him between worlds. He was no man, brave enough to cross, nor was he a small child, completely ignorant of the line altogether. Peter Pan was on the thin line between.

If I traded it all, if I gave it all away for one thing, just for one thing.

Watching the sheets slowly rise and fall and the figure turning was one of the rare times Peter wished he had stayed and grown into a man. The more he came to the window, the more changes he saw in Wendy. The transformation was like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. She had become more beautiful than anything he had ever seen in Neverland. He pressed his small hands to the window, again wishing that he could trade his eternal childhood for a life with Wendy, for one more thimble.

Even though I know, I don't wanna know. Yeah I guess I know, I just hate how it sounds.

"Grow up, Peter." He had heard it many times but each time it cut through him like a sword. He would NOT grow up. To grow up meant that he would have to go to school and eventually to an office. The adventures would be over and he would gradually forget about Neverland, the mermaids, Indians and pirates, all the things that had made his life an awfully big adventure. Even Wendy was not worth forgetting everything he knew.

I promise I might, not walk on by, maybe next time, but not this time.

Peter balled his hand ready to knock. He hesitated like the many times before. His mind was as torn as his heart. Would Wendy even remember him? Would she even care for some boy who would never be a man? He turned on his heels and pushed out flying for Neverland, the second on the right and on 'til morning, completely unaware of the window opening behind him. Wendy stood at her open window. Maybe next time she would leave the window open for him, but not this time. She watched her Peter fly away, her boy that would never grow up.