Although this account became obsolete shortly after my March 2010 one-shot, I received a couple of reviews from this "guest" on this specific unfinished story. Therefore, I wish to clarify his/her confusion. This would be expected as the generation of fanfiction writers that I interacted with has "retired" or abandoned the website much as I had done.

In the winter of 2007, my seventh grade year, I came across this wonderful anime called Gakuen Alice. I was so disappointed with the ending as it finished with a multitude of loose-endings. Who was Mikan going to end up with? Not Ruka! NEVER RUKA! I was supporting Natsume all the way. So I craved an alternative ending, perhaps set later in the future, and I stumbled onto this site. I believe my first fanfiction was.. Well, it was five years ago.. But I can more or less recite to you that first chapter. Then I delved into this world; I fell in love with how I could manipulate the characters to my liking. I was a member of the fanfiction community a handful of months after my 12th birthday.

Anyway, my username was petalsarefallingxoxo in my attempt to be deep, but I was young and stupid. I wrote many unfinished stories (that I don't wish to revisit ever), but midway through my eighth grade year, I decided that I "matured" from my writing style. Thus I began this account. In a childish attempt to lure my previous readers, I left those stories still posted on that account and left an author's note on one or maybe two saying that I made a new account where the edits would be posted.

Quite evidently, I abandoned those goals too as I hid in my own personal life trying to change my voice and syntax to resemble something more than a hot mess. Hopefully, my style has truly changed, but you will never know as I write for me now. Not for this world. Not for an audience. But for me. I'm still not satisfied with where I am, but I'm still on the road of improvement.

I apologize that this is not an update and that there will never be an update unless someone would like to take it off of my hands (I still have the basic outline of where this was supposed to be headed). This update was to inform my readers and potential readers that yes this story is eerily similar to "Japan Watch Out!" by petalsarefallingxoxo and may seem plagiarized; that is because I am the one and the same author. On that story (and "All This Pain" by petalsarefallingxoxo), the last chapter was a note about how I was changing accounts. On this story's first chapter, there was a note about it too. But to the non-believers, check those three places and check "Sacrifices" by petalsarefallingxoxo for I had wrote "I was already logged into this account for some reason… I don't even know, so I thought that I might as well as post on using this penname."

My irritation level would not be this high if the fine print had been read or even skimmed, but I am flattered that someone recognized my writing from half a decade ago. This post was a waste of time for those who read every inch of my stories, including the ones on my previous account, and I, once again, apologize.