Okay, well I have recently fallen in love with the Jacob/Rosalie pairing, and I wanted to do a little something for them. This is most likely a oneshot, but if I ever have inspiration for more, then I will add it as a new chapter. Thank you for reading, please review!

My Mistake

I am sitting here, staring at you from across the room. You look up, and I turn that stare into a scowl. You can't know.

You can't know how much I love you, how much I want to be with you.

But really, do you believe I hate you? Girls have acted like this since… well, since I was born. I'm too nervous to say anything, so I pick on you… I don't tell anyone my true feelings. Ever. That I'm not as tough as I appear. That I go to my room and quietly sob at times, only to turn and stare into my mirror if someone is to walk in. I'm broken inside, and it's driving me crazy. I just want to get this one thing right for once in my life.

I realize my mistake too late, that I have been staring at you, my hard gaze softened, probably into one of adoration.

"Why are you staring at me, Blondie?" you ask, looking confused. "Brain shut down again? Someone blow in your ear?"

"The only thing blowing around here is your terrible smell. What will it take to make you go away?!? Can't you at least close that window next to you?" I ask you, biting my tongue to keep from taking it back. The smell really isn't that bad. I could get used to it, if… I let my thoughts trail off.

"How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

I walk away from you towards the kitchen, wanting nothing more than to run back and kiss you.

"Two, one to hold the light bulb and the other to turn the ladder." You call after me.

I smile. I love it when you tell me those jokes. So funny, and cute… I can not deny that you are great-looking. So beautiful, almost like a vampire. If only you were a vampire… I let my thoughts trail off once more. It is too painful to go there.

From leaning on the counter, I could see Renesmee running into the room, jumping into your arms, Bella, Edward, and Alice all smiling. How you look at that child. I wish so much that you would look that way at me. Why always her? I loved her, but I was jealous. She had you from the moment you looked at her. I bet you'll make her happy someday… Like I'd love for you to make me.

I realize my mistake at that thought too late, when Edward looks at me. I had let go of my thought shield, and he had heard those thoughts. His brow furrowed, his eyes narrowed, no doubt with confusion.

Please… was all I thought to him. He gave me a nod, and without looking back, I ran for the woods to hunt, feeling bad for the poor animal that I found first.