Disclaimer: Guess what? I don't Beyblade and therefore, you can't sue me.

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Title: A Day in the Life of a Blader

Genre: Humour/Parody

Rating: K+

Summary: Ever wandered what your favourite Beyblade characters did everyday?

Reviewers: LovelySinner 7, Bey-bey fan and Da Maztah of Spartah.

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5:00: Wake up bright and early, ready to practice my yoga sessions. Looking as good as I do takes a lot of effort – gotta remain in shape.

6:30: Intense yoga training session finishes. Time to run around the block and train for the upcoming mud wrestling tournament.

8:00: Finished daily early morning exercises. It is now time to meet my lovely grandson and ensure he's doing fine.

8:30: Consoling Kai. Learn that he had a hard day at school. Threaten to punish the bad people that hurt him deeply.

9:30: Talking to Stanley and complaining about his students mistreating my lovely grandson. Threaten to take action if issue is not resolved soon.

10:00: Feeling pretty darn satisfied. Pretty sure I scared Stanley stiff.

11:00: Feeling bad about threatening Stanley. Offer to make him some sandwiches.

11:05: He agrees.

11:45: Head back home with Stanley and make him his favourite sandwich – peanut butter jelly.

12:00: Eating sandwiches. Am feeling satisfied with my efforts. Stanley seems pretty pleased to.

12:30: Decide what punishment would be best suitable for Kai's bullies. Think janitor duty sounds fitting. Track down bullies and inform them of their new duties.

1:30: Bryan (the bully) is not happy. I laugh at him as he attempts to clean up the toilets.

2:00: Still watching Bryan cleaning toilets. He is clearly not enjoying this. I hope he has learnt his lesson. Decide it's time to head home.

2:30: Run home because I'm incredibly fit. Wave to the elderly on the way.

3:00: After a stressful day, head back home and watch some good old Oprah.

5:00: Feeling tired. Decide to get my beauty sleep.


I do apologize for the lack of hilarity – this account is now officially dead. You can follow me under my new account – AquilaTempestas. Thanks to everyone who has read this story. I appreciate it greatly : D