Merlin is there for Arthur when he his threatened with poison. Arthur is there for Merlin. They are side by side, but are they condemned to always be along?


Disclaimer – Don't own, don't sue!


"each of us is alone; side by side but alone"


The day wound its way to sunset, leaving Merlin hanging Arthur's laundry and Arthur pacing in his room. Merlin knocked on the door and walked straight in.

"Mind if we have a chat?"

Arthur had spun the minute he heard the knock and nodded gruffly at Merlin's question. Merlin shut the door and moved over to the bed and perched himself on the end. Arthur settled himself down, lying in his normal position. There was an prolonged, akward silence.

Arthur was not good at handling prolonged, akward silences.


Merlin turned to face Arthur, a determination in his face that Arthur secretly relished.

"This knot" Merlin began "I can feel your emotions, at least, the stronger ones."

Arthur looked confused,

"Yeah…we knew that"

"Have you experienced any strong emotions recently?" Merlin asked, chewing his lower lip in an adorable way.

"Errr…" Arthur frantically thought back, obviously Merlin was getting at something important that he was missing.

"In the evening, perhaps?" Merlin prompted, "When you're in bed?"

Arthur's eyes went as wide as saucers.

"You felt that?" his voice was weak, kinda scratchy and incredulous.

Merlin nodded and Arthur groaned and threw his head back into the pillow.

"I just thought you should know" Merlin offered by way of explanation;

"Arthur…you said you needed more time. Do you want me to go?"

Arthur jolted upright,


Merlin looked at him, eyes wide, as Arthur scooted closer and kissed him lightly on the mouth, then pulled back slightly.

"I want you to stay"

And kissed him again, harder. Merlin moaned slightly as Arthur brought his hands up and carressed his neck. Arthur smiled into the kiss as Merlin bravely licked his lips. Arthur opened his mouth and allowed Merlin to deepen the kiss, each tasting the other. Merlin grinned at a sudden thought and before Arthur knew what was happening Merlin had him pinned to the bed. Arthur grinned up at him and bucked his hips gently. Merlin grinned back and leaned down to kiss him. Arthur wound his arms around Merlin and held him tightly. He could feel through the knot that Merlin liked this; this safety, this security. Merlin wriggled slightly and got his arms free and used them to undo the first few buttons on Arthur's jacket. Arthur got the idea and removed the whole of Merlin's more flimsy shirt, then running his hands all over Merlin's torso, teasing his nipples and discovering, to his delight, that Merlin was ticklish. Merlin wriggled again and Arthur groaned as Merlin's weight passed over him. Merlin smirked and wriggled again, relishing the lust that fogged Arthur's eyes. Soon both were naked loving the feeling of skin on skin. They lay side by side gently touching, simply learning the contours and the feel of each others bodies, learning where the sensative spots were and the sweet noises each made when they were carressed. Arthur then pulled Merlin close and held him, kissing him tenderely. Each was nervous about taking it furthur and reaching south but Arthur was empowered by the glazed look in Merlin's eyes and taking a deep breath be began to trail his fingertips down Merlin's chest, toyed briefly at his hips then brushed his inner thighs. Merlin yelped and clung to Arthur as Arthurs fingertips branded him. Arthur smirked and Merlin mirrored his actions, smirking himself when Arthur bit his lip to stop him moaning as Merlin teased his thighs, marvelling at how sensenstive the skin was there, epscially now. Arthur ached for Merlin's touch and begged him with his eyes, but reading throught the knot Merlin knew exactly what Arthur wanted. His eyes darkened with emotion as he finally took hold of Arthur, marveling in its weight, its hardness and its almost silky texture. Emboldened by Merlin's actions Arthur copied him grinning at Merlin's gasp. Both moaned and squirmed as they started to move their hands, gently exploring, tugging and carressing. Merlin shifted his weight until he practically lying on Arthur's side; this gave him more room to kiss Arthur and use his other hand to carress Arthur's face. Arthur pulled away gently from the kiss and panted,

"Cast a spell" he gasped as he felt his body building for release,

"I want to touch you"

Merlin smiled and leaned in again to kiss Arthur then with his mouth a mere inch from Arthurs he whispered a spell and Arthur recognised the small ball of light that shone in Merlin's hand and reached out without hestitation to touch it. Both gasped as the sensations increased and moaned as Arthur carressed his magic at the same time as his cock. With all their senses being assaulted with pleasure neither lasted long and their orgasms melded within the magic, turning the colour a deep red. Both lay, trembling with the force of their orgasm, until finally Arthur rolled slightly and plucked a random piece of fabric and cleaned them both up, then collapsed back onto the bed. Merlin blew on his magic and it floated out of his hand and landed gently on Arthur's chest. Arthur smiled at Merlin as he gently stroked the magic, slightly absentmindedly, like one would stroke a puppy or a cat.

"I love you" Arthur said casually, looking intently at the magic.

"I know it sounds stupid" he continued, "But I've never felt anything like this before"

Merlin smiled at him and kissed him lightly,

"I know. I love you to"

Arthur kissed him back and the magic slowly faded, practically disolving into Arthur's body, into his heart. The knot within the pair flared, a brief flash of intense emotion and as they broke apart, staring at each other with wide, shocked eyes they realised that they would never be alone again. It was simply not possible. The magic had joined them, chosen them. They were the ones the Old Religion had chosen to usher in a new era for England. Their names would go down in history, in legend, until their names were all but myth yet still they were together, their names inseperable, even in myth.


"each of us is alone; side by side but alone"

Guy de Maupassant "Solitude" 1895