After months and months... finally Chapter 4! OMGNOWAY! ^^; Heh heh.. I don't know about this chap. let me know what you think!


After a long day at work dragging what little strength and sanity was left up the stairs; seeing as the elevator was still out due to Kai's curiosity. Never again was she going to let him touch anything remotely fragile. He hadn't necessarily figured out his own strength when it came to human engineered products.

"Which reminds me that I have to buy a new toaster sometime this week."

Suzume sighed as she recalled the sight from yesterday morning. She warned him multiple times and even slapped his hand away, but just like a curious child he ignored warnings and did what pleased him. Kai while trying to snag a snack got a clawed finger stuck in the slot of the toaster and in a feat of panic flung his arm smashing it against the counter top. She didn't even have time to stop him or scream for that matter. Kai just stared blankly as she glared silently questioning why the hell the idiot smashed the damn thing.

"He really is impatient when it comes to food, I can never seem to cook fast enough to keep him from eating the ingredients that I need to make the meal!"

She groaned having reached the top floor in the building and cursed the stair count, but recalled the crazy people she didn't have to deal with by being the only occupant living at the top floor. The "seventh heaven" or so Suzume called it; the complex is a made up of three buildings each with seven floors, every top floor is a single luxury house. It was basically a one floor mansion with 3 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, 2 bathrooms, wreck room with deck, living and dining room, lastly an office big enough to hold a UN meeting.

"Don't see what good that'll do seeing as they never get anything done."

Once again she sighed as she searched and pulled out her "key chain", more like collection of them. There are three keys among the clutter of plushies, cats, and various characters on chains; it takes Suzume five minutes to find the right one.

"GAH!" The raven haired girl pressed into the door only to have it fly open and proceeded to peel her face from the floor. Removing her shoes and putting them in the corner before stepping on the wood floors; something that she was particular about. Unfortunately, Kai's clawed feet were starting to scuff up parts of the house, much to her irritation.

"Speaking of Kai were could that critter be? He's usually watching TV or raiding my fridge... or standing at the door way glaring with the "feed me woman" kinda expression."

The silence was making her nervous, until she heard the sound of a cabinet door slam closed.

"The bathroom? Kai, what are you up to?" She walked through her room making her way to the bathroom and sliding the door open to find a very, very confusing sight.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Her yell echoed throughout the house and maybe even the whole building.

A squirt of shaving cream sprayed from a can that a surprised Kai was holding. He started at her much like a child does when he is caught doing something naughty. He had opened all of her sanitary pads and stuck them to the walls and ceiling of the room, all the tampons were opened some he had even tied to his dreads but most were littered on the floor. Her makeup was ruined, smeared across the walls, symbols and drawings all over the mirror, and all over his body resembling war paint.

"I leave you alone for one day... 8 hours... one single work day, and look what happens! You are obviously not a child Kai, you have the TV and a full fridge. What the hell? You are going to clean this up right now, you hear me? Now Kai!"

Kai did not really understand or care as to why Suzume was so upset; he was to busy having fun finding new toys to play with; and a toy he did find. Pulling out a small black bag and beginning to unzip it as the poor girl went white in terror.

"Holy Shit! NO! No no no no no!" She ripped it from his clawed grip and ran off to hide it in her closet. Returning to stop him from discovering any other embarrassing items.

He was still on the floor drawing stuff on the tile with her coral lipstick; looking intently at his work. Sighing she took a squat beside him and watched him continue his outline of what looked like a landscape.

"Is that your home Kai?"

He turned his head to see her by his shoulder, he didn't nod or make any sign to determine if indeed it was or not, but his eyes said plenty. He had sketched an open land with trees, a spaceship of some sort and figures in the distance.

"Who's that? Your family?"

He remained quiet and continued his work slowly sketching, using his fingers and claws to detail. Poor thing probably was missing his home she thought. There was little she could do to help him and he knew this; everything was lost in the crash. The previous day he had fixed the roof with some metal from what was left of his ship. Taking the time to look for scraps, parts, anything to call home but finding nothing, The damn trophy he was bringing home as a present to his father was more alive than an ornament. It killed the other 2 hunters on the lower deck and somehow Kai managed to survive the attack and the crash.

"N'ithya…" The sound growled from him; Suzume nearly crapped her pants it was so sudden.

"Is that your home Kai?" She nervously asked him while studying his eyes.

Kai pointed to a green scar of a sort on his right arm and repeated the word. Then placed his head on his free knee; poking at his messy finger paint art looking defeated.

"I guess that's kinda like a tribal symbol? Like your clan? Family crest?

He turned his face and stared at her, kinda like a puppy that's trying to tell you something but can't. He looked to lonely in a way; not that he would ever admit it.

"I know what'll cheer you up… Pizza! Meat lovers all you can eat how about it?"

Nothing. Not that she expected him to respond or really understand what she was trying to do for him. He was lost in thought looking for a way, a prayer a hope to find something that he might have overlooked. There just had to be a way to contact home; they would never send another ship if he thought to be dead. Never having sent a message of a successful hunt they would have deemed this hunt his last. Suddenly, he felt something warm wrap around his shoulders. He let out a startled click and he found this strange human female around him. Bringing him closer to her chest and petting his hair, dipping her head to rest on his bare crown.

"It's ok…" She said softly whispering as not to alarm him.

This was completely odd to him; warriors do not need comfort. However, she was warm compared to the cool house he had been in for the last few days. His kind liked warmer climates the cold dulled their senses and made them weak after a prolonged time. As strange as the gesture was he welcomed it and returned with his arms lightly around her waist. His purrs let her know that her actions were appreciated as he nuzzled softly into her arms closing his eyes to relax in her embrace.