The title translates to "Possession" in Latin. IDK, I like Latin. Wish I took it, instead of Spanish.

Genre: Romance/Humor

Pairing: Remus/Sirius, also James/Lily

Warning: Slash (of course…)

Plot: Sirius does NOT like the idea of Remus with a girl.

Spoilers: If you know about Remus' "furry little secret", you'll be fine

Disclaimer: I WANT TO OWN! But I don't.


"Hussy at two o' clock," James whispered to his friend. Sirius peeked over the book he was supposedly reading.

"Don't these girls ever give up?" He growled angrily. Already they had scared away about a dozen females, all who had been in pursuit of a Mister Remus J. Lupin.

"I don't know, mate, but you'd better hurry up. She's moving in fast."

The girl, who had bright red hair pulled into a ponytail, was indeed advancing on the poor, unsuspecting Moony at a rapid pace. She even managed to get to Remus before Sirius did, causing a string of curse words to fly silently out of the latter's mouth. Sirius hid behind a bookshelf and watched the pair.

The reason for all this sneaking was actually quite simple. Sirius Black did NOT like the idea of Remus with a girl. With anyone, for that matter, save Sirius.

Yes, Sirius was in love with his (second) best friend. No one knew this except his (first) best friend, James Potter. With James's help Sirius felt sure he was going to win Moony's heart, even though James was still trying to gain Lily's affections.

The hussy's voice interrupted Sirius's thoughts. "Oh, hi Remus! I was wondering if you could help with this Potions homework we were assigned."

Sirius groaned inwardly as he recognized the girl. It was Violetta Nosse, crowned the Most Flirtatious Ravenclaw Girl in second year. By Sirius, that is. So far she was unaware of this title, but unfortunately, so was Remus.

Remus opened his mouth to answer when he suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders. He turned to find Sirius draped over him.

"Hello, Violetta. Lovely to see you! What are you doing here? Studying? Anyways, I'm glad I caught you, Remmie. I am in desperate need of help on the History assignment. Mind helping? Of course you don't! Come along, then. Bye, Violetta!"

Remus had only enough time to wave and smile apologetically at the girl before he was swept back to the table James was sitting at.

"That was rather rude, Sirius," Moony complained. "She needed help, too. You could have waited a little longer to ask me for help. Besides, James is good at Magic History, too!"

Sirius withdrew his arm from Remus's arm, but only to pat his cheek gently. "Moony, Moony, Moony," he sighed dramatically. "You just don't get it, do you? That was Violetta Nosse. Most Flirtatious Ravenclaw Girl ever? I just saved you!"

Remus crinkled his nose. "So you didn't need help?"

"I wasn't even planning on doing the homework, but since you volunteered so kindly, I do need help."

The werewolf sighed and shrugged off Sirius's hand, which had settled back on his shoulder. "Fine. Let me go get my books."

Sirius smiled faintly as Remus got up to fetch his things, before turning and winking at James. His friend snickered.

"Padfoot, I could feel you're wrath from across the room! What was that girl saying, anyway? Are you sure she was flirting?"

"Whose side are you on?"

James raised his arms defensively. "Hey, hey! I don't like the idea of our little Moony with some girl any more than you do. He's way too good for any of them; you two totally deserve each other."

"Gee, I think I'm crying from the sentimentalism of those words. When did you become such a sissy?"

"Shut up, Lily just walked by. I was trying to act sweet." He paused when he saw Sirius glaring at him. "I meant it of course. You two complete each other. He's the brains and you're the brawn. And I," he continued, striking a pose, "am the beauty."

"In you're dreams. Oh, quiet, he's coming."

They both smiled at Remus, who was slowly walking towards them.

"I got my things, but I'm dreadfully hungry. Mind if we move to the Great Hall for some dinner?"

Sirius and James got up simultaneously, linking arms with Remus.

"Not at all, Moony, not at all."

To Be Continued…

Heh. Hussy is such an awesome word.

Yes, I am going to continue, so don't freak out!

Next chappie will most likely revolve around Remus' feelings on Sirius, and it will progress from there. How will James play into this? You'll see, my pretties, you'll see.

R & R! Yes? No? Maybe So?