It hurts.

It hurts like hell, but Sakura loves him, and after all, when you love someone, don't you want them to be happy, even if it means you're not?

In all honesty, she thinks it's a rather shitty deal that Cupid, Eros, God -whatever or whoever the hell was in charge of this damn mindfuck of an emotion- decided on.

Seriously, if she was in charge, it'd be a rule that no one could fall in love unless it was with the person they were destined to be with.

No more heartbreak, no more tears, no more self-sacrifice and all that noble shit.

Just happy people together with happy people..and everyone would be in love and happy and...and...

Her thoughts end as she turns the corner and sees Sasuke standing there, arm wrapped casually around Karin's waist, and a wearing a smile that she knows -way down deep inside of her, in that small part of her that she's tucked away and refuses to listen to- she could never cause.

Sasuke catches her eye and waves her over, laughing and joking and -it's just a friendly wave, Sakura tells herself harshly- calling her over.

Sakura forces a grin, a friendly wave back, and with fake smile plastered on her face, she walks over and joins in the laughter.

"Sakura, this is Karin," Sasuke says, introducing the redhead at his side.

It hurts like hell, but Sakura smiles, extends her hand.

"Hey there, Karin. It's nice to meet you."

And it's the beginning of closure.

this is old.
i prefer saisaku.
but this seemed to fit sakusasukar a lot.

so...yeah. :3
reviews are loved.

and this goes for the poll on my profile.
one down.
two more to go. :)