S. J. Smith

Disclaimer: If I owned The X-Files, the Lone Gunmen would still be alive.

Rating: Anyone can read.

A.N.: Written for a challenge with the prompt being, "I just love the weather this time of year."

"I just love the weather this time of year."

Mulder gave her that stare from under the umbrella. "Scully, please tell me you're joking." He gestured, rain splattering off the umbrella in a pretty arc. "It's wet. It's miserable. It's cold." A pause. "It's wet."

Dana pointed out helpfully, "You said that one already."

"I'll say it again, too. It's wet!" He shook his size ginormous shoe in punctuation.

"It's just a little water, Mulder." Dana peered up at him from under her brolly. "Besides, it makes the grass grow."

Making a disparaging noise, Mulder rolled his eyes. "It's supposed to freeze later. Freeze. This 'little water'," he made air quotes best he could and still hold onto the shaft of his umbrella, "is going to turn into ice. And then," he puffed up, "then we'll get to see just how badly people in the D.C. area drive."

"You mean, like you?"

Dana hid her smile by sucking on the inside of her cheek while Mulder exploded in reaction to her little comment. Really, it was too easy sometimes.

And until Mulder realized, she'd keep doing it, too.