A/N: I always find reading the stories where all that really exists are the characters really interesting. I also like reading the plain 'what happens after' fanfictions too. So here's my attempt. Don't expect updates every week because school's starting again, but please don't let that discourage you from reading.

Summary: Start with four single women, toss in the Big Apple, sprinkle in a never-ending credit card and a plethora of men. End Result? Not quite sure yet. Gabriella Montez chronicles the trials and tribulations of her and her friends finding 'happily ever after' amongst the many unhappy endings.

Pairings: Troyella, Chaylor, Rylsi, Zekepay

Disclaimer: All I own is the bubble that I live in, everything else is up for grabs

Labels or Love


Love is the history of a woman's life; it is an episode in man's. – Germaine De Stael


Year after year women from all over the world come to New York in search of the two Ls: Labels and Love; having lived in New York my entire life, those searches ended much earlier for me than other women. For example, when I was seven, I discovered the importance of a Fendi bag and Chanel No. 5. When I turned thirteen, I experienced – for the first time – falling head over Manolo Blahnik heels in love. A few short weeks later, I unfortunately found out what a broken heart felt like. As I grew older, I discovered that it was easy to whip out my AmEx for the newest Louis Vuitton bag, but that is wasn't so easy finding an actually decent man in all of New York City. Still, everyone needs a little help in both departments. For me, 'Help' came in the form of Kelsi Nielson, Taylor McKessie, and Sharpay Evans.


My name is Gabriella Montez and I'm a writer. Year after year, while other women decided to brave the Manhattan scene in search of anyone or thing, I took into confidence that I would always have my single girlfriends to rely on and our romantic escapades to write about. At age thirty, we were all happy to revel in the next decade of our life as independent successful single women, but that didn't stop us from hoping the next guy we meet could be 'the one'.

Kelsi was looking for the perfect love. Ever the romantic, she lived out her 'happily ever after' beliefs in her Broadway compositions. Kelsi always tried to encourage the rest of us that Mr. Right was out there. She believed that the fairytales we read when we were younger could and would come true. Taylor loved her job more than a social life. Of course, being the Mayor's right-hand woman could make you married to your job in some respects. Most of the time, Taylor's over-analytical mind overruled her emotion-filled heart in her pursuit of love. Sharpay, well, she loved herself. Always one for a challenge, Sharpay's dazzling star kept climbing higher and higher whether on Broadway or in Hollywood. She never had enough time to truly make time unless that time was with her best friends or a one night stand. As for me, I was content with dreaming. Mr. Right was hiding amongst all the Mr. Wrongs New York had to offer, and after the many men I dated, I thought that my fairytale may just be that – a fairytale. Still, the little girl in me, the one who loved Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, she still doesn't lose hope on her 'happily ever after' where Prince Charming is waiting to sweep her off her feet.


Our story, truthfully, began twenty-five years ago at East Side Academy, but the book full of elementary school – teasing and hair-pulling, crayon-stealing, simple assignments – is long forgotten. The parts of middle school – awkward puberty, crushes, truth or dare – are some that we wish could be thrown in the East River. The sequels to those early years, high school – dating, gossip, shopping – and college – separation, sororities, the 'future' – were best-sellers in their own respects. This story though, isn't one about the trials and tribulations of growing up and finding yourself; this story is about the trials and tribulations of finding your one true love, with a few stops to Madison Avenue on the way there.

Yes, it's ridiculously short. The normal chapters won't be. Please review. I'd love to know what you guys thought.