Disclaimer: Fruits Basket ISN'T mine.

A/N: This idea came the other morning and I decided to give it a try. Its REALLY short but don't let that stop you (please)

Also: Sorry for lack of Japanese formalities, I don't know them and this takes place after the end of the manga.

Mayuko Shiraki stood in front of her closets full-length mirror in a elegant black dress and three inch black heels, preparing for the seniors formal holiday party. She rarely wore dresses and was therefore seen as unfeminine. However, in actuality, she was very insecure about her body and therefore was often seen in a long sleeved shirt and jeans. Having grown up in an age when being over size 2 was totally unfashionable, she was uncomfortable when she wore extremely form fitting clothes even though there wasn't an ounce of fat on her lean frame.

So as she stood observing herself she shifted awkwardly and moved to her dresser and quickly applied her make-up, wondering all the while why she agreed to attend the senior holiday party in the first place. It would be mostly students and maybe some adults invited. Being the popular teacher she is, she received a ridiculous amount of invitations from her students.

She sighed quietly before grabbing her brush to comb out her hair. There wasn't much she could do with it other than put it up in a pony tail or leave it down, and she went with letting it rest on her back. She walked out of her room and grabbed her purse and jacket before shutting and locking her apartment door.

Mayuko almost made it to her car before neighbor, Colin, an American business lackey caught her, but she had no luck.

"Hey, Mayuko!" he called out, standing in his doorway. She slowly turned around, crossing her arms and pulling her long coat closer to herself, a nervous habit she had when she was uncomfortable, and plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Colin! What a surprise. I'd love to stay and chat, but I really must be going. I have an appointment I have to attend to," she said quickly, as his face visibly dropped. She gave him what she thought was an apologetic smile, though it came out more as a constipated expression, and swiftly left the building, her hold on her coat loosening slightly.

Outside it had begun to snow, so she moved quickly to her car. She wiped off the thin layer of snow covering her windshield and got into the car. She managed to get in and start up her car before her phone rang

"Hey mom," she answered after looking at the caller id.

"Hi Honey, how are you? Do you have any plans for tonight?" her mother asked as she normally did, wanting her only daughter of 28 years of age to get married and have her grandchildren. She had long ago given up with subtle hints and just came out and asked her daughter.

Mayuko gave a resigned sigh, "Actually I do mom and I've got to go or I'll be late."

"SQUEEEEEEEEE! Mayu, what's his name am I going to get to meet him?" her mother screamed into the phone.

Mayuko rolled her eyes, "Bye Mom" she said and hanging up on her mother's still questioning voice. Looking at her watch she drove off towards the hotel where the party was being held so she wasn't late.

She pulled into the lot and got out of her car, shutting the door and locking it after her. As she made her way towards the hotel she heard her name called by a familiar voice, before running her hand though her hair wearily with a sigh. What had she done to deserve this? First she had to deal with Colin, then her mother, she didn't need this on top of everything else. The sheer fact he was there gave her a slight push to make a run for it. Why had she ever agreed to come in the first place? That single question that had been sitting in the back of her mind came pushing foreword.

A/N: Review if you got a moment. It makes me feel better inside :)