Hogwarts Dragon Rider

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. If I did I would own JKR and CP. If I had that much money I'd rule the world. Which I don't. So I only own the plot and my own characters!

Chapter Six

Hermione breathed in the cool air and leaned on the balcony ledge. She always came here to escape from everything. Harry, Ron, the teachers. Funnily enough, even homework. She wiped away the tears that streaked down her face. She sat down on the almost frozen floor and shivered. Nothing could ruin the moment of peace. Right?

Wrong. That 'nothing' was called Draco Malfoy. Nobody really knew, but Hermione and Draco had grown close over the years, due to things that had happened. "Hey. Saw you in the Hall. What's wrong?" He sat down next to her and looked up at the stars that shimmered faintly in the sky. "Look, Drake, this really doesn't involve you." Hermione whispered to her friend.

Draco looked meaningfully at Hermione. She avoided his eyesight and drew with her finger on the frosted tiles. "Hermione. I could see that you were upset. And you can talk to me. Whenever I say your insults that you make about your friends they just think I made them up. Let it out." She nodded and the floodgates opened. Draco got completely soaked.

Draco nodded and growled when Hermione told him about what actually happened with Ron. Then an idea came to him. "Eragon." Hermione looked up, puzzled. "What are you talking about Drake?" He rolled his eyes and spoke. "Eragon. Ron thinks that Eragon is a challenge for him to win your heart. That's why he's done what he has." Hermione stared blankly at Draco and then started to laugh uncontrollably. "Drake, that is the stupidest thing I've heard all day, honestly. Ron's a friend." Hermione stopped when she realized that he wasn't joking. "Oh…right." She said in a small voice. "But why would Ron take on Eragon as a challenge? He's just a guy. If he did that with every guy, he and Harry wouldn't be friends." Her face was scrunched up with the effort of trying to figure everything out. Draco smiled and lay down on his back waiting for Hermione to figure it all out. Which he knew would take a while, knowing Hermione's reputation on boys.

…2 hours later…

"Oh… I get it!" Hermione let out a joyful sigh of relief, as she finally understood what Draco had said. She looked down at Draco, expecting to see him awake… nope. Out cold. Hermione rolled her eyes and bent down to kiss Draco on the forehead. "Goodnight little cousin…" and she conjured a thick blanket to go over Draco. She stepped up and looked out over The Forbidden Forest just as her eyes turned into solid gold reflective mirrors. "I am Hermione Black." She whispered in a commanding voice into the wind, which swept it right away to someone far away.

It's short… I'm trying to make the chapter longer, but this story has a mind of it's own and stops itself… Interesting chapter coming up. Hope you guys like the story so far.