Summary: Kenpachi x Ichigo yaoi done Beauty and the Beast style. Oh yeah. It had to happen. I know all my faithful readers were thinking it. So here it is. Ichigo is Belle (both the character and the meaning), Isshin is crazy and Kenpachi is a beast. Heh… is there much of a difference between this and Bleach *wink* Includes 11th division turned into common household objects, a cute Yachiru, and Komamura as a foot stool. What more is there to say?

This story sounds a little crack-oriented, but I will try to keep it as serious as possible. It will deviate from the original story line a lot, so be warned, I am taking artistic liberties. There will be some little bits of the original songs, but Ichigo will do everything possible to stop it =)

I don't own Bleach or make money off of this story.

WARNINGS!!! Yaoi, lemon, smut, sex, cursing. Maybe some ooc-ness.

Beauty and the Beast: Chapter 1

Long ago there was a man who claimed that he was the best fighter in all the kingdoms. He lived in a castle deep in the woods on a high cliff. One night an old man came knocking on the door, his clothes soiled from travel and wet with rain.

"Kind sir, if you would let me come in and dry off, I will give you this sword in payment." The old man held out an old sword worn from use.

"Ch. What do I want with a sword like that? Go away, old man."

"Appearances can be deceiving." The beggar said and held out the sword once more. Once again, he was turned away. A flash of lightening struck the old man and he burst into flames, his old, bent body straightening and thickening with strength.

Kenpachi Zaraki could do nothing but stare as the old man turned into a strong magician, power filling the air with the stink of sulfur.

"You have shown me your true self." The wizard's large voice boomed into the castle, startling all the occupants awake. "As punishment for your ugly personality, you will be turned into a creature that no one could ever love, the castle in its occupants also distorted. If you can find someone who could love you before this sword rusts completely, the spell with be broken."

Kenpachi tried to reason with him, but it was no use. The wizard had seen Kenpachi's black heart and would not be dissuaded. Kenpachi fell to his knees in agony as the spell took its hold, twisting his form into something monstrous. What hope did he have to break the spell?

For who could love a beast?

Ichigo's POV- Cue beautiful music and birds chirping

"ICHIGO!" I ducked as my father's kick went flying over my head. I grumbled and scratched my stomach, ignoring his groaning form as I yanked my pants on and tugged a shirt over my head.

"I'm going to town, goat-face." I said as he stood up and tried to wrap his arms around my waist. I swiftly dodged and elbowed his face.

"My beautiful son! You must watch out for rapists!"

"I can take care of myself!" I yelled back in aggravation and kicked him down the stairs, satisfied with the thump as his head hit each step. "Work on your stupid medical inventions why don't ya!"

"They aren't stupid, Ichigo!" The man started to bawl and clutched at my leg as I tried to shake him off. "I'll win first prize at the fair, you'll see! That stupid Urahara won't get the best of meeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

I slammed the door shut so I wouldn't have to hear him anymore. Idiotic fathers… So clingy. I walked into town, humming under my breath as birds flew over head, twittering to me and landing on my shoulder.

"Stupid birds!" I brushed them off and ignored their attempts to get me to sing with them. Who did they think I was? I slouched and shoved my hands into my pockets as I walked through town, scowling as the town's people started singing about my bright orange hair. Didn't they have anything better to do?

I stomped over to the library and opened the door. Orohime, the woman who ran it greeted me cheerfully.

"Any new books?" I asked, looking around for a cure to my boredom.

"Not since yesterday!" She chirped with wide eyes.

"Ugh, fine. I'll just read…this one." I plucked 'Romeo and Juliet' from the shelf.

"But you've read it 2 times already!"

"I'm a sucker for angst-filled romances that end in death." I mumbled sarcastically. Honestly, Shakespeare is the only author worth reading.

"Oh, Ichigo." She sighed and fluttered her eyelashes at me. "If you like it that much, you can keep it."

"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." She sighed out with a blush.

"Thanks. See ya later."

I walked out the store, opening the book and reading as I dodged people in the cobbled streets. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.

Third Person POV

Grimmjow raised his gun and aimed at the geese flying over head. With a loud bang he pulled the trigger and a bird fell from the sky. His large cat scampered after it, hissing at the dogs who came to investigate. Pantera picked up the bird delicately and brought it back to the grinning Grimmjow who picked it up and stuffed it in bag.

"Good boy, Pantera." Grimmjow praised the black cat and pet him between the ears. He stood and smirked as he caught sight of a familiar figure. "Ichigo!" He cried and ran over to the orange-haired youth, leaping over the objects and people who go in the way. Ichigo seemed not to hear him, continuing on as Grimmjow was repeatedly blocked. He shoved the people out of the way in irritation and realized he had lost sight of the beautiful boy in the crowd. With an aggravated growl he leaped onto a nearby roof, Pantera quickly following after.

He raced over the rooftops and grinned wildly as he caught sight of the orange hair once more near the edge of town. He jumped from the roof and landed in front of Ichigo, making him jump and scowl at the offender.

"Grimmjow." Ichigo said, a tad bit disdainfully as he stepped around the man and tried to continue on.

"Ichigo." Grimmjow grabbed Ichigo before he could leave and twirled him in his arms. "What're you doing?"

"Reading." The beauty huffed and yanked himself out of the blue-haired man's arms.

"Why are you reading when you could be talking with me?" Grimmjow growled and snatched the book away.

"Hey! Give that back!" Ichigo tried to snatch the book back but Grimmjow kept it well above his head.

"What the hell? Where are all the pictures?" Grimmjow asked in confusion. "How are ya supposed to read this?" With that he dropped the book into a puddle making Ichigo snarl at him and kneel to snatch it up, but Grimmjow blocked him. "It's time to get your head out of those books, Ichigo, and pay attention to more important things. Like me." Grimmjow said smugly.

"I don't think there is enough room for me and your ego in a relationship." Ichigo wiped the book off and turned to walk away but nearly tripped with the waist-high cat rubbed against his legs and purred. "I think I'd rather have your cat." Ichigo said sarcastically and pet said cat before walking away once more.

"Traitor." Grimmjow muttered to the smug cat who trotted back over to his master. Just then a loud bang shook the ground originating from the Kurosaki house.

"Stupid goat-face…" Ichigo muttered and continued on with a slow pace, feeling no need to hurry and help his father.

"Hah! Your father belongs in a loony bin!" Grimmjow said through bellows of laughter.

"You don't need to tell me that."

"Er, shouldn't you be defending him?" The blue haired man asked in confusion and scratched the back of his head.

"Fuck no! Have you met the guy? I'm surprised someone hasn't carted him off already." Grimmjow stared at Ichigo.

"He's so cute." He said to Pantera. The cat purred its agreement and pawed at the bag with the goose in it. "No kitty! This is my pot-pie!"


"No kitty!"


"Leave me alone you stupid cat!"


Hah! So anybody who can name where I got that 'No kitty, this is my pot pie' line from gets a cookie.

Like it? Hate it?