Chapter Sixteen
By Any Other Name

We had made our way to the bed, and we just lay in each other's arms as we kissed each other softly. Parker was running her hands through my hair and I moaned softly into her mouth. Part of me couldn't believe she had finally surrendered herself to me, to her feelings for me.

"Parker," I whispered against her lips. I made her open her eyes and look at me, and she was silent for a moment.

"That's not my name," she finally said, quietly.

My eyebrows knitted together, and I looked down at her. "Not even your last name?"

"No," she said, and bit her lower lip in a minute in thought.

"What is it then?" I asked, though not sure if I would get an answer. She obviously had us call her Parker for a reason.

She was quiet for a second as she looked me in the eyes, running her fingers through my dark hair. Deciding something then, she leaned up and whispered in my ear.

My eyes went wide as she told me her real name and I said, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," she replied.

"Why do you have us call you Parker?"

She shrugged, "I just never liked hearing my name passing through anyone's lips. It was always in hate or disappointment, most of the time it evoked my fear. When I grew up, I grew into someone else, someone I guess I wanted to like."

"I like who you are no matter what name you think you have to go by," I told her, and smiled.

Parker smiled shyly and looked away for a minute before asking me, "What's your real last name?"

I opened my mouth in shock, "How did you know Devereaux isn't my real last name?"

Parker laughed, "Devereaux is French. Sophie, you're British."

I laughed and put my head on her chest, "Alright fine, you caught me." I grinned a minute before doing the same thing she did, leaning in to whisper my name in her ear.

She started laughing, "No wonder you wanted to change it!"

"Shut up!" I said, hitting her lightly on the stomach as I laughed.

We lay there for a moment, just giggling. After a moment, I looked up at her and kissed her lightly on the lips. I so badly wanted to do something, but I didn't know if Parker would let me.

"What?" she asked, reading me.

I didn't answer, just kissed her again softly. I cupped her cheek and brought her closer to me, kissing her deeply. My hand started to roam down her naked form, over her breast, across her stomach. Parker gasped lightly at my touch and started kissing me more passionately, but I broke the kiss and put a finger to her lips. "Let me lead."

Parker looked slightly confused but nodded, and I brought my lips to her neck and started kissing up it very lightly, very slowly. I got to her ear and traced it with my tongue, which made Parker shiver beneath me and moan softly.

"Do you trust me?" I whispered in her ear.

Parker knew at that moment what I was planning on doing and opened her eyes and said apprehensively, "Sophie..."

"Do you trust me?" I repeated.

Parker was silent for a minute, but I could hear her heart beat heavily. "Yes," she breathed. She closed her eyes and said quietly, "You want to make love to me, don't you?"

I kissed her neck lightly and whispered, "You don't have to be afraid."

"I'm not," she whispered back, and reached out to hold my hand. "I'm just... I'm nervous."

"Why?" I asked as I ran my hand lightly over the flatness of her abdomen.

She opened her eyes and looked at me and said, "Because I've never... no one's ever..." She stopped, she didn't want to say it. But it was okay, because I already got it.

"I'll take care of you," I promised her.

"I just... I don't know how.." she looked away, and I could tell she was feeling a little stupid with herself.

"Hey, look at me." She turned back to me and I said. "You know how when you have sex, you fuck, whatever you want to call it, you feel with this?" I asked, touching above her pussy lightly. She nodded and I went on, "Just do the same things, only feel with this," and I placed my hand on her heart.

Parker licked her lips nervously, but nodded. I smiled and kissed her again, and Parker wrapped her arms around my neck to pull me directly on top of her. The feeling of our skin against each other made us both gasp, and we kissed more deeply as our hands roamed each other's forms.

Parker found my nipple, and flicked her thumb over it a couple times, making me gasp, "Oh my god..." I was so sensitive all over, and every touch of Parker seemed like fire racing under my skin, and it was making me tremble.

I broke the kiss and looked her in eyes as my hand found it's way between her legs, making her moan softly and close her eyes. "Look at me," I whispered.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, and I slowly started to caress her clit. She started gasping harder, the entire time staring deep into my eyes. Finally her own hand moved, and she slide between my legs as well. I gasped out hard at her touch, it seemed so much more erotic as I was touching her at the same time.

"Parker..." I whispered.

"You're everything to me, Sophie," Parker whispered back through her moans, finally allowing herself to feel emotions during sex. Finally understanding what making love means.

I bit my lip and looked down as a tear fell from my eye, before looking back up at her and kissing her again, with more need than I think I had ever kissed her with before. Parker slipped her fingers inside me at the same time I did to her, and we both cried out against each other's lips.

"Oh my god, Sophie..." she moaned hard against my lips. I closed my eyes and took my free hand in hers, squeezing it hard as my orgasm and my emotions started to build up more and more. I was still crying, I was fully aware of that, but I didn't care. Parker was making me feel... wanted, needed, loved.

When we came, she screamed my name, and I screamed her real name. I didn't mean to, but it fell out of my lips before I could stop it. It was the first time Parker had ever heard it used positively, and it made her cry as we came down from our high.

The rest of our vacation went well. Me and Parker were pretty much inseparable, and we got a good lecture from Eliot and Hardison, who claimed that night they couldn't get any sleep because we were so loud.

The only thing Parker said back, "You guys look clean." Which made Eliot's eyes go wide and Hardison cough and avert his eyes. Nate didn't get it, but then again, he didn't have to share a room with one shower when the water heater was unavailable. Eliot and Hardison never admitted anything outright, but me and Parker caught them kissing one night in the corner of a dark club. We didn't call them on it, we let them have their little secret.

I of course explained to Nate that me being with Parker didn't change how I felt about him, it was just that he never made a move. He understood, and told me as much as he wanted to be with me, he just wasn't ready to be. He couldn't blame Parker for sweeping in and getting me first.

I guess Nate was right. Vacation did tend to change people, have them do things they never would have thought they would do in the first place. Eliot and Hardison were victims of it as well, but they didn't seem to be complaining either.

I also guess Parker's mission succeeded, because I was feeling much more... uninhibited recently.