Me: Ah! I don't know why, I made a one-shot and now people are asking me to update more chapters. IT WAS JUST A STORY I WROTE WHEN I WAS BORED!

Naruto: …

Me: What happened Naruto, no witty combat today…

Sakura: Sadiyah, don't start a fight.

Me: My story, I can do whatever I want.

Alex: Ok! R&R! ENJOY!



"Inner self"

"Demon talking"

'Demon thinking'

(A/N… and sometimes just a random comment…)

The Princess and the Ninja

Chapter 8: Wedding Preparations

"Alright already, we know you're going to be Mrs. Walker, now out of depression mood and put a smile on that face!" Gen said, pointing at himself smiling. "You know, if you worry too much, you'll become old at a young age…"

"Urasay!" Sakura screamed. Gen and Aoi began to laugh.

"Look Sakura-Chan, he's sort of right!" Aoi said grabbing her.

"I know if I worry too much that I'll get wrinkles!"

"NO NOT ABOUT THAT, THE FIRST THING HE SAID!" Sakura thought about it and make an 'oh' gesture. "See, we all already know that you don't want to marry him, but since it's your duty and that it's not our choice, you have to. Believe me if it was my choice on who you'd marry, I'd choose myself!" Sakura growled which made them chuckle a bit. "The point is, you have to do this, so don't do it sad and be depressed all your live! Al least do it with a smile!" Aoi said. Sakura looked at him and put on a genuine smile.

"Like this!"

"Yeah, that's it, just like that. Now this is the Sakura-Chan I know!" Gen cleared his throat. "Do you ALWAYS have to ruin EVERYTHING!?"

"…Yes…" Aoi growled. "Anyways, people, Alex-Sama told me to bring you two immediately to the castle. There you'll meet the king and queen, then proceed to the wedding arrangements…" Sakura and Aoi stared at him. "…What…?"

"Nothing… so let's go…" Aoi said. He grabbed Sakura and disappeared in a whirl of air and re-appeared in the main hall of the castle. After, a light flash of fire appeared next to Aoi and turned out to be Gen. Sakura looked at the main entrance of the castle, awe-struck at its beauty. She looked around and then looked at Aoi alongside Gen.

"This is my… castle…?" Sakura said pointed at… something in the room.

"No… that is a vase which is part of the castle… everything else, including the vase, is yours soon…" Aoi said and Gen laughed in the side. Sakura glared at them. "Well then, you don't want to keep your parents and brother waiting now, don't you?" Gen and Aoi went to the Left side of the room and knocked on the EXTREAMLY LARGE doors. They heard a 'come in!' and they opened them. Sakura looked at them, amazed to see that they could open such a thing. They opened the doors and kneeled down. "Excuse us Roxas-Sama, Mai-Sama, Alex-Sama…" Aoi said.

"We have brought your daughter, the princess, Sakura-Hime back for the wedding preparations just as you requested…" Gen finished. (Wow, there moods change so quickly, weird…). Sakura looked disbelievingly at them. 'When the hell do these guys get so formal!?' Then Sakura heard a deep voice say, 'Bring her in now!' Gen and Aoi said a quick 'Hai!' in unison. They came to Sakura and guided her to the room. Once Sakura was inside she saw a man with blond hair and pink highlights in the king's throne and then a woman with long black hair in the queen's throne. Then she saw Alex standing next to the blonde man. The blonde dude got up and hugged Sakura.

"Oh sweetheart, it's been forever since I've seen you!" The Blondie said. Alex and Mai, Alex and the queen, were on the side and anime sweat dropped.

"YOU STUPID IDIOT! CAN'T YOU SEE SHE CAN'T BREATHE! I'VE ONLY SEEN HER FOR A SECOND AND NOW YOU WANT TO KILL HER WHAT KIND OF A FATHER ARE YOU!? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT KIND, THE STUPID LOOSER WHO DOESN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING AND CONTINUALLY ASKS ME 'how do I do this?' 'And this, and this, and this, AND THIS?' YOU LOOSER!" Queen Mai screamed at her husband Roxas and punched him into a wall, which as a result, broke the wall. Alex, Sakura, Aoi and Gen stared at the angry Mai who was like a complete monster. She then walked to the now barely conscious Roxas and picked him up from the collar.

"AAI WOMAN, SLOW DOWN IT'S NOT MY FAULT I MISSED HER! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Roxas yelled, trying as hard as he can to save his life. Unfortunately, Mai wasn't going to have that.

"WHAT!? YOU DARE SCREAM AT ME, YOUR OWN WIFE, THE QUEEN, THE WOMAN WHO MADE YOU KING, AND THE WOMAN YOU LOVE!!" inside of Roxas's mind he's thinking the opposite, 'Sometimes, I wonder how I ever fell in love with this crazy women…'

"Uh… Uno… um… Mai-Chan, slow down, I was only hugging her so can you please let me go…"


"Please… I'll say sorry to her…" Mai calmed down a bit and thought about that. Then she dropped him, making a THUD! Sound and turned the other direction.

"Well then hurry it up and say it already, baka…" Mai said. Roxas turned his head REALLY slowly towards Sakura which creeped her out to no end.

"Sorry…" he said really slowly which made her feel uneasy. Then he got up and started walking VERY slowly towards her which made her panic even more and start running around everywhere. "What's wrong Sakura…? Give daddy a hug…" He says and she started to scream. Aoi, Gen and Alex started to laugh there heads off, falling onto the floor and clutching there stomachs, while saying that they couldn't breathe. Roxas was still walking until Mai came and bonked him on the head.


"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Roxas yelled back, then he saw the look on his wife's face and started to run around the room for his life, while his wife follows suit behind throwing stuff and ranting. This, in turn, made Aoi, Gen and Alex laugh even harder. Alex started to calm himself down and cleared his throat.

"Mother, father, I think it would be best if you stop this nonsense and talk to Sakura-Chan and not let her wait any longer…" Alex said. Roxas and Mai stopped in there tracks and looked at him. Mai looked at the still laughing Aoi and Gen and started to get angry. (Poor guys…).


"H-HAI, MAI-SAMA!" they said in unison. Then she turned to Sakura and smiled. Sakura was startled at her mood swings and Alex just slapped his head and moved it side ways. (I see where Sakura gets her monstrous powers from… and short temper…). Mai approached Sakura and hugged her LIGHTLY. Roxas stared at the side rubbing his head; Alex was right next to them and smiled warmly while Aoi and Gen were looking from a safe distance.

"It's so good to see you again sweetheart; mommy missed you SO much…" Mai said softly. Sakura hugged her mom back.

"I missed you to mama…" Sakura said. After about a few minutes, they released each other.

"My Alex, you really took good care of her, didn't you?" Mai said looking ay Alex proudly.

"Nonetheless, mother…" Alex replied. Roxas came up next to Alex.

"Hey, Sakura, sorry about the thing…"

"It's ok…"

"It was only a joke… but whatever, we've said our hellos and hi's… now it time for business…" Roxas announced. Sakura looked confused.

"What business…" Gen slapped his head, Alex sighed in disbelief, Aoi laughed and Mai and Roxas looked at her confused.

"Uno… the wedding preparations…" Roxas said. Sakura screamed.

"OH! I REMEMBER! LET'S GO!" Everyone anime fell and then walked off to a different room. When they arrived, everyone was working in there. Looked to be the hall way, even though there were curtains, flowers, painting, and other decorations. (I can't think of a royal hall way right now…).

"Now its time to choose whatever you want for the wedding!" Roxas announced. Sakura looked at him.

"Is… Allen-Kun going to be here…?" She asked.

"Nah! He was busy and said that he'll go with whatever you want! No worries!"

"O…k…" Sakura said uneasily.

"Ok then lets go!" Mai said enthusiastically, and then she saw everyone half way to the door without a care in the world. She anime sweat dropped. "Um… guys… show some exciting happy emotions would you…" they kept quiet and kept on walking. "HEY GUYS WAIT FOR ME!!" she ran up to them and they were off to one of the BILLION rooms of the castle. (Show-off rich ass people…). They walked for a while until they reached a huge door.

"This is the third ballroom! This is where the coronation will be held…" Roxas announced and the doors immediately opened up for them to enter. They entered and Sakura was awestruck. The room was amazing, like any girl could dream of her wedding room to be. Curtains with the finest silk, flowers with the delicate smell and beauty, dresses for the most royal, candles with the enlightening smell and brings upon the room an ecstatic aura, servants to obey every command, and much more. Sakura was in between a smile of excitement and a gap of awe. She was so into the moment that she started running around and screaming like a school girl excited about going on a date with a hot guy. Roxas and Aoi signed, Alex slapped his forehead and Gen twisted his head sideways in disapproval. However, Mai ran to Sakura and joined her and they shared this little moment together. Roxas slapped his head as well. "WHAT IN HEAVEN'S-"

"I would say HELL'S!!" Alex interrupted.

"WHATEVER! WHAT IN HEAVEN'S NAME DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING WOMEN!!!?" Roxas roared. Mai stopped in her trails and turned her head slowly towards Roxas with a black shadow covering her eyes. All of a sudden, a fire appeared from behind her and her eyes glowed.

"What does it look like I'm doing…? YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH WHAT I'M DOING!? HUH, DO YOU!?" Mai infuriated. Roxas screamed like a little school girl and hid behind the curtains. "… And he's supposed to be the king of Water Kingdom… and my husband…" Everyone sweat dropped.

"Is she still in her… moment…?" Roxas stuttered, pocking one eye from behind the curtain.

"Hai, Roxas-Sama!" Aoi waved and he came back. Roxas cleared his throat and spoke in a very serious tone… or at least TRYING to.

"Now, for the wedding preparations, we have called you here personally to comment and choose anything you'd like for your ideal point of view for a perfect wedding." Roxas clapped his hands. "Shall we begin…?" Then a few servants came showing her a black curtain, a red, a pink and a blue. She looked at it puzzled.

"Eto… Uno…" Sakura puzzled. Alex sighed.

"Black on the alter, red as the curtains, transparent pink on the red and above it, transparent blue on the white sheets on the tables and chairs…" Alex said. Everyone looked at him with a weird expression. "…What…?"

"You know what chicks like at there wedding…?" Aoi asked.

"Don't you…?"

"Yeah but I'm an exception! I'm asking about you!"

"Simple answer, I'm smarter then you'd ever be…" Alex smirked and Aoi frowned.

"Great, just what I need, my own son going soft on me! He's turning into a chick! No~!!!!" Roxas said dramatically with a black background and a spot light over him in the background. Mai stormed over and punched him.

"She's exactly like Sakura-Chan…" Aoi said out loud and then Sakura punched him. He laid on the floor twitching, when he came back to reality, he looked up to Sakura and began to laugh nervously. "Well some people show there affection for another by hitting them…"

"Really? Well then I must love you then…" Alex said smirking, coming up to Aoi and kicking his head.

"OOOOOOOUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Aoi screamed. Alex laughed his head off and then, once he calmed down, went back to business. A few more servants came up to them.

"Cream or clear…?" One of them asked.

"Um… cream…?" Sakura said unsurely, Alex rolled his eyes.

"Clear!" He said, they bowed and walked off.

"Whose wedding is this Alex-Sama… your or hers?" Gen stated.

"Stick your nose where it belongs Gen…" Another few servants came.

"French, Chinese, Sushi, and American, meat, vegetarian, dessert, royal…?" she asked.

"E-Eto…" Sakura didn't know what the hell she was talking about.

"Cuisine…" Aoi said.

"Oh… Uno…"

"Chinese and sushi separate, American and meat on the right, vegetarian on the left, royal in the middle. Dessert would be the wedding cake…" Alex explained with pointing gestures.

"What else for dessert your highness…?"

"Pudding, ice cream, sweets, crembrulay (don't know how to spell), a mud pie, fudge and a salad…" Sakura's eyes bulged. What in heaven's name is going on!? This is her wedding and he's saying everything so professionally and not having a care in the world!

"Well because there's really nothing to care about in this situation, for him at least…" Aoi explained. Another few maids arrived.

"We need to check which dress you'd like…" one of them stated.

"Umo…?" Sakura didn't really know what to do. Aoi then approached them and took the measuring tape, notebook, a pencil (and whatever you need for the measurement, TO THE POINT!)! He took Sakura from around the waist and ran to the other room. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, THE LADY SAID SHE WAS GOING TO DO IT!!??"

"She never said she was going to do it because no one other then I, and your family, am allowed to touch the princess." Aoi stated.


"HELL'S!!" Alex stated from across the door.


"Eto… is everything alright in there… hello…?" Roxas asked. Then the door creaked open all of a sudden very slowly. Then Aoi had his head down, eyes covered in a shadow. He walked up to Roxas slowly, staggering in the way. "E-eh, Aoi… What's going o-on…?"

"Don't…" Aoi said in a whisper.

"Nani…? What did you say…?"

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME WHILE I'M WORKING!!" Aoi roared and slammed the door shut behind him. Roxas was sweating and twitching in place.

"Uno… what just happened…?" Gen asked.

"The king just got told off by a plebian…" Mai said with a sigh.

"EH, WHAT'S A PLEBIAN!?" Roxas asked.

"BAKA, A PESENT! YOU GOT TOLD OFF BY A PESENT!!" Mai infuriated and smacked him on the head. Then the door slammed open.

"I AM NOT A PLEBIAN! I'M A SOPHISTICATED ROYAL SERVANT TO SAKURA-CHAN!" Aoi said and slammed the door shut again. Alex sweet dropped at that.

"Since when was he either sophisticated or royal…?" Gen asked. Door opens.

"Since forever!" Door closes.

"What's his problem…?" Door opens.

"Shut up Gen!" Door closes. Silence spread through out the room…

In the room with Sakura and Aoi

"HOLD STILL, WHY DON'T YOU!!??" Aoi screamed. Sakura was currently running around the room, anywhere was better then standing next to Aoi right now.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" Sakura screamed back.

"What for!?"


"IT'S NOT LIKE THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE SEEN YOU WITHOUT CLOTHES!!" Sakura froze in her tracks and looked at Aoi with disbelief. "… What…?"


"Yeah, so…"

'So shameless and saying it like it's the most obvious thing! The nerve! I'm going to kill him!' Sakura thought. "HOW DARE YOU-…!"

"Remember how I always change your clothes with the snap of my fingers… it doesn't just replace it girl I'm actually choosing what you wear and changing you myself…" Aoi said in a serious tone. Sakura looked away embarrassment written all over her face. Then over the door, they could hear faint yelling. All they could hear was, "YOU… BAS… I'M… ILL… G… DIE… N… HEL… MOTH… KER…" Aoi began to laugh his head off and Sakura looked at him quizzically. "OH MY GOD!" He couldn't even breathe.

"Who is that and what's going on…?" Sakura demanded.

"Ha, Alex doesn't like, ha, ha… the idea of me… HA, HA… CHANGING YOU'RE, HA, CLOTHES, SO HE'S… HE'S THROWING A FIT! HA, HA, HA!!!!" Aoi was rolling on the floor unable to breathe. Gen came inside the room, threw a bucket of water on top of him (the water and along with the bucket) and left the room. Aoi panted a bit and then calmed down. "Oh, ha, ha, ha, oh God that was fu-u-nay!" He wiped a tear from his eye and stood up tall and straight. He went up right next to Sakura and looked her in the eye, which made her freak out a bit and shake in place and even sweating a bit. "Co-operate…"


"Alright then let's do this already…" Aoi wrapped the measuring tap around her hips, then… whatever is just above the hips, and then her chest. She was feeling very uncomfortable with this and she didn't know what to do. Aoi saw her like this and said, "Don't worry you'll get used to me doing this a lot, especially the thing when I snap my fingers…" She snapped her head towards Aoi and looked at him in disbelief. He was going to do this AGAIN, not to mention OFTEN!!??

"NANI!!!!!????" She screamed.

"…What…?" Aoi didn't looked at her, kept his attention to his work, but she can see that he was confused. 'What the fuck is there to be confused about!? Does he even know what he's saying!?' "I know full well of what I say and do Sakura-Chan, but this is nothing to be shamed about since it's been happening and it's still going to happen. So there really isn't any use being embarrassed about it now, or even having such a face so just get used to it already. Like I said, nothing to be ashamed about, only of course you say it to someone else other then me or I du, which I wouldn't, then there's something to be ashamed there…" Sakura looked away; this is one of those rare Aoi lectures and seriousness.

"Hai…" Sakura put on her clothes and they both left the room.

Outside the dressing room, awhile before while Sakura and Aoi were still talking

Alex was sitting on a chair, on one of the finished tables, tensed. "KASSAW! THE NEXT TIME I SEE THE LOW-LIFE JACKASS!! I'M GOING TO-…"

"Alex! Don't be so hasty, he is Sakura-Chan's bodyguard, and etc. but he has its reasons. Who knows, it was bound to happen sooner or later… eeh…?" Roxas said. Alex was so tensed that he broke off the side of the chair he was sitting on. "EEH!?" Roxas screamed and ran behind Mai for protection against his son. Mai rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, how did you win the fight against your now dead brother, I wonder…?" Mai said.

"That's because I had you cheering me on…" He said with a smile.


"That's because I'm older, and way better then he ever would be… plus I'm hotter…"

"And here you are now, twenty years later after being crowned king, hiding behind me like a scared five year old being traumatized, seeking protection from your son…"

"… He's a very scary son of mine…"

"URASAI!" Alex screamed and messaged his temples. "Ok, relax and calm down, schedule. Kill Aoi, kill father, do paperwork, kill some other random people, give out missions, show-off my hokageness, preparations for the wedding, buy the hottest suit I can find, go to a hot spring, visit Sakura, have dinner, do more paperwork, meeting, threaten people, burn a house or two, train, learn some more magic, paperwork, read a nice book, order my army around, do paperwork, accompany some of my people, give money to the seniors and orphanage, ask someone… namely my secretary to get me coffee… and more…I'll find out what that more is later so, that's my schedule…" Everyone looked at him in disbelief. He saw there looks and smiled. "… What…?"

"You are unbelievable… my son…" Mai said, but Roxas was running around the room panicking and screaming.

"AH!!!! I'VE GOT A MAD KILLER FOR A SON!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES EVERYONE WHILE YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE!!" Roxas screamed, but of course, everyone paid to heed of attention to him and continued there work. All of a sudden, the door to the dressing room opened.

"GOOD NEWS!" Aoi said cheerfully, but then frowned. "We couldn't find anything at the moment…"

"Was it that you couldn't find anything or she couldn't…?" Gen asked.

"ME OF COURSE! I mean have you seen there designs, there all cheap and last season!"

"Then why didn't you make one…?"

"I was going to but she doesn't FEEL like it…" Aoi said glaring at him.

"I feel uncomfortable at the moment…" Sakura said.

"Aw, its ok baby, come here and give mama a hug. Whenever you feel like it, then you can pick out a dress. Ok…?" Mai said hugging Sakura.

"Yeah, she's sweet now but either when she's in a bad mood or I'm talking to her then she throws a fit…" Roxas whispered to himself and sweat dropped. Alex then clapped his hands.

"Ok, I think that's enough for today. As we can see in the invitation card, there's exactly two weeks until the wedding approaches so there's plenty of time left to plan. Aoi and I will arrange everything else from here on. Sakura, this means you have two weeks before you get married and be declared queen of water country so spend them wisely…" Alex announced.

"Yeah, no pressure whatsoever…" Sakura said with sarcasm.

"…Now what…?" Gen asked suddenly.

"Oh, I know, let's go to the fan room!!" Roxas screamed. Alex slapped his forehead.

"Please, please, anywhere BUT the fan room, PLEASE!" Alex said.

"'But I like the fan room…"

"I don't care I'm not going!!"

"Party pooper…" Alex just grunted, and then Roxas smiled. "I'm King Haruno Roxas and as well your father and I say we go to the fan room!!"

"Uh guys… what's the fan room…?" Sakura asked.

"You've never been in our fan room…? Cool then this will be a tour to show you!" Roxas said with hope.

"Ugh, fine, we'll go to the fan room…" Alex said grudgingly.

A few minutes later

After a few minutes they approached a large door. Sakura could feel a nice cold breeze on her feet that felt like it was coming from the room itself.

"Well, let's get this over with…" Alex said. The doors opened outwards and they were sucked into the room. Then, they were all flying in mid air.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" Sakura was screaming for her life. What the hell is going on?

"Relax Sakura-Chan; the fan room is just a room with a huge fan in it that will make gravity not exist. Its fun and relaxing so don't scream." Aoi said and floated to a different direction. Sakura calmed down and tried it… hey, it was fun. She felt as light as air. She floated around and saw everyone… almost, having a good time. Roxas was flying around screaming 'I'm a fairy!', Mai was chasing him, Aoi was floating around minding his own business, Alex had his arms crossed over his chest with a serious and mad expression and Gen was… wait, where was Gen…? Sakura looked around the room and found Gen floating in a corner and… his hair flick thing was standing up straight from the strong air of the fan. She then saw it, what his hair flick was actually covering. His right eye was blood red and black, you could even see some veins on the borders of his eye; it looked like his eye was the inside of a volcano. His eye was a brownish type rock and cracks that glowed red that looked like lava was going to pour out any second. She gasped as she saw it and then she fell to the ground.

"Finally, it's done, let's go home now…" Alex said with relief. They all walked away and Sakura lagged behind a bit.

"You saw his eye…" Aoi said coming out of nowhere in particular and startled her. Sakura nodded. "He was born with it. You know how all of the people in water country are monsters and wear disguises to shield that power away… well, for example me, I'm God's angel and you're a jinchurriki. Your father's a bolt of yellow lightening so, you can call him an electricity pack… your mother's a witch and I mean literary, then there Gen. his special power is like some kind of rainbow dude. When he take his disguise off then he's a blonde rainbow guy that flies around with a rainbow that leaves his trail and bubbles that appear out of nowhere surrounding him. His eye turns from a volcano into a rainbow itself. You get my point right…?" Aoi explained. Sakura nodded. "Good let's go home…" Aoi grabbed Sakura's hand and they disappeared, and then reappeared in Sakura's apartment.

"Finally home… so now what…?" Sakura said. Her cell phone rang then. Crush- David Archulet. "Hello, Naruto…?"

"Hey Sakura-Chan, I called because I wanted to ask you something…" Naruto said from the other line of the phone.

"Well, what is it…?"

"I was hoping if you're free this Saturday, I mean tomorrow… would you like to… I don't know… go out on… a date…?"

"Say no! For the love of God say no! Whatever you do, do not say yes! Say no!" Aoi said screaming right next to her. Sakura thought about it for a second and then answered.

"Ok… I'll see you tomorrow then…?"

"H-Hai Sakura-Chan! I'll pick you up at seven! Bye!" The line went dead. Aoi glared at her and she simply smiled.

"EVIL!!" Aoi screamed pointing accusingly at her.

"I didn't do anything…" She said oh-so innocently.

"Fine then I will come with you then…"

"What, no way!!"

"Why not…?"

"You'll ruin everything!!"

'That's the point…' "Please!!??"


"…Fine…" 'Spy mission!!'

"Good night…" Sakura said walking into her room and shutting the door behind her.

"Night Sakura-Chan…" Aoi said jumping on the sofa. While lying down he had a smirk on his face and was thinking of various ways to mess up the date…

Sakuraharuno0012: Thank you everyone for reading, (if you do) reviewing and waiting for me to write this whole thing. Bye!


:P :D