Kiorru: Hey guys! So this is my first story of the year and also the first in a looooooooooong time. I haven't written in a long time and I'd like to thank "Tally Mark" and his story "Gone to the dogs" which was so hilarious that it gave me a spark. Without you I wouldn't be writing this story so thank you!

Anyways, I hope you like this and yes this is a SESH/KAG I'm not much for the inu/kag hate and I highly dislike Kikyou but I may still have inu/kikyou so ya.

I love reading your comments AND I love when you guys tell me what you hope will happen lol it gives me ideas and keeps me writing!

Kagome: you know that's like… fraud right? Stealing someone else's idea and taken it for yourself…

Kiorru: *glares at Kagome* …. If I like your idea I WILL credit you and if you made my day I might just dedicate a chapter to you haha… anyways, lets go to the story before I le forget anything.

ILL SAY IT ONCE AND ONLY ONCE (because i forget) i do NOT own inuyasha. I own only MY characaters (meaning OC) unless told other wise!





"Sushima, with this potion you shall be reborn.

You shall not be sick and weak,

You shall not be dieing,

You shall not be underestimated.

You shall live as you should've and you shall be stronger."

The old woman approached the dieing boy who's pale skin and greasy hair clung to his bedding.

"Mother" The boy cough warily "It hurts" The old lady frowned her eye brows and touched her boys head. "Do not worry Sushima, ka-san has found the answer. She has created a potion." The boy smiled and opened his eyes to reveal milky white orbs. "I shall see you mother?" the old lady smiled and took his hand. "Yes Sushima-chan. Yes you will" She bent down and kissed her boy on the head.

"Soon you shall wake up to this world and see. Soon you shall be able to live with your old mother and see the world like you where meant to."

The boy smile faltered "mother, this potion… you made it right?" the old lady took her sons hand "Yes, for you I made this" "but isn't it against the code of pre-" "hush now Su-chan. Worry not for your mother. All shall be fine"

The old lady took out a vial from within the folds of her cloths and uncorked it; the smell within was enough to make anyone cringe but she smiled down at her boy and slowly pored the contents into his mouth.

The boy did not react to the nasty formula but that was probably because he had no taste buds. He had been born deformed and dieing, and worst yet, a hanyou. His father had been beautiful until the very end when he exposed his true form to his wife. He had been angry that she had brought his seed to life and had demanded his death but she had denied his command and had returned to her village temple and pleaded that they take her back. The monks had agreed to allow her stay as long as her monstrous boy was kept hidden.

The boy, Sushima, had been born blind, ghostly white (including his hair), tasteless, with long limbs and a mouth full of sharp teeth, but she loved him. She loved and cared for him and found him to be the most beautiful thing in the world.

As the last drop fell into his mouth Sushima sighed and looked at his mother, as if he could really see her.

"I love you mother. I really do" The old lady surpressed tears and grabbed his clammy hand "I love you to dear, now sleep. Tomorrow you shall be born anew"


So that's the introduction. I kinda like Sushima… *Sad*

He sounds kind of beautiful in an ugly sort of way… One day I might write a story about pour Sushima and his parents Usagi (mother) and Morth (father).

Alright, short and sweet and to the point that was the intro now lets go to the first chapter.

Inuyasha: Who the hell is Sushima? I don't get this introduction it has NOTHING to do with me, INUYAS-

Kagome: Sit boy. *THUMPS* This introduction will explain the story so… ya ^^