AN: I was watching "Face-Off" the other day and as Rory curled up in her bed after the concert I just had this idea... I mean she had said to Lorelai that she might be ready, so I just thought of this. It helps me to ignore the way it really happened. Not that this is really a much better alternative, but, there you go.
Anyway, anyone still reading this rant here, I suggest that you listen to Aimee Mann's song, "Wise Up". It's beautiful.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything mentioned within this document.

SUMMARY: After the Distillers concert in Face-Off. The idea in her head was not what had become her reality. Lit.

You were always the good girl, always did what was expected, what was asked of you.
There had been very few times in your life that you did something your mother wouldn't approve of. But those times did exist and this was one of them.
You had the awkward 'I might be ready' conversation with your mother and just a few days later you crawled into your bed, feeling extreamly un-ready and wishing you had a time machine.
You love Jess. That thought was cemented in your mind, and you knew it to be true, but still, you hadn't wanted it to be this way.
All the times you'd thought about your first time, well, most of the time you'd been thinking about it, Dean was in the bed with you, not that you really thought about it too much.
But the idea in her head was not what had become her reality.
That same night you had seen Dean with his new girlfriend and then went outside to see your own boyfriend, banishing thoughts of your ex from your mind as the two of you drove to a concert you hadn't even been aware of.
The Distillers... What a great show, you'd loved it.
And then after...
The idea in her head was not what had become her reality.
Your first love was subsituted with your second, a bed subsituted with the backseat of a car.
With your head still throbbing from the music, you lay with Jess in his car as he slowly and carefully undressed you.
Your breathe hitched in your throat as you lay naked before your boyfriend, who asked, if you were sure.
You were ready, you said, and you wanted to do this. Now.
Jess was careful, you hadn't expected him to be so gentle, but you loved the way that he touched you, looked at you.
It was scary at first, for just a few seconds. But the fear passed and you allowed yourself to relax in his hands.
You wanted this, you told yourself later that night. You had thought about it and you wanted this.
But now as you curled yourself around The Distillers shirt Jess had bought you, right before... The Act, you told yourself that what had happened was the right thing.
You wanted this.
You always did what was expected. This was not expected.
But this was what had happened and you would have to accept that.
You loved Jess and one day you would be ok with the way it had happened. You hoped.
It's not what you thought, when you first began it. You got what you want now you can hardly stand it though, by now you know it's not going to stop till you wise up.
The idea in her head had not become her reality
, but that was ok.
At least, it would be, some time soon.
You hoped.

FIN AN2: I'm not sure how much room there is in the back seat of a 4 door Rambler Ambassador (I'm watching "A Family Matter" and Luke just said what car was stolen.) but I'm just assuming that there is enough for these two people, they're small anyway, so how much room would they really need?
Reveiws would be very much appreciated. Thanks. Also, sorry, one last thing I just need to say that Jess is crazy. I listened to some Distillers stuff and it was awful. Seriously, I couldn't stand it, but that's just me.