OK this is like my first FanFiction so im not saying its going to be super good but i hope you like it and if i get alot of good thing said then i will make more =]

p.s. The Thomas im talking about is the one from Varsity Fanclub if you dont no them there really good so you should look them up


chapter 1

What would you do if the only person that Loved you the only person that cared about you. Was gone. Forever. More importantly what if that person was your mom. Well thats kinda whats happening to me. You see my mother was killed in a car crash. Just 2 days ago. I don't even no where I am going to stay.

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"I said your staying with your brother, Thomas" The lady on the phone said. She was the only telling me where I was going to live the rest of my life.

"I have a brother?!" I asked.

"Yes your mother never told you?"


"Well I think he moved out when you were just little."


"Yes so you will be flying to Las Angles in the morning"

"Okay thank you goodbye"

I hung up the phone. I stood there for 5 minutes. How could I have a brother. How could my mom not tell me? Well the only thing I no for sure right now is I have a brother and I am going to be living with him.

I got off the plane. I didn't know where to go what to do . So I walked around for some time it felt like forever. I looked around I bet I looked like a lost kid in the middle of the store looking for there mom. Then. I saw a guy with long brown hair , wearing a whit shirt and skinny jeans Holding I sign that say 'SELENA' in big black letters. I walked up to him and he look at me with his eyes big.

"Hi are you Selena?" He asked in a very soft beautiful voice.

"Yes" I said almost to soft to hear

"Okay then that means your my sister" He smiled "Hi I am Thomas"


"Here I will take your bags" He took two of my big bag. Full of pretty much all Converses and Skinny jeans.


We went to the car. He put the bags in the back and opened the door for me. I got in.

"So how old r u?" He asked eyes on the rode.


"So I am going to have a 16 year old living with me this is going to be fun." I could tell me was trying to make we fell welcomed. The weird thing about it was I kinda did. For some reason I was really comfortable. There was something about him. He looked really young maybe 20 something. He seemed really cool and I liked his clothes.

"Okay were here!" Thomas said pulling up to a huge white house

"This is going to be my home?"

"Yeah" He said through his laugh

He took my bags from the back on his car. Then opened the door to the big house. I walked in speechless just the thought of my leaving here was crazy and unreal. When you walk in there was a living room with the most beautiful fireplace I was ever seen in my 16 year of living. The house has big high ceilings and huge stair way.

"Oh my gosh" and that was all I could say when I walked in

"Like it?" Thomas asked walking in with a bag in each hand

"Like it? Its amazing"

"Thats good to hear. So do you want to see your room?"

"Yes!" I said jumping up and down Thomas just laughed and walked up the stairs

he opened the door to my room. This room was about three times bigger then my other one back in Texas. It was like my dream room. Even is the walls were a boring white, and even if it was empty.

"I didn't want to do anything to it , Because I didn't no what u liked"

"Thats okay"

"Well I was thinking when your ready today we can go get some paint and a new bed set and stuff to put in your room if you would like."

"That would be great. Can we go now?"

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat first?"

"No I am fine"

"Okay if you want lets room" Thomas said in a really excited kind of voice

We both ran down the stairs. Thomas was like a best friend or something he was just so chill. And well in a weird way I was just like him.

We went to the store and I got a lot of paint. Thomas said he will help me. I got blue, red, green, orange, purple, and black. He got this really cool idea that we can just keep the wall white and splatter the walls different colors. I agreed. We also got a lot of other stuff for my room. He said that he could just get some people to put my computer desk and stuff in my room after we paint. Then we got back in the car to head home.

"Now I am getting kinda hungry" I said

"Okay lets go eat. What do you want to eat?"

"I don't care"

"Tacos it is"

"I love tacos!"

"Me to" He said turning the car around

We got are food and sat down to eat.

"So why didn't mom tell me I had a brother?" I asked biting into the taco.

"Well I moved away because I wanted to get a job with music and singing an-"

I cut him off "You sing?"

"Yeah." He just acted like it was nothing and went on with the story I was okay with that "Well mom didn't like it so. She didn't want you growing up around me trying to become famous and stuff. I never knew why she hated it so much. But she told me that she will just tell you when you were older , and I guess she never did."

"Wow. So hows singing going for you"

"Well I mite get in this new band called Varsity Fanclub"


"Yeah there going to call me soon and tell me"


After talking about my old school and friends. We walked out and rode home. Then we went to my room and got started to paint.

"This is so much fun" I said throwing paint at the walls

"I no" Thomas said laughing. We were almost done we just hang one more wall left

"This is the last one"

"Yeah. Hey lets make is special "


He ran out of the room and came back with two little paint brushes in both hands. I looked at him confused. He dipped one in the blue and started writing something on the wall. After the first letter was done I knew he was writing me name. He wrote it so pretty and perfectly. He finished .


"That looks great" I said Smiling really big

"Here" He handed my a paint brush "Put whatever you want on it"

I took that paint brush and started to draw red stars and smiley faces around it.

"Done" I said putting down the brush

"Alright it looks good" he clapped "Well i am going to call the moving guys and the decorator?


"Yeah she is going to tell them were to put your stuff. She is great you will love it trust me"

"Okay cool"

"Why don't you go look at the rest of the house"


I walked around the house just as beautiful as the rest. I walked to the back yard. It was amazing the grass was even great and there was a swimging pool. All I could say to myself was

I think im going to like it here

like it?

well tell me what you think and i hope there will be more