Title: All Was Golden When the Day Met the Night
Author: Emono
Fandom: NCIS
Series: Assistant Coroner Holiday Series
Part: Ten
Rating: RNWS (really not "work safe", like R territory)
Disclaimer: NCIS is heavily guarded by a Great Wall with armed sentry-lawyers posted every fifty feet...and I'm stuck without a key, loophole in the contract, or a border-jumper. Until I require one of the three, it is not mine.
Summary: Tony and Jimmy exchange gifts, in more than one way.
Beta: gil_follower
Warnings: Full-on lemon, just some good ol' hearty slash. PS: Can't speak Italian

"In the middle of summer.
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer...all was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night."
---"When the Day Met the Night" by Panic at the Disco

Part X:


"Christmas Eve, you guys" Abby sighed wistfully, spinning in her exotic Goth-Mrs. Clause outfit (including a spider web skirt with black fur trim and a cute hat to release her pigtails) "An excuse for Gibbs not to be grumpy and give pennies to homeless men."

McGee smiled at her, "I thought it was all about good will and peace on earth?"

"Being nice to your neighbor" Ducky added cheerfully "Exchanging gifts with friends."

Abby gave them a firm look, but it quickly melted into something warm.

"Such a strange holiday" Ziva mused, fiddling with her knife absently "An imaginary obese man travels all over the world, breaking into houses and leaving boxes. I think Americans get off on being violated."

"Maybe we do" Gibbs shrugged "Abby, why'd you call us down here?"

Abby glanced at the man going through a box in the corner, "You'll see."

"Are you sure it's here, Abs?" Palmer questioned, carefully sifting through the contents of the box before him "I don't see the file..."

"It's in there Jimmy, beneath all the trace" the woman assured him "Take your time."

Abby spotted Tony entering the lab, grinning to herself. She walked over, seizing the assistant coroner by the shoulders and tugging him to the doorway.

"Abs-" Tony began, but found himself with an armful of warm, pliant lover "...hey."

"Tony" Jimmy greeted, gaining back his footing after being unceremoniously shoved into the others arms.

"Mistletoe!" Abby pointed and squealed. The lovers looked up at the same time, eyes falling on the sprig of leaves and berries duct taped to the top of the doorway. Palmer flushed, but the Italian grinned "Come on! You have to!"

Jimmy opened his mouth to protest, but Tony cut him off, "Well, it is the holidays."

Palmer shook his head, "Tony, wait-?"

Tony leant in, capturing his lover's lips. Jimmy tried to break away, knowing the entire team was watching. Gibbs and Dr. Mallard! But his lover was much too insistent, hands firmly holding his hips in place. And when that coffee-flavored tongue mingled with his...everything melted away.

Palmer ran his hands up the Italian's arms, curling around his neck and deepening the kiss. They vaguely heard Abby giggling in delight, looking on like a voyeur and loving every moment of it. Their lungs burned, their fingers tingled, but they didn't pull away until they knew they would collapse from lack of oxygen. Tony kept their foreheads pressed, grinning like a loon and greedily sucking in the breath of his lover.

"Here of all places? Really, boys?"

They both jumped at Dr. Mallard's voice, Jimmy realizing who was looking on and Tony realizing there were people in the room. The slighter man quickly stepped away, head ducked. Tony looked over, finding his team and Ducky all staring at him. Ducky looked annoyed, arms crossed over his chest and glaring half-heartedly from the behind his glasses. Gibbs was scowling, rubbing a hand over his eyes exasperatedly. Ziva was smirking knowingly, her eyes sparkling with mirth. McGee looked appalled and pale, but he couldn't stop staring.

"Oh" Tony shook it off "Hey guys!"

"Is that the only reason you brought us down here, Abby?" Gibbs snapped.

"Yep" Abby clapped, then gestured to the men "Surprise! Tony and Jimmy are together!"

"We know" came the collective consensus, all exchanging looks and a few chimes of "You knew?", "How'd you know?"

"We're out" Tony spoke quietly, gauging the man's reaction "So...everyone knows now."

Jimmy smiled secretly, "Good."


Alone, just the two of them together on a family holiday. Well, not completely alone. Earlier in the day, Tony's aunt and cousins had surprised him with a visit. They had been on their way to see Tony's parents, and had made a pit stop. Tony had thought fast and called his lover, inviting him over to share the holiday.

Palmer had arrived soon, and had immediately been embraced by Tony's Aunt Marae. She had whispered quietly in his ear about how she knew about them, how happy she was for them, and she wished them nothing but love. Pulling away, Aunt Marae had left him too shunned to protect when she demanded all the cousins treat him like family. Three handshakes and four hugs later, Jimmy quickly got to know them all and loved them like his own instantly. They were all a bit like Tony, fair humored and olive skinned. The girls made innuendos behind their hands, and the man had fascinating stories involving ruby-naveled, silk-scarved women and trivia that could have only come from TV.

Jimmy had felt instantly welcomed, but he got the feeling that they all knew about Tony and himself. The girls' smiles were sweeter than honey, the males backslaps and shoulder punches were friendly, but all their eyes held knowing. They were gone two hours after arriving, leaving behind new contact numbers and half a double-chocolate cake.

Now the lovers were alone in Tony's home, content in the semi-darkness. The only light came from the Christmas tree Tony splurged on and Palmer had helped decorate. The room was awash in soft amber, crimson, and jade hues...plus, the aroma of pine needles clung to everything.

Tony sat against the wall, lazily admiring what their work had brought. Jimmy's had was nestled in his lap, glasses perched on the angel at the top of the tree. The night was still, suspended in these few moments, consuming them. It felt as if there was no one else in the world besides them...no shrill cell phones or grumpy Boss, no violent crimes or filthy criminals to commit it.

"My Aunt Marae..." Tony's voice was low, unrushed "She really seems to like you, Jimmy. She thinks you're too thin, though...told me I should feed you more or she'd come after me personally."

Palmer smiled to himself, flushing a bit.

"I'll work on that" the Italian's fingers swirled around a particularly unruly look on his lover's head "You don't mind being outed at NCIS?"

"I think it should bug me, but it doesn't" Jimmy replied truthfully "I really thought it would bother you more, though."

"Nah" Tony couldn't get enough of the man's soft hair, letting the curls cling to his digits "Gibbs got me in the elevator at the beginning of last month, told me that he would bend Rule Twelve for us. He made me promise we would keep things professional, and no more making out in front of Ducky."

The slighter man gave a snort of laughter, "I know for a fact Abby loves to watch us."

"Why shouldn't they want to watch us?" Tony maneuvered the assistant coroner until he was straddling his lap, his own hands resting in the taper of his hip and the swell of his thigh "We're a hot couple. I'd watch us, wouldn't you?"

//No// Jimmy was truthful with himself as he drowned in those intense emerald eyes, melting into the touch //Because I don't want to see how vulnerable I am when you touch me. I know I love you, and I know I'd see that love in my eyes. What would I see in your eyes, Anthony?//

But before Palmer could search for the emotion, their lips were sealed and they had picked up their natural rhythm with one another. The way their bodies fit, chests touching and hands molding over muscle...it seemed so right. Hands roamed freely, blunt nails barley scratching the surface...leaving red lines across shoulders and necks...

Then the lips of Tony's fingers skidded up the back of his shirt, and he knew. That same bold urge from before filled him, a palpable buzz just beneath his tongue and along his fingers, making them light and warm.

And the butterflies just weren't there...

Jimmy pinned Tony back against the wall, noting the hungry look in his lover's eyes. He reached up, undoing the buttons of his shirt slow enough to have strong fingertips digging into his thigh. The rough white material fell open, revealing pale skin.

Tony looked on, mouth watering, "Am I aloud to touch?"

Jimmy bit the side of his lip, "Of course, Tony."

The slighter man's eyes fluttered shut, a moan escaping his lips as warm hands ran up his hips and over his abdomen. Sure fingers traced the line of his pec, pinching his nipples, following the curve of his bare abdomen. He rolled his hips experimentally, forcing a moan out from the Italian's lips. The shirt fell from his shoulders with little coaxing, getting pulled from his body to puddle at the floor.

Tony kept his eyes locked with his lover's as he leant in, target in mind. Then he let them slip shut, lips brushing the bulge of his collarbone. He slicked a path with his tongue further down, suckling a nipple briefly to draw a whine from the other. The Italian sealed his lips over the middle of the man's chest, kissing and nibbling until he left a hickey.

//Mine// Tony didn't care how possessive he sounded in his head, hands roaming over the man's back as he trailed over to Palmer's other nipple //My mark, my boy. So help me, if anyone touches him...they'll never find the body.//

Jimmy ran a hand through brunette tresses, "Wanna take this into the bedroom, love? I don't favor the floor, it'll leave nasty rug burns..."

Tony gripped the younger man by the back of the neck, connecting their mouths. He dragged them both to their feet, tongues dueling furiously. They stumbled towards the bedroom, Tony lost his shirt along the way and Palmer's belt was discarded. The older man kicked the door shut firmly behind them, backing the other up until his knees hit the bed. They were lucky the bed lamp was on, otherwise it would be groping in the dark. Palmer shed his pants and boxers, his lover's hands helping him before he could lose his nerve and get insecure about being naked.

Tony easily spread the man out beneath him, taking in his lean figure and the way the way he seemed to melt into the dahlia silk sheets. The Italian had bought them not two weeks ago, anticipating the moment when he could see them against Jimmy's lovely skin. Tony hovered over his lover, taking in the sight beneath him. He had this lean symmetry to him, smooth planes stretched over flexible muscles and rounded points. And those hip bones...he was a man who appreciated things, and those were kissable and perfect. His cock, hard and leaking, rested perfectly in the nestle of dark curls. Lightly furred thighs, but not much hair on his abdomen...it almost made him feel dirty, like he was cradle-robbing.

Tony ran his fingertips down the side of his lover's arm, comparing the silk to his pale skin.

"So pretty, Jimmy..." Tony let his lips descend on the man's jugular, kneading it with his lips "Won't push you, you know that. Tell me now, Jimmy..."

"Don't" Jimmy tilted his head to the side "I want it, Tony, and I want it now."

Tony couldn't argue with that. He dove in, claiming those sweet lips briefly before peppering kisses down his jaw and neck. He kissed over the hickey he had left, nibbling on a stiffened nipple, then paused at his belly button. He kissed the warm skin around it, a hand lacing in his brunette hair to hold him in place. Tony dipped in his tongue into the warm well, mimicking what was yet to come and drawing a pleased sound from the man.

After a minute of lavishing attention on his lover's bellybutton, Tony trailed down and ran his tongue along the tip of the hard cock there, Jimmy's taste exploded across his tongue. He took in the muffled moan from above him, dropping butterfly kisses along the trembling inner thighs that spread so eagerly for him.

"Now, baby, I can't wait any longer" Tony dove up, claiming those lips yet again before breaking off and reaching into the nightstand for a condom and a bottle of lube. Tony popped open the cap, the click sending a strange thrill through Jimmy's spine. Grinning like the Cheshire cat he was, Tony spread a heavy dollop of lube just above his lover's bellybutton. The slighter man shivered violently, stomach muscles visibly jumping beneath his skin. Tony set the lube aside, dipping his fingers in the slick and letting his hand slip between his lover's thighs.

"Ok now, baby, just relax" Tony whispered, finding the entrance of the man's body and tracing the tight ring of muscle "It might hurt a little-"

"It'll get better" Jimmy breathed, nodding and spreading his legs farther, //No turning back.//

Tony eased his fingers inside the man, leaning down and taking the hard cock into his mouth as a way to distract him from the pain. Jimmy keened, tilting his hips up and immediately losing himself in the sensations. The hot mouth on his cock was skilled, using heavy tongue to get him to relax. Jimmy took each finger with a hitch and a moan, he could feel the digits moving with purpose inside him. It was a strange sensation, but from what he had read online (blushing and freakishly paranoid) he had expected the pain to be a lot worse...so he wasn't complaining.

Tony's sure fingers finally brushed something inside of him that sent liquid fire through his veins. His scientific mind said 'prostate', his body screamed 'Ecstacy! I want more!', and his heart said 'I fuckin' love Tony.' And his amazing hands, he mentally added.

"Ready, baby?" Tony reached up, curling his fingers around the condom. Jimmy's hand laced with his, cradling the package between their palms. Jade eyes sought doe, confusion swimming in their depths.

Jimmy could barely squeeze out the words, "I'm clean, you?"

Tony's eyes widened at what his lover was hinting at, "Jimmy-?"

"If you want" the slighter man swallowed hard, trying to catch his breath "Only if you want to Tony."

The Italian flashed him a brilliant smile, "I'm clean too..."

The condom fell forgotten to the floor, mouths sealing and tongues dueling furiously. The Italian scooped up the remaining lube on his lover's stomach, slicking his own length with purpose. Tony hooked his hands behind the other's knees, drawing them far up the length of his body and spreading him out. Jimmy moaned as he felt his lover's length brush against his entrance, head falling back on the pillows.

"Breathe for me, love" Tony cooed, slipping inside the other man inch by inch so as not to hurt him "Open up for me...so hot..."

Jimmy fisted his hand in the other's hair, taking him inside his body completely as he dipped his head and bit at his exposed neck. The Italian hissed, but started a slow, easy rhythm as his lover left a hickey on the line of his neck. Jimmy's prostate was nudged as soon as he was balls deep, causing him to arch and cry out. Tony hissed at the sight of his lover's face contorted in the sweetest agony, and it was enough to speed up his rhythm.

Tony wasn't sure if it was who he was doing or how long it had been, but he wasn't going to last nearly as long. Maybe it was the stark contrast of blonde bimbos and this dark haired beauty beneath him that had his cock so aching with interest.

The minutes when by in a blissful haze, filled with low moans and growls for 'more' and 'harder'. It rocked the Italian's world that Jimmy wasn't some timid little mouse in bed, and as he thought before...he had a raw talent for male-sex. For a first-timer, he knew exactly how he wanted it and when he wanted it.

Before either knew it, the maddening pressure of orgasm started to build in low thrums in the base of their backs and deep in their stomach. The edges of Jimmy's vision darkened, pleasure overwhelming him so that he had to pant hard just to get the air past his thudding heart. Tony grasped his lover's length, pumping it skillfully and pressing his lips to his ear.

"That's it, love...cum for me. Vuole vederli subito!"

Jimmy succumbed to it first, mouth open in a silent scream and back arched. It was his lover's voice, a husky timbre threading through his ears, that finally set him off. The tremors that wracked him set his lover off, Tony thrusted as deeply as he could and coated the assistant coroner with his essence. A deep sated groan escaped them both, lying there on the bed for just a few moments longer than necessary.

Grins broke their faces after a minute or so.

Tony pulled out of the man, rolling over onto his side but keeping their bodies close. The Italian ran a hand down the sweaty plane of his lover's chest, admiring the soft contrast of sun-kissed and ivory skin. Jimmy made a sweet sound in the back of his throat, boneless as he rolled his head to lock their eyes.

"That...was cool."

Tony laughed into his lover's shoulder, kissing the skin there.

"So...can we do it again?"

"After I give you this" Tony rolled over, opening the night stand drawer and pulling something out "Now, if you don't like it-"

"Gimme!" Jimmy was suddenly infused with energy, he straddled the older man and snatched the small box from his hand. The assistant coroner sat back on Tony's stomach, flipping open the box and gaping. There, nestled in black velvet, was a silver-band ring. It had a dark emerald in the center, just big enough to be tasteful and expensive. It was a guy ring, the silver went around the jewel, but it was no less beautiful. Jimmy carefully pulled it out, examining it from all angles. There, on the inside of the band, was a date and a curvy font that read 'With Love.'

"Tony, what-?"

"It's the day I fell in love with you" Tony admitted sappily "The New Year's party."

Palmer smiled, dipping down and giving his lover a heated kiss.

Tony pulled away with a cautious look, "You really like it?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Jimmy slipped the ring on his finger, a perfect fit "It's perfect. And for you...yours is in the closet. It's not as romantic as yours, but-Ah!"

Jimmy found himself rolled off his lover, spread out on his back and watching Tony dash to the closet. The Italian all but threw it open, digging inside like an excited child.

"Top shelf."

"Always on the top" Tony pulled down a wrapped box, assessing it as he tried to figure out how he had missed it. But soon he was ripping off it's shiny paper, trying to find the prize hidden inside. Once he got the lid open, he gasped dramatically and dropped to his knees. He looked over at his boyfriend, falling in love with him all over again.

Jimmy smiled knowingly, "You like it?"

Tony didn't say a word, he simply sat the box down before glomping his lover and showering him with kisses and affection.

The entire DVD collection of Magnum P.I. sat alone on the floor.

The End

Love it or Leave It

3 Emono

Author's Note:

I strongly believe in condoms, all couples gay or otherwise should wear them while having intercourse. If you believe you should not wear a condom while having sex, then for the love of you and any future children you may have, please have yourself and your partner checked out at your local clinic for STD's before you actually engage in the act. Be smart, wear a love-glove. Thank you :)