Ok, this is my very first fanfiction ever. So go easy on me. I would love feedback and any pairings you may want you can let me know. This story isn't set in stone so anything is possible. If you can think of anything you wanted add just let me know. I will be rating this for mature because I may write a lemon or two in later chapters, I haven't exactly decided yet.

DISCLAIMER: I own no one! No YuYu! No Inuyasha! No nothing so don't sue me! This will be the only time I say this.

Kagome pov:

For far too long I have stood on the sidelines and smiled just waiting to see if Inuyasha will notice me, but I have finally drawn the line. No more will I watch and wait for him, from now on I need someone who will love me like I need to be loved I mean I am still a virgin and I know the battle against Naraku is coming up soon and I refuse to die a virgin.

I sigh as I look at my little group. Shippou is sleeping soundly in my sleeping bag curled up against Kirara, Miroku is sleeping against a tree not far from Sango, while Sango is sleeping away not knowing of the cursed hand that is creeping steadily towards her, Inuyasha is in his tree ignoring ever one but still keeping a look out for any possible danger.

Inuyasha, I don't know when I stopped loving him, but I did. Somewhere in between his midnight trips to see Kikyo and his overprotective habits wore me out. Thank god i'll get a break from him when I go back and finish my final exam. Three years after I started this journey and I am just a couple months from graduating, as long as I do somewhat decent on my math exam. It was such a headache trying to get Inuyasha to let me go.

*flash back*

The group was walking along a path after setting out a couple hours ago.

"Um, Inuyasha, I need to go home tomorrow to take my test for math, I'll be gone for about a week, ok?" Kagome replied sheepishly knowing that he was going to yell at her, call her a wench, and end up with him meeting his oldest friend the ground. And like clockwork,

"Hell no. You went back a month ago there is no way in hell that I am allowing you to go back especially for a week!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Sit boy!" Kagome said with a sigh "I am going back whether you like it or not. You should be happy I am going back because this will be my last test and then I am done with school, that and we are almost out of ramen."

Inuyasha replied with a 'feh' and stormed off.

'At least we avoided one problem.' Kagome mentally smirked. Kagome: 5482. Inuyasha: 0

*flashback over*

*next day*

As Kagome woke up she realized that everyone else was already up and getting ready to make breakfast. She immediately got up and went to get some a couple water bottles out of her bag to boil for some water to make up the last two bags of ramen. After breakfast was done and everything was packed up everyone started to make their way to the well to see Kagome off. After about an hour of walking the well came into view and Kagome started to run to it. As she got to the edge, she looked back briefly waved bye and jumped through.

*With the YuYu group*

"Goddamn it I can't believe that after all this time that Enma wanted to kill me, and know he magically decides he needs me. Stupid toddler I don't know why I ever agreed to do this stupid mission anyway." Yusuke ranted to no one. He was wearing a white t shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a red jacket. (The outfit he work to the dark tournament)

"Shut it Urameshi. You know you like being a detective." Kuwabara preached. He was wearing his white outfit. (Wore it during the dark tournament)

"whatever." Was Yusuke's reply, as he folded his arms behind his head. "So…what are we doing here again?"

Both Kurama and Hiei shock their heads. "And I thought you couldn't get any stupider." Hiei stated with a smirk to Yusuke.

"At least I'm not as dumb as that idiot." Yusuke pointed in Kuwabara's direction.

"Urameshi I ought to kill you."

"You can't even touch me."

"Please can we get back on subject?" Kurama sighed. "To answer your question Yusuke apparently there has been several reports of some high power coming from a shrine around here. That has been appearing and disappearing for about three years now. We are supposed to investigate the shrine and report back to Koenma."

At this time, a powerful surge was felt coming in the direction of the shrine.

"I guess that is our queue, so let's go guys." Yusuke yelled as he took off.

*With Kagome*

Kagome raced up to her house and quick as she could. As she flew by her mom all she heard was the line ' I'm going to be late!' over and over again. As fast as Kagome raced upstairs, so came just as face if not faster down them. With a quick "Bye mom see you later!" she was out the door again heading off to school. As she sprinted down the stair she thought if she didn't stop then she should make it to her class on time. As she rounded the corner she collided with something and flew back and landed on her butt.

As Yusuke was coming up to the shrine he was about to turn the corner when something came and hit him square in the chin.

"Ouch just my luck" she grumbled as she rubbed her head from the collision.

"Ah, what the fuck?!" Yusuke yelled as he rubbed his chin.

Kurama, Hiei and Kuwabara ran up beside Yusuke who was cussing up a storm. Kuwabara was the first to notice the girl sitting on the pavement.

"Urameshi you hit a girl!"

"I didn't hit her you idiot we ran into each other"

Kurama decided to ignore them for the time being and look at the girl. She had long black, wavy hair that seemed to reach her mid-thighs, soft skin that was lightly tanned and midnight blue eyes that were the very image of innocence.

"Are you alright, Miss?" Kurama questioned as he held out his hand to help her up.

"Thank you I think I'll survive." She took his hand they both jerked their hands back.

"I…um…I got to go." She stuttered quickly as she quickly picked herself off the ground and ran off.

Hiei looked at Kurama questioningly.

"What was that about, fox?"

"I think that was our mission?"


"She's a miko!"