Ok I'm back and I'm sorry about the wait. I went to Cali for two weeks for a wedding, but I'm back and started writing again. This is the last chapter you can vote on. I think everyone really wants the foursome, but it's close. I really appreciate those of you who took your time and left me a great review on how to improve my story. And I also want to thank yukimurashuunsukegirl for all the encouragement and help she gave me. I hope your stories come out great.

On with the fic.

Last Chapter:

"Lord Sesshomaru…" Koenma trembled, "What can I help you with?"

"You will wish you never challenged my imouto!" he growled as his eyes started to bleed red.

Now on with the fic:

Sesshomaru kept growling as his instincts took over. As he hugged his imouto close, he started to stalk up to Koenma.

"You dare defy me!" he roared

Koenma squeaked as he tried to hide from the powerful lord. Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei were still kneeling, all of which, were extremely nervous as they felt the great demon's rage pulsing.

The growling increased until a small purr was heard. Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei looked up to figure out where the noise was coming from. Once they looked up their jaws dropped. Kagome had her legs wrapped around the taiyoukai's waist, as her face was buried under his chin. She was lightly nipping his neck and purring softly in an attempt to calm him down. To say they were amazed was an understatement. To see a miko, relying on youkai customs to calm a blood-thirsty demon, was inspiring, not to mention, all three guys started to wonder how it would feel, should said miko decided to try those same customs on them, cause three very distinct arousals.

*Red, can you imagine our little miko doing that to us* Youko then started flashing some pics of Kagome, straddling a naked Kurama as she started to pant and lick his neck, as he moaned.

-Youko, please stop. This isn't helping our situation- Kurama pleaded as his arousal spiked even higher.

/ Having problems, Fox./ Hiei smirked

*Hey firecracker, you shouldn't talk when I can smell your arousal from here.*

-I agree-

They stopped communicating when they heard Kagome speak.

"Its ok, aniki. I'm alright. You're here to protect me, so no one would dare to touch me." She said softly

Sesshomaru started to calm down as he realized the truth in Kagome's words. Sesshomaru's eyes lost their red tint as he regained controlled. Once he was back to his normal self, he placed Kagome on her feet.

"So aniki what are you doing here anyway?" she said as she hugged him again.

"A little fly told me you were brought to spirit world…or should I say a little fox." He stated patting her head with a small smirk, as he watched her eyes light up.

"You mean Shippou?!" she started to look around Sesshomaru.

"Yes, it was the kit, but he already left." When he saw her pouting he sighed and said, "He left to tell everyone that you had been found, if you wish you can see him. He lives at my palace."

"YES!" she gave a little victory dance. "It is going to be so different seeing everyone from the past, considering it has been 500 years for you guys but 2 days for me."

As Sesshomaru started to lead Kagome to the door, Koenma decided know was the time to speak up.

"Please Lord Sesshomaru, we won't lock her up but let my detectives at least protect her until she completes the jewel.

Sesshomaru started to growl until Kagome placed a hand on his chest.

"It's ok" she said. 'I'd rather have a couple more bodyguards then be locked in a cell'

"If they do anything I disapprove of their lives will be forfeited." When she nodded, he looked to the boys and said 'follow', as he turned and lead Kagome to the door.

Koenma looked at his team. "Go!" he said

The team nodded and took off after Sesshomaru and Kagome.

~At Sesshomaru's Palace~

"So where is Shippou?" Kagome questioned Sesshomaru for the zillionth time. He sighed and said,

"I will not repeat myself."

"But all you said was 'He'll be here shortly'"

As Sesshomaru walked away, Kagome pouted and stomped her foot, mumbling something about 'cold-assed youkai' and 'taking back his left arm'

Yusuke and the other watched Kagome with amusement. It was rare to see the king of makai but never has anybody annoyed him and lived to tell about it. All thoughts were interrupted when Kagome started screaming.

"OH MY GOD!!!!! I FRICKING HATE YOUKAI! THEY CAN BE SO STUCK UP!!!" as she started pulling out her hair, a calm, seductive voice caught her attention.

"Oh come now. Not all youkai's are bad."

Everyone looked to the demon in the room. He stood about 5'11' with auburn hair. His hair was tied into a pony tail as it cascaded down to the middle of his back. A set of auburn kitsune ears stood atop his head, as a tail swished behind him. Bright emerald green eyes sparkled in joy. He wore a black set of fighting gi's. (think youko's but black)Kagome was confused for a minute, until something clicked.

"Shippou?!" she questioned softly. He smirked as Kagome ran up to him and started attacking his ears and tail, causing Shippou to fall.

"Ouch Okaa-san, that hurt!" he said as he rubbed he's backside. (AN: . ok yum -drools a little- love older Shippou he's just so sexy, ok back to where we left off) Kagome jumped off him.

"Sorry, I guess I got carried away." She started to blush. Shippou looked to the four other in the room and got an evil idea. He got up and walked over to them, and then bowed.

"Sorry about that, my Okaa-san has an ear and tail fetish."

"I DO NOT!!!" Kagome screamed as her blush grew brighter. Shippou turned back to her.

"Then why did you just attack my ears?"

"Um…cause you didn't have them before."

"And what did you do the first time you saw Inuyasha?"

"…I played with his ears"

"And didn't you attack Sesshomaru's tail, once you were allowed to touch him." At this time Kagome was so red, she could have been mistaken for a tomato. As she was about to walk away, another voice decided to add their own opinion.

"Feh, stupid wench could never keep her hands to herself" As Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei growled at the new presence who just insulted Kagome. He wore a bright red fire rat kimono, his silver hair that hung down towards the middle of his back, and he had two dog ears at the top of his head. He had a sword at his side, but what caught everyone's eyes were his gold eyes that sparkled with amusement. He then ran over to Kagome, and picked her up and started twirling her around, as she giggled loudly. The other demons still growled when a whirlwind came and grabbed Kagome from the inu hanyou.

"Stupid flea-bitten wolf! Put Kagome down this instant."

"Hello Kagome. How has my woman been?" the wolf demon wore his black hair in a ponytail, his cobalt blue eyes sparkled against his tan skin. He still wore his fur pelts, as armor wrapped around his chest.

As Kagome tried to pull away, Inuyasha was still yelling at the wolf. Once Kagome got out of the wolf's arms a fight began between the wolf and inu. Kagome just sighed as Shippou came up beside her.

"Just like old time," Shippou muttered. He then grinned. "Care to do the honors."

Kagome just smirked. She took a deep breath then yelled, "SIT BOY!" the spirit detectives looked at her like she was crazy, until the saw the inu hanyou hit the ground, thus starting a chain reaction. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and the wolf started cracking up. Hiei, Kurama, and Shippou wore similar smirks. Kagome just stood there and counted to three. At three the inu hanyou started yelling at her, for 'sitting' him. Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, and Kouga started growling at him.

"SILENCE!" Sesshomaru walked back into the room. "Inuyasha, Kouga, Shippou follow me."

Sesshomaru walked right back out, with the others in tow. He stopped then looked at Kagome.

"Why don't you go to the gardens?" he then. He didn't wait for a reply as he walked out of the room. Apparently Kagome didn't wait either because she took off, obviously heading to the garden. The spirit detectives followed her slowly absorbed in their own thoughts.

*Hey red, you better get to it if we want to keep this one. She has WAY too many suitors*

-Indeed Youko. It seems the inu hanyou, Inuyasha, the wolf demon, Kouga, Hiei, me and you, and even Yusuke wants this girl.

/hn. It seems we all have some competition/

*I REFUSE to lose to the firecracker red. So start charming the girl*

As the connection broke, the guys just arrived to the garden where Kagome was sitting underneath a sakura tree that was next to a koi pond. Kurama looked around every kind of tree and plant imaginable.

As Kagome hummed softly, she closed her eyes just relaxing. Yusuke, Hiei and Kurama had to take a deep breath as they watched Kagome. She looked like an angel. As three distinct arousals grew, Kuwabara made his way over to a tree on the other side of the clearing, and sat down to catch some sleep. Kurama made his way over to the angel. He sat down on her right. When she realized someone was next to her she looked at him and smiled. Kurama then took her hand and kissed it softly, his eyes flickering between gold and green. Kagome blush, but her smile widened. As she laid her head down on Kurama's shoulder, Hiei then sat down on her left Kagome's hand came and held his softly. He smirked, looking at the little angel who was melting his heart. Yusuke then decided to join them as he laid his head on Kagome's lap, as her hand began to play with his hair. After a minute all three demon's closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Ok this wasn't what I originally planned, but I like it. I think it came out pretty good, since you guys have been waiting so long I decided to add a bit more for you. Remember this is the last chapter to vote.