This is stupidly short chapter 'coz it's not really part of the story but I thought I'd include it anyway.

I don't own Merlin, it unfortunatley belongs to the BBC

WARNING: Torture, violence, etc (next chapter. Or maybe the one after. Haven't decided)

SPOILERS: Is set after the last episode but there's not really any spoilers (I don't think).

Pillars of fire lit the midnight sky for miles around as Camelot was slowly destroyed and huge, grotesque, flickering shadows danced among the flames. Walls toppled, houses, animals, peasants and nobility alike died shrieking as the fire consumed them, always ravenous, never slowing, never faltering in its inexorable advance. And in the middle of the dead and the dying was a figure, his red shirt splattered with blood, raising his wide, blue eyes to the heavens as he burned in silence.

Morgana screamed and sat bolt-upright as the shreds of her nightmare clung to her like cobwebs of night. Her breath came in sobs and gasps as the vivid images faded slowly from her mind, although the terror they instilled still remained. Gwen was at her side in an instant – she had started to sleep on the floor in Morgana's room since the nightmares had begun to get worse, despite Morgana's protests.

"Gwen" she said, hoarsely.

"I'm here" Gwen said and sat down beside her. "It's okay, it was just a dream. Just a dream".

* * *