One's lonely, two's company, three's orgasmic!

Cloud sighed heavily, staring out the rain-blurred windows of the barracks, wishing that his friend would hurry home from whatever mission he was on now. Regrettably, it was top secret, and Zack hadn't been able to tell Cloud not worry before he had been swept up in the General's chaos.

The thought of those sparkling eyes dimmed, veiled forever by death sent shivers up Cloud's spine, and not the good kind. Tearing himself away from the window, he looked around Zack's apartment. The 1st Class had given him a key, telling his friends it was so Cloud could have access to the training books Zack kept in his quarters. Cloud didn't mind the lie; it was the only way he could see his friend who was a bit more than strictly 'friend' to Cloud.

Wrenching himself from his thoughts, he looked around, and shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. Excellent SOLDIER he may have been, but Zack was not the housekeeping kind. There were magazines, books, papers, pieces of uniforms, and paper clips strewn all across the room, and Cloud knew for a fact the bedroom was worse.

Deciding his friend would have something nice to come home to, Cloud began cleaning with a vengeance, making a pile of laundry to send to the cleaners near the door. He polished Zack's spare pair of boots, tidied the bedroom, organized his files Zack-style so the SOLDIER would know where he put them, and when he had done all that, he realized that only three hours had passed. He sat down on the couch with a huff and sulked for a moment, chewing on his lower lip and contemplating.

Thunder rumbled and crashed outside, and Cloud winced, knowing the rain that was pouring down would soak anyone not amply protected in an instant. He felt pity and worry when he thought of Zack, alone, with a secret mission. He could picture his raven-haired friend, those spiky locks plastered to his head, the tips dripping steadily from the force of the rain. His Mako-enhanced eyes would be glimmering, and a small smile would be tugging at the corners of his mouth. 'Nice day for playing in the rain, don't you think, Spiky?'

That was Zack had said before leaving, and Cloud closed his eyes, drawing up mental pictures of Zack. The way his uniform would ripple and stretch to accommodate the movements of the SOLDIER's muscles. Those loose leather pants those still managed to hug the angular frame of Zack, especially at the crotch, where the material was covering a part of Zack that Cloud was intimately familiar with…

The spiky-haired blond felt his member stirring, and he could feel the blood rushing to his growing arousal. He swallowed, and forced himself to get off the couch and stumble into the bathroom. Turning the cold water on, Cloud stripped his clothes off, gasping in pleasure as the removal of his pants stimulated his growing arousal. Wincing, he stepped into the icy spray, so cold it took his breath away.

'Hey, Cloud, what a day for playing the rain, huh? How you hair stay up straight in a total downpour, but when it gets covered in just a little saltwater, it wilts like a flower?'

Vibrant eyes were winking at him, and Zack's sonorous voice was right next to his ear, but when Cloud opened his eyes, no one was there. Suddenly, the water temperature plunged, turning Cloud's milky skin a stark white from the chill. Cloud gasped, and fumbled blindly for the tap. Suddenly, he felt the water lightened, until it was nearly a mist.

Cloud staggered from the shower, shivering violently and cursing colorfully about showers that had bi-polar disorder. After toweling himself off, he felt himself yawning, his body drained from his rigorous physical training test earlier that day, plus the added stress of having been wound up as tight as a dollar watch. He led himself to bedroom by sheer muscle memory before collapsing on Zack's bed, the towel still wrapped around his waist. He smirked, remembering the things that the bed he was laying on had put up with.

'Come on, Cloud! I promise, if you don't like it, I'll stop. I'm serious.'

His body and memory remembered the soft kisses and touches that spread a fiery trail along his body, the deep kisses that lit a burning passion deep in his body. The teasing touches over areas he knew were practically screaming to be touched.

Cloud shivered, and realized he was fighting a losing battle with his subconscious. He sighed, and hoped fervently that Zack wasn't going to walk in while Cloud was taking care of his 'problem'.

Closing his eyes, Cloud let his hand grasp the base of his throbbing member, stroking it gently, as Zack would have, if he was there. He could hear Zack telling Cloud to beg for release, and kissing him lovingly the whole time. After a while, he had realized Cloud wasn't made of glass, and wasn't going to break with the slightest touch. Quite the opposite, in fact. Then he had started teasing Cloud, even going so far as barter a pair of Shinra-commissioned handcuffs for a few dirty magazines.

Cloud could practically feel Zack grasping his wrists, and pinning them above his head while his talented tongue worked miracles all over his body. Cloud groaned, and flipped the mental video, envisioning himself as the dominant one. He pinned Zack against the all and imagined the pleasure of being able to let his tongue and hands dance and wander over the smooth muscle planes of his friend. He couldn't technically be called lover, because they had yet to do anything more serious that grind and the occasional blowjob.

The spiky blond could hear Zack's gasps and moans as if he were really in the room, and he sped up his strokes, feeling the orgasm coiling deep inside him, worming is way closer to his release. Finally, the thought of Zack smiling at him and tousling his hair with nothing but love in his eyes was enough to send Cloud over the edge. He came violently, calling out Zack's name before falling limply against the pillows, thankful for the towel he had kept wrapped around his waist.

After cleaning up and throwing on a pair of pajama pants, Cloud yawned and stretched languidly before slipping under the blankets of Zack's bed that was now more abused than it had been ten minutes ago. He felt himself drifting off to sleep, and the last thought to cross his mind was about Zack.

Zack stumbled down the hall to his apartment, the pain of over fifteen minor wounds finally taking its toll. He fumbled with his pass key, and entered his apartment, only to look around blinking, wondering whose apartment he was in. Everything was neat and clean, his boots were polished, and his laundry was in a pile near the door. Only the smaller pair of boots near the entryway told him who had planned this pleasant surprise. Zack grinned tiredly and stumbled to his bedroom, telling himself to thank the younger boy in the morning.

Much to his surprise, Cloud was asleep in his bed, his blonde spikes the only thing showing above the blankets. Zack paused before stripping himself of his uniform, wanting to just look at his little corrupted angel.

"Zack, don't stare at me. You're hurt, and tired. Get in here and go to sleep."

Cloud's voice was soft and slurred with sleep, but slightly commanding.

"Yes, sir," murmured Zack as he shed the last of his uniform and slid in next to Cloud.


"Yes, Cloud?"

"I'm glad you're home."

Two small arms wrapped around Zack's waist as Cloud hugged his mentor, and dearest friend. Cushioning his head on Zack's string chest, Cloud was asleep before Zack could reply.

"Me too, Cloud. I was lonely."

Ok, thanks for reading! There are going to be two more chapters in this fic, so stay tuned! I got the idea for this from XxBeccixX. The title was the last line in her story, Discovering Fanfiction. I asked her if I could write a fanfic for it, and she agreed, so some credit goes to her! Thanks! Umm…Reviews are wonderful???