Chapter 15

The next morning, Tenzo was the first one to be up and about. Well, to be honest, he didn't even sleep. He simply couldn't fall sleep, just couldn't. His mind had been previously preoccupied with pondering, pondering little escape routes within Konogakure the minute they got back home, secret routes as to how he could do his grocery without anyone seeing him, anyone, routes that lead to the library and Hokage tower without the public eye even being able to lay as much as a gaze upon him.

Suffice to say, he was constantly trying to come up with reasons and ways to escape the persistent claws of one particular man, to not see him within the close proximity of the stone walls of the city, especially not with the prospect of this little talk coming forth. He didn't want to talk. What was there to say? What was this talk even about?

He knew, deep down, though, what that talk was going to be about. He just knew it - no, he feltit. Tenzo knew he had been acting very strange as of late, especially around his Senpai. He wanted answers, Tenzo was positive. But he wasn't all too sure if he could provide them. He was confused himself. Spending time in ANBU together made him care deeply for his Senpai. This bond came with the job, to rely purely and solely on your team members; your life is on the line every day.

Though - when he suddenly left, he was heartbroken, their bond shattered. He pondered these last few days what his true motive was for agreeing to take charge of Team Kakashi - was it to retrieve and feel once more, however brief, what they had so many years ago? What they shared? Was it for payback? Or was it to prevent Team Kakashi from going through the same rollercoaster of emotions?

He packed his sleeping bag, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and yawned. Today was going to be a long day. He slightly moaned, reluctant, his mood unhappy, worried, tired, with anxiety deep within him slowly creeping up. It was going to be a long day, indeed.

They'd been walking for several hours, and once more, the darkness is upon them, descended. For once, Tenzo is thrilled to not have a whiny Naruto - which was unlike him, but scaring the shit out of him before going to bed yesterday had proven to be a most useful cause. All of the sudden, his eyes are drawn to a vaguely looking stone from afar on the side of the road.

"Hmm", he mutters. He approaches it with the team, leading them and looks around when he recognizes the landmark, "This is the rendezvous point".

"Some people from the Fire Temple are supposed to come meet us here", he places his hands onto his hips. The rest of the team nods. He looks up, eyes directed at the moon and he frowns, "We'll have to kill some time before they do, though".

Sakura sighs and sits down beside the landmark, fatigue slowly embracing her. Tenzo cocks his head at her. Naruto, on the other hand, smirks mischievous to himself as he pretends to yawn, stretching himself, "Oh, man. I'm tired, too"

Sakura slowly closes her eyes as her arms embrace her legs, pulling them closer to her chest. Naruto takes a seat beside her and mimics her. Immediately, her eyes shoot open and she gazes at Tenzo for a few seconds. He gives her a shrug back as he casually places a hand against a tree, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. She blushes. Sakura then looks back at Naruto and grits her teeth. With all her might and strength, she pushes him harshly against (well, more in) the nearest tree.

"Hey, ass, you're irritating me. You can sit over there!"

"Okay now. Don't make so much noise", Tenzo warns, fulfilling his role as Captain in command, hoping not to attract unwelcome visitors, even though he's highly amused by her reaction and has difficulty hiding the increasing grin on his face.

A few hours pass and all have decided to take some rest, and while Tenzo's eyes are starting to become heavy, his mind is starting to work more slowly due to the lack of sleep and the chirping of the crickets are lullabying him, he must remain awake.

"They're late," he mumbles, "I wonder if we've got the wrong landmark".

He suppresses a sigh and gets back on his feet, a single hand on his hip this time, "I'm going to have a look over there". Both Sai and Sakura get up as well.

"I'll go, too", Sakura chips in.

"Huh?", Naruto blinks lazily a couple of times, "Then I'm going, too." Sakura turns around and watches how Naruto starts to get on his feet, a small shadow of a smile is present on her face, making her look as if she's up to something as her hands are firmly placed onto her hips, "You and Sai wait here. We might end up just missing them".

Naruto pouts childishly, "Fine".

Sakura beams cheerfully and grabs her bag, quickly following Tenzou's footsteps to catch up. "Say, Captain Yamato..?", she asks him hesitantly when she does.

"Yes, Sakura?", he replies, looking at her from the corner of his eyes. She places her hands on her back, entwining her fingers as she gives him a soft smile. She looks so young, so carefree.

"Out of team 7, who's the one you prefer pairing up with?"

A single eyebrow is raised as he fully directs his attention at her, he immediately spots the flushing of her cheeks, "Why do you ask, Sakura?".

"No reason", she replies all too sweetly and innocently for his liking. He decides to brush it off, though, as the alarm bells aren't immediately ringing with approaching danger. There's surely no harm in it. What's the worst thing that could happen anyways?

"I supposeā€¦", he begins and pauses to think for a brief moment, index finger and thumb caressing his chin, gaze upwards towards the dark sky visible through the forest, "it would be you".

"Oh, really?", she squeals a bit from excitement, but it's hardly noticeable and she immediately corrects herself on the spot. She smiles widely, warmly and Tenzo can't help but smile back just the same.

Oh my gosh, how have you guys been? I know, I know. I should've written more, but I've been caught up with other things and my love for Naruto, to be honest, has been going back and forth (and there's still no sight of Tenzo, only a minor mention, ugh).

Hope you like this little chapter. Can you tell what's going to come? Also, there's more to come, I promise - soon. Thank you all for reading and reviewing, it means the world to me. Until the next time!