Dick woke up to the smell of coffee and a sizeable lump poking into his lower back. He groaned and opened his eyes. He took a second to absorb his surroundings. Roy's apartment. His living room to be exact; hence the pain in his back from sleeping on Roy's notoriously lumpy couch.

Dick sat up and stretched. He could hear voices in the kitchen.

"Roy, just tell him how you feel," he heard a voice he knew belonged to Donna say.

"I can't, Donna. It's not that simple, you know that."

Dick furrowed his brow. Was Roy upset with him? Just then the events of the night before came crashing back down on him. The dream. His wildest fantasies had come true in that dream. But they were just fantasies, he reminded himself.

He made his way into the kitchen. Roy's back was to him, but Donna saw him.

She smiled. "Dick, good morning. Or should I say afternoon?"

"What time is it?" Dick asked, his voice croaky.

Roy turned around in his chair and gave him a lop-sided grin. "Two o'clock. You finally decide to join the living?"

"Ha ha, Arrow Breath," Dick playfully swatted at Roy's head before sitting at the table with his teammates.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

"Dick, are you okay?" Donna finally asked, her face etched with concern.

Dick smiled. "Sure, I'm just all stressed out from the whole wedding thing."

Donna nodded.

"I, uh, I called Barbara to let her know you were here," Roy said.

Dick rubbed his face with both hands. "Thanks, Roy. I kind of took off on her without an explanation last night."

"No kidding. She was worried sick about you," his redhead friend said. "We all were."

Dick swallowed his guilt. "I...I'm sorry, Roy. I shouldn't have just shown up like that."

"Hey," Roy put his hand on Dick's shoulder. "You know you can come to me anytime." He made Dick look him in the eyes and gave his friend a warm smile.

Donna watched the exchange between her friends. These two were obviously meant for each other, if only they could admit it to themselves and each other.

"Well," she interrupted, "I'm supposed to go shopping with Toni and Kory. You boys going to be okay without me?"

Roy and Dick each gave her a Don't leave me alone with him! look that only made Donna smile more.

"I'll see you boys later." Donna quickly made her exit, praying to Hera that these boys would get a clue before someone, like Barbara, really got hurt.

Back in the kitchen, Dick and Roy sat in silence for a moment.

"I'll get you some coffee," Roy finally broke the silence and stood up from the table. He went to the counter, pulled a mug out of the cabinet and poured Dick a cup of rich, black coffee. He returned to the table, placing the mug in front of his teammate.

"Thanks," Dick said and stared at the coffee before him, watching the steam rise.

Roy cleared his throat. "So, um, do you want to talk about last night? Now that you're somewhat more lucid anyway..."

Dick blushed. "I'm really sorry about that, Roy."

"Don't be. Something got you spooked. Spooked enough to send you all the way here. In the middle of the night. Wearing that. On your bike. Without a helmet. Dick, you could have been killed!"

Dick winced.

"Sorry," Roy calmed down.

"S'okay, I deserved that. It was dumb. I wasn't thinking. I just...needed to see you."

"Yeah, that's what you said last night. You were asking me if you were marrying the right person and said you kept dreaming about this other chick you might be in love with too."

Dick blushed bright red.

Roy's jaw dropped. "Omigod, it's Kory isn't it!"


"You said it was someone I know. You turned about as bright red as your old uniform just then. It's totally Kory!"

"It's not Kory, Roy," Dick leaned his head forward to rest on his hands. The steam from his coffee rose up into his face, the heat burning his cheeks.

"Well, who is it then? I've been trying to figure that part out all day."

"You said it was cold feet," Dick pointed a finger at Roy. "It doesn't matter who it is."

"Fine. Whatever." Roy crossed his arms.

"I should...I should call Babs. Can I use your phone?"

"Yeah, man. Whatever."

Dick walked over to the phone, feeling guilty but he had no idea why.


Donna lied. There were no shopping plans with Kory and Toni. After leaving Roy's apartment, she scurried down the stairs to the street where her car was parked. She sat down in the driver's seat, the car door making a loud thud noise as it closed.

She took a moment to look up at Roy's window before flipping open her cell phone.

"Hello?" a cheerful voice on the other end of the line answered after a few ring.

"Hi, Dinah? It's Donna Troy. Sorry to bother you, but I need to speak with you. It's about Roy."

"Roy? Is he okay?" the blonde's ears immediately perked up.

Donna had anticipated this reaction. She smiled. "He's fine, Dinah. Both he an Lian are safe and sound, it's just....look can I meet you somewhere? This is a conversation better had in person than on the phone."

Still worried about her boy-o, Dinah hastily agreed to meet Donna in an hour for coffee in Gotham.

That hour passed quickly for Donna, driving from New York to Gotham. She arrived at the specified cafe, where Dinah was already anxiously waiting for her. The blonde drummed her fingers on her coffee mug. Donna approached the table.

"I hope that's decaf," she smiled sweetly at Dinah.

Dinah was startled out of her thoughts. "Oh, I didn't see you there. I was-"

"Worried. I can see that." Donna sat down and ordered a drink from the waiter who came over to the table. As soon as he wondered off, she turned her attention back to Dinah. "Dinah, really, Roy's fine. He's not hurt or anything like that."

"So...why the urgency?" Dinah was growing impatient.

"Okay, well," Donna wasn't sure how to broach this topic. "You're the maid of honor for Dick and Barbara's wedding, right?"

Two eyebrows shot up, seeking cover under blonde bangs. "Yes. What does that have to do with Roy, aside from him being best man?"

Donna sighed. This was going to be tricky. "I don't think Dick and Barbara should be getting married."

Dinah frowned. "Don't tell me you're wanting to confess your undying love for Dick-"

Donna breathed out a laugh. "Oh, Hera, no. It's more...It's more along the lines of Dick being in love with Roy. And vice versa." She took a moment to thank the waiter who arrived with her tea.

Again the eyebrows retreated behind the bangs. "Dick? And Roy?" Donna nodded. "That's why Dick disappeared last night? He's having a lurid affair with my boy-o?"

"No, see, that's the problem," Donna explained. "Neither of them are aware how the other feels, and they're both being, well, pardon my language, but they're both being chicken shits about it."

Dinah chuckled. "No need to pardon your language around me."

Donna continued, "I'm just afraid Dick isn't going to realize what a mistake he's making until it's too late."

"Careful, Donna," Dinah warned. "Babs is one of my best friends; I don't think marrying her is exactly a mistake. Hurting her, however, would be."

Donna sighed. "I don't know Barbara very well, but I do know that Dick cares for her. He wouldn't want to see her hurt either."

"So let me get this straight. Dick is in love Roy, and Roy loves him right back. Neither of them have the balls to admit it, so Babs, who is in love with Dick, is getting strung along to the alter."

"Pretty much," Donna winced.

"I'll kill them."

"Rather than kill them," Donna started diplomatically, "I was hoping you could help me figure out a way to stop the wedding with the least pain to Barbara."

Dinah nodded. If Dick left Barbara at the alter, it would be humiliating. Just as bad, if he and Babs were married before he got a clue, they would have to go through the hassle of a divorce. "You're sure he's in love with Roy, and not Barbara?" she asked the brunette.

"He cares for Barbara; but he's in love with Roy."

Dinah puffed out her cheeks and blew air out between her lips, making a rather annoying noise that caused the people at the next table to look at her. "Let me think on it," she finally answered.

"You're not going to tell Barbara are you?" Donna was concerned she'd opened a can of worms that wasn't ready to be opened yet.

"Not yet. My hope is that Dick will grow a pair and tell her himself."

"One would hope," Donna agreed.

"I'm meeting Babs tonight. I'll talk to her then, try and get a feel for where she's at with her wedding. Chances are she suspects something as well. Thanks for telling me, Donna. You're a good friend to my boys."

"Anytime, Dinah."


Suspect something Barbara did, thanks to the fact that Dinah had forgotten to turn her commlink earrings off before meeting Donna.

That's why Dick disappeared last night? He's having a lurid affair with my boy-o?

The words burned in her ears. She heard nothing after that, as she had hastily switched off the connection. She didn't want to hear more, couldn't stand to hear more.

Dick didn't want her. He wanted Roy. It wasn't even another woman he was cheating on her with. It was that loud, obnoxious, poor-excuse for a father.... okay, suffice to say, Barbara was pissed. Livid even. One week away from her wedding and she finds out her groom is a... Very well. Two could play at this game. He wanted to humiliate her? She knew just what might get her sweet revenge.