After many weeks, I'm finally back at the keyboard on this story. Sorry for the wait for those of you who were anticipating a quicker turnaround time. Warning: This chapter is much more descriptive of yaoi situations, so if you don't like them, please spare yourself the emotional distress of reading.

I do not own the characters or any other rights to Silver Diamond. It seems that the magic rituals haven't taken effect yet and transferred these gorgeous guys and lovely story to my possession. Sigh.


Rakan entered the room that Chigusa-san was supposed to use as his own. He doesn't use this room much though, Rakan thought to himself, as he's always sleeping in my room for "protection." Because Chigusa had been staying with Rakan for quite a while, Rakan was curious as to what personal touches the marksman had added over the months to this room. When Chigusa-san slid back the door, the younger man was disappointed, but not really surprised, that there hadn't been any changes. The bedroom looked almost as impersonal as a hotel room.

Chigusa led him to the only soft surface in this room and pulled Rakan-kun down to sit on the futon. He released Rakan's hand immediately thereafter, mostly to hide the trembles that were worsening by the second. Senrou sat beside the sanome and looked at him. Now that he's gotten the object of his obsessive desire into the bedroom he really didn't know how to start. He opened his mouth and took a breath and then just closed it again. Instead he stared out the window onto the garden and pulled Rakan-kun into his shoulder with one arm. He held the younger man there so that they could both look out at the greenery in the failing light of day.

Rakan was fairly confused about what was going on. He didn't know why he was sitting on the futon with Chigusa-san, nor did he know why he brought him to this room and not the others they normally stayed in. When the older man pulled him almost into his chest and held him there, Rakan knew he felt safe and comfortable after a very long and confusing day. At this point, normally he would have started babbling about inanities to fill the void but he had become so comfortable over the months since he's gotten to know all of the guys, but more so with Chigusa-san than anyone else. He no longer felt the need to do run off at the mouth. Right now, he simply snuggled closer into the crook of Chigusa-san's shoulder and let out a quiet sigh.

They sat that way for almost an hour, touching side to side but not speaking. Senrou felt Rakan-kun's breathing slow and become even.

"Great," he thought to himself, "all this prep and fool that I am I let him fall asleep!"

He gazed down on the top of Rakan-kun's head and the sliver of his face that he could see. He could see the incredibly long light brown lashes not just touching Rakan-kun's cheeks, but almost covering them like a blanket. Gently and slowly he raised his arm that Rakan was laying upon. His long hand reached around until it could just barely touch the hair of this precious one and smooth it down a bit from the normal puffy disarray. He was rewarded for his efforts with a deep sigh and not even a flutter of eyelash to indicate returning consciousness.

Senrou gently laid them both back onto the futon and left his arm out so that Rakan-kun could continue to use it and his shoulder as a pillow. As he lay back, Senrou half turned onto his side so that he could look down upon Rakan's face. Looking at his face was nearly Chigusa's favorite thing to do. He often looked upon the sleeping young man in the night but never got nearer than that. It was during those months of quiet moments that Chigusa realized that with the return of some of his memories and all of his emotions that Rakan-kun was more than just precious because of what he was or because of his many kindnesses that he shared with anyone. Senrou came to the understanding after a very long period of contemplation that Rakan was special to his heart because of love, not of the kind of a servant for a kind and decent master, but of the type where it would be unbearable to be parted in any way.

Chigusa began to feel… cold? His entire body was starting to shake like he had gotten chilled to the bone and the body doesn't just shiver but it begins to almost rock back and forth in large arcs to try to warm up. The shudders that took over were making his muscles tense, lock and relax in three-part cycles. It was all Senrou could do to keep those movements away from the arm and shoulder upon which his love was resting. He started to focus on breathing control to help quiet the jerking muscles. He needed to regain a steady hand so that he could touch Rakan-kun's face. He felt that if he didn't make physical contact with the sanome that he would be empty somehow. Softer than a butterfly's footfall, Chigusa laid his fingertips on the side of Rakan's cheek and jaw line.

Senrou spent a very lovely half hour fingertip-tracing the features of Rakan-kun's face. As he got bolder he would lay a palm against his face and slide the fingers forward into the base of Rakan-kun's hair. This became a rather fun game because when he did that, he could see bumps form on the surface of Rakan's arms where his school uniform had rumpled up and exposed the milky-white skin. Wondering where all the bumps went to, Chigusa slowly started to unbutton the uniform jacket and then the shirt beneath until he could see Rakan's belly, chest and some of his arms. He didn't want to risk waking him by trying to get the sleeves off.

Senrou tried the hair thing again. The most amazing thing happened. There were bumps everywhere! Arms, chest, belly and the base of his throat all had little bumps on the skin and the fine hairs covering those areas were standing on end. What really got to him, though, were the color changes he observed. In the failing light, Senrou saw that where the highest concentrations of little bumps were, the skin would also flush a pale pink. It went up the center of the belly and then formed almost a diamond shape where the flush would flare out to the nipples and then back to a point at the hollow of the throat. The nipples would also stand on end and they wouldn't fade away like the rest of the bumps did when the sensation ended.

Fascinated, Senrou leaned closer to the sanome's chest to observe these changes as they happened. It was times like this he thanked the powers that be that he had been born with very long arms. He found out that when he would breathe on a nipple it would become even more of a tight nub. He discovered that warm breath from his mouth was better for this exercise than the cooler exhalations from his nose. He wanted to see if the same effect would happen if he breathed on the small trail of hairs leading from his ribcage down the center of his belly and below the pants, but his arms were not long enough for that.

When he tried the same exercise on the jaw line, something odd happened. Rakan-kun made a sleepy little grunt/groan sound and dipped his chin and scooted toward his feet. He would also always turn his head toward the source of the warm, moist air. Senrou had fun with that for a bit until he was caught in the gaze of the sanome.

He turned to face Chigusa and said, "It's okay." Senrou's eyes widened and his lips parted but no sound escaped. Rakan-kun sat up and faced him. His shirt and jacket were still holding to his shoulders, but just barely fighting gravity. Rakan looked rumpled, happy, and utterly delicious.

Senrou gathered the smaller man toward him until their foreheads touched. He felt as winded as if he had been running over hard sands after ayame all day. Gasping for breath, he tried to still himself so that he wouldn't frighten Rakan-kun. While he had his eyes closed, he felt the sanome move his forehead in a rolling motion and then he felt a tightening in his… chest? No that wasn't right. His belly? No, not quite. It was kind of in both those places and also the stirring and straining began in his groin. All of these things began to tighten because he felt the smallest pressure on his upper lip near the left corner. He sensed rather than felt Rakan-kun's very hesitant tongue tip withdraw.

Rakan, noticing Chigusa-san's stiffening posture, immediately pulled away. "Stupid, stupid boy!" he yelled at himself. "It's obvious that he doesn't feel the same… oh, oh my."

The sanome's mental diatribe was interrupted before it even really got rolling. He stopped because the back of his neck was being forcefully pulled forward and his lips were being mashed into Chigusa-san's. As he opens his mouth to ask a question, he felt the questing and questioning tongue forcing its way into his mouth. It wasn't unpleasant but definitely unfamiliar. He started moving his own tongue forward and felt embarrassed because he was worried that Chigusa-san would notice how tight his uniform pants were. While trying to figure out how to kiss each other, there was an uncomfortable clank of teeth when both of them moved wrong at the same moment. Instead of being embarrassed, they found it funny. The emotions were running so high that neither of them could do much more than simply feel.

It was when the sanome captured his tongue and began to suck on it that Senrou began to shake to the point where his arms could no longer support them both; he collapsed backward taking Rakan-kun with him. The small groans escaping from the marksman made something restraining Rakan let loose. He stripped his shirt and jacket the rest of the way off. He slid his very smooth hands over the planes of Chigusa-san's chest under his yukata. He slid his hands forward up and palmed the shoulders taking the cool cotton cloth with them.

Rakan threw his leg over Chigusa and lightly raked his nails down the front of the larger man's chest. He listened to the gasps with increasing pleasure and excitement. Rakan finally started to figure out what the fuss was about. The boys at school would always talk about sex but he never really felt anything either for or against it. He just felt nothing. Now he felt considerably less than nothing. He felt love and excitement and it felt like almost every nerve ending was sending signals that had been multiplied tenfold. Every time Chigusa-san breathed on him, he shivered. Every time he touched the larger man's skin, he would tremble.

Intrigued by this, he began to test every limit to Chigusa-san's control. For it was control that the marksman was displaying. His hands were pressed so deeply into the futon's mattress that the sheets were bunching around his fingers. His eyes were hooded and glistening in the slits as he stared at the young man pressed so invitingly over his groin. Rakan could not hide his blushes or his shock at his boldness but he was not going to let this one chance to finally show Chigusa-san how he felt about him.

He started to scooch downward and then fumbled with trying to untie the belt on the robe that Chigusa-san was wearing. After many tries, he managed it and spread his hands to push back the flaps of the yukata. He gazed at the long stretch of loveliness before him. He was a bit surprised at Chigusa-san's size. Rakan had been pretty sure that the marksman would be erect by the time he got him down to his skin, but he wasn't aware of exactly how big that part of Chigusa-san would be. Rakan bent forward and tentatively licked one of the larger man's nipples. This caused the most delicious gasp and his fingers to splay apart on the sheets. He spread his fingers so wide that the tips were lifting from the bed. Rakan could not hide the manipulative little grin.

"The nipples were good but let's see what else we can do with this," he thought.

He began to kiss down the length of Chigusa-san's chest. He felt the tip of Chigusa's cock touch the soft underside of his throat. Rakan wasn't quite ready for that but he was ready to try… ah.

"Ah!" thought Senrou. The feel of the sanome's mouth covering his hipbone was nothing short of exquisitely pleasurable torture. The tingling of his nerves just started to make his legs vibrate. He did not want to grab Rakan-kun and startle him. He was afraid of just how very much he wanted the younger man. He held himself still only by the barest thread and the force of hundreds of years of patient training and hunting. His hips, however, were not to be restrained and bucked and pulsed.

Rakan finally decided to give it a try and very shyly and hesitantly licked the tip of Chigusa-san's penis. The head was so incredibly soft and almost spongy in texture while still being firm. The smooth angle of the head slid past his upper teeth without scraping. It was then Rakan realized how small his jaw was in width. Chigusa-san was quite long but he was also so wide as to almost appear triangular. Rakan had to grimace to get the width all the way in so that he could try to do what he think he was doing and still breathe. Willing himself not to gag, he took the full length of the larger man's cock down his throat and then began to move slowly back and forth. He had to time the rhythm to his breathing so that he could manage it for more than a few seconds.

Chigusa could no longer take it and hold still at the same time. He reached down and pulled the sanome up onto his chest. He held him so tightly that neither of them could breathe well. He flipped Rakan-kun onto his back and pinned him down with one large hand. With his other hand he unbuttoned the uniform pants and slid them off as far as he could reach. When that couldn't get them all the way off, he used his foot to pull them off and kick them off the end of the futon. The smaller man was considerably smaller in all ways than he was, but Senrou admired the slender perfection that was Rakan.

"My turn," he said. He swallowed the younger man's hard on all the way to the base. He began to move gently and with a moderate rhythm. It took hardly any time at all before he felt Rakan-kun's hips bucking and pumping and straining. What did take him by surprise was the sensation of Rakan's hand wrapping around his shaft and pumping his own erection. Not only because he managed to slip out of Senrou's grip but also that he could concentrate long enough to curve in a semi-circle to reach his throbbing hard-on.

"EEeee" he heard the sanome gasp and he sucked his breath through his nearly clenched teeth. And then what he'd never thought he'd hear from the younger man's lips. "Senrou!" emerged nearly strangled from his throat as he exploded into the throat of the marksman. He pumped his hand twice more before he felt the larger man's final release.

Rakan's muscles felt like they were made of bean paste but he still got up and went to the bathroom. There he found a clean washcloth and soaked it in warm water. He tottered back to Senrou's room and gently cleaned off himself and his … oh my … his lover. He snuggled them both in the blankets now that they were clean and sated.

The words took on a brand new meaning when he heard Senrou say, "Good night my precious one."


Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and I always appreciate reviews (beg, beg). Hope it wasn't too limony for your tastes. =)