Disclaimer: I obviously do not own Jack or Audrey or 24, although that would be amazing!

It had been three months since Jack left the U.S. He had landed himself in Portugal, then he planned on moving to Spain in the next few weeks and then down into Africa. He had to stay in low-key areas and couldn't stay in one place for too long. Jack was about to leave his motel to go into town when a man who worked at the front desk ran out of the office and called Jack by his formal title. He had become friendly with the man and they would often have passing conversations.

The man approached him and handed Jack a white envelope. "This came for you" he told Jack. Expecting it to be another letter from the U.S. government Jack was about to rip it up when he recognized the handwriting on the front of the envelope. Jack froze for a moment before being knocked out of his daze by the man's question, "Are you alright Mr. Bauer?" Jack shook his head yes and started to slowly walk back to his room. He opened the envelope to find a letter written in the same familiar handwriting, the letter read:

My Dear Jack,

I needed to write this letter to you because there are so many things I need to tell you because there are so many things I need to tell you and I can't keep them to myself anymore. Don't worry about how I found your address I got it from a source we both trust very much. I have recovered physically and mentally to a certain point. I still have vivid nightmares of China and lack some of my prior memories. I know you and I know that you feel guilty about what happened to me in China, don't. Even knowing what was going to happen I would have still gone, I love you. Also, I understand why you left both the country and me. I just wish you could be there to hold me when I have nightmares; I just want someone who actually understands how it felt. Now that many of my memories have come back I remember the night you rescued me and I did recognize you. I just didn't respond because I was not sure if it could be true, if you could actually be there with me. It took me a long time to sort out my life and how I felt, but every situation some how ended up with you in it. You changed my world Jack Bauer.

Love and hopefully still yours,


P.S. I hope this letter finds you and I hope you write back. Don't worry about my father I can get around him even if I am still living in the same house, unfortunately.

Jack folded the letter and put it back into the envelope as his heart broke into a million pieces. He felt a flood of emotion that left him lunging for the door that lead outside and fresh air. He needed time to sort out his thoughts so he decided to finally take that trip to town.

Jack got back to his room as the sun was setting. He took his jacket off and saw the envelope sticking out of the pocket. He decided to sit down and start writing on the paper he took from the motel's office. He wrote:

Dear Audrey,

Of course you are still my Audrey, you always will be, I will always love you. I'm glad you understand why I left, but it does not make it right, I regret it every day. It is strange because as I sit here I have all these conflicting emotions, but then I realize you are the one person that would understand, you always did. You loved me for who I was I miss that. You knew all my deepest darkest secrets and I wish I could be with you now to help you through your dark times. I know you tell me not to feel guilty about Chine, but I do, I will always feel as if I got you hurt. If you need to, you can tell me about your nightmares, it might help to get them off your chest. Also when it comes to you dad, don't get too angry with him. Yes, I felt rage beyond belief when he took you away from me, but now I see that I would probably do the same if something like this ever happened to Kim. I f you want to keep writing every time I get to a new location I will send you my new address, they will come pretty frequently.

Love Always,


P.S. This letter will probably get to you too late, but Happy Anniversary.

A couple more weeks went by and Jack started to think maybe Audrey didn't want to write to him anymore, she may have found someone else, it's not like she would eve have trouble with that. Then as soon as he woke up one morning not thinking about it, which was nearly never a new one came that read:

My Dearest Jack,

I actually had a good dream last night and you were in it. It started with us dancing, I'm not sure where, but then we were at the beach. I hate when dreams do that, just plop you from one place to another. Well next thing I knew we were at the beach, middle of the day, sunny, warm and no one else was there. Now we really know it is a dream. Well, I sat in your lap as we just looked out on the ocean; you started to kiss my neck for a while. It felt just as I remember it, so good; I miss you lips. Then we just sat there for a while in this calm silence and you were about to kiss me on my lips, but my alarm clock went off. I hat when the best part of the dream gets interrupted, it always happens. Oh yeah, so my alarm went off today because I am starting a new job. Just something low key, I'm running the security department for some company. I'm excited to be getting back in the real world; I hope it will take my mind off all that other stuff. Happy Anniversary to you too, if you haven't found it yet I left you a little gift.

I miss you,


P.S. Don't forget the telling of nightmares goes both ways, I'm always here to listen.

Jack finished reading the letter and found the "gift" Audrey was talking about. It was a photo of them from the morning after their six-month anniversary, they were in bed and Jack was kissing Audrey's cheek and she decided to take a picture of them. Jack smiled as he ran his finger over the picture. Jack felt this need to write back to her right away. It was like when they were together and Jack just felt this need to talk to her, to tell her his secrets. The trust between the two of them was huge. Jack started to write:

Dear Audrey,

The dream sounded great, I wish we were actually there. I'm glad you are excited to go back to the hell that is a 9 to 5 job that makes one person in the world. Just kidding, Congrats, I'm happy for you and it will definitely be good for you. I also loved the gift, I remember that day, and it was amazing. I'm glad I now can look at the photo and see your gorgeous smile again, I miss it. I'm probably going to leave my current location pretty soon. My ultimate goal is to go to Africa, maybe I can help out in Sangala, I heard it is getting worse down there. Sorry I have to make this one so short I am running out of paper, but I will go buy some by the time I get your next letter. I hope it comes soon, I love these letters, they keep me sane.

Love always,
