Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto


5 years later...

Five years had passed since the day Sasuke had told Itachi the truth. As Itachi had promised Sasuke, when the boy turned eighteen they held a secret ceremony that no one knew about, and found a priest who didn't mind that they were brothers. Their marriage had to be a secret, but they knew that only both belonged to each other anyway. After the stunt Kakashi had pulled with Miya and Itachi, the man apologized in the only way he knew how. He had given Itachi an offer and wanted the older raven to become his business partner, not only did this make them equal, Itachi now ran more than half the company. With this bigger increase in income he felt now was the time to move in their lifestyle. He packed up the house along with a reluctant Sasuke and bought a condo closer to work and closer to Sasuke's school. Itachi was just happy he no longer had a lawn to mow. Sasuke graduated high school and worked in the Bistro at his brother's company while he went through college. Sasuke was growing and with each passing year became even more beautiful. He got through college and decided to work as a tech manager at his brother's company.

Everyone around him had changed also.

Pein after only four months of dating asked Konan to marry him. After four years of marriage they were now expecting their first born any day now.

Speaking of...

Only after a month of dating Yamato practically begged Sasori to come live with him. His roommate had moved out and Yamato hated the silence. Sasori was a little reluctant at first but did so since his brother has already married and left. Sasori took over the furniture store after his grandmother Chiyo passed away. He sold the place and instead chose to be a romance novelist full time. His new series about a lost love (based on him) was a quick hit and was already in the making to become a movie.

It became even stranger when Deidara hooked up with Kisame.

It was a surprise to them all really, but sort of not at the same time. From the way the two always argued all the time all of them would have never guessed it. Tobi finally managed to snag Zetsu after his caught the man drinking himself into a coma from his recent break up with his girlfriend. At first all the two did was argue but slowly everyone could see love starting to form. Hidan told everyone he was single and pretty much happy with his decision that is until Kakuzu caught him staring one day. Everyone still remained the best of friends and eventually over time Sasori was able to look at Sasuke as a good friend more so than a lost love. They all wondered though why Itachi had not decided to date; he simply told them he was happy being an older brother full time.

He never wore his wedding ring at work.

Sasuke's love for his brother only grew stronger. There wasn't a moment either at work or home they weren't together. Though occasionally the courageous female would approach and Sasuke often feared another Miya epidemic. Itachi though stayed true to his promise and always shot the girl down the first half second she tried to flirt with him. Of course that meant keeping other girls away from Sasuke too which was a full time job in itself.

All in all he loved his life; he loved his little brother and loved his home and his job.

Every time Sasuke smiled at him he felt like he could fall in love all over again.


Thanks for reading, I have many one shots planned but I am always open to suggestions. I have allot of other ideas too so I hope there are some Saiyuki fans out there. Keep reading and thank you to the ones who have shown so much support!
