(A/n)- Hi! I had an idea where Bella is reading Warrior Cats and in the process discovers Twilight (it's also set after Twilight) I had the idea when I was thinking that it would be awesome if Bella read Warrior cats (I know that she would like it, it's one of best books in the planet! Even if it's going a bit downhill…) NOTE: YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE READ WARRIOR CATS TO READ THIS! So… I hope you enjoy!

Bella's POV

I was on the couch reading Long Shadows with Alice on the computer near me. I let out a loud groan, "I can't belief I'm already finished with Long Shadows! It's only November and the next book comes out on April 9!" (If any Warrior Cats fanatics are wondering, that's the actual date Sunrise comes out, I looked it up on Google *smiles at self proudly*)

"Calm down Bella! Here, I have something for you to do in the time being." she got out of the computer chair and motioned for me to sit down. That surprised me very much, Alice has been on the computer for 3 weeks strait (literally!), and now she was going to give it up?!!

"What do you want me to do?" I asked warily, she might want me to sign up for the Jackson Rathbone fansite. (Ha! I thought that that would be funny! (If you're asking, Jackson Rathbone is the guy who played Jasper in the Twilight movie.)) Lately, she's been a bit to obsessed with him.

"Well, there's this website called , I really like it. It's a site where people write stories based on real stories, of course, you have to have an account to write. If you have an account you could vote in peoples polls, review some stories to, though some people allow anonymous reviews." She said all of this in a matter-of-fact like voice, it was like she knew everything about this site.

"Do you have an account?" this website seemed interesting, I might want to write a little to.

"Yes! I do!" She must really like this website, her voice sounded as exited as a baby leaning new things. "If you like this website I could create an account for you too."

"Wait, you're actually willing to get off the computer for even an hour?" I said it sarcastically, I knew that she would if she wanted to, or for me (DON'T get any ideas, (no offence) I hate the fanfics where Alice and Bella are together, it creeps me out! Alice and Jazzy (that's my cute nickname for him) forever!

She snorted, "I'm going to go on the other one, the only reason I would get off is if Jasper asked me to, or if he doesn't like me going on so much. And mind you, I actually do get off. Just at night time, nobody's going to update at a time like that." Of course, that was Alice you.

I saw the screen, it looked interesting. The only other color besides back or white was dark blue (I'm not going to describe much because I know you know what it looks like), there was a phrase on the corner that said "unleash your imagination" and it was at a place that says search.

"Just type some key words, I know that they have a Warrior Cats, I looked just a minute ago, seeing you groan." Alice smiled wickedly, "it's amusing, you decided to groan ten minutes before you actually did."

I felt a little annoyed, not at her, at myself. I knew I shouldn't have decided that. "OK," I said and sat down.

"Now, I would suggest you type in the name of a character you want to read about. Though, I learned how to do this pretty quickly." She hurried out to the room with the other computer, I just didn't understand how someone could be so obsessed.

I looked at the screen, trying to think of a good cat to look up. Then a name popped up in my head. Hawkfrost! He might seem a little random and evil but, I kinda liked him, in a very strange way.

My fingers flew across the keypad as I typed the name. I pressed enter and waited. This computer was usually extremely slow but, Alice got it upgraded so it would work faster. It didn't take long for an insane amount of stories popped up. I didn't have much to do so, I scrolled through, reading some that sounded interesting. I didn't particularly like any at the moment. Then I read a summary of a story, it looked particularly weird but, interesting. It was called The Changed Hawk (Yes, this is my Warrior Cats story) by Crooked-smile-lover (me!!!) (which was an interesting name in her point of view)The summary was, "Hawkfrost loves the weirdest and most random cat you could think of, what if she loved him too?" When I read the summary, I excitingly clicked the button. The story was the best one I've read so far. I read all eight chapters then the authors note at the end, the authors note said that the author had a poll in her profile to see who wanted sequels and who didn't. I tried everything I could to try to get into Crooked-Smile-Lover's profile until I realized that I could click on her name which was blue (that means it's a link)!

I clicked on Crooked-Smile-Lover's name and saw her profile. I instantly clicked on Vote Now! on the question for the sequel, and, knowing Alice, I knew that she was logged on, picked the choice that looked most appropriate.

Once I was off of the poll (the poll result was 100% voted yes) I saw the picture they had. It was a guy (Rob Pattison (he played Edward in the movie)), next to a girl (Kirsten Stewart (she played Bella)). It might seem bland but, the guy had a crooked smile with tousled bronze hair. The girl was very plain looking (especially compared to her), it was like all the pictures I had with Edward. Well, I thought. The picture sure fit's the name.

I looked down at her actual profile, she was actually two people. Both of their favorite books feachered Twilight (she liked the name) and to her delight, Warrior Cats. Both of their Twilight pairings were Edward and Bella along with Alice and Jasper.

I saw the names and felt like fainting.