For a moment Persona glanced at Mr. Bear and Kaname. They were silent for a while before Kaname gave him the do-what-you-want look and Mr. Bear just did his infamous eye twinkle. Everyone else was just giving them weird looks.

Being as impatient as she is Mikan threw the first punch at Persona. He swiftly dodged it and tried to kick her in the side. Keyword Tried.

She jumped at the last minute and kicked him so hard he was sent flying across the area. As he got up she was next to him, blankly staring at him.

"Mikan you have to take control. You can't let her rage control you" Persona was heavily panting, like he was barely holding on to consciousness. He was swaying by now, barely keeping his ground.

"I don't think I want too anymore" Her eyes were the same but her voice was sort of childish and deadly at the same time. She gave him a mischievous smirk.

He leaped on to his feet and punched her in the stomach. She arched her back and violently coughed up some blood. He didn't really expect to see much change to her reaction but he was still shocked when all he heard was a soft chuckle.

"Hum is that the best you got" He was about to shout out something but the words were lost when he saw her eyes. The zombie-like blood red eyes had a glint in them and defiantly not anywhere near the good kind. It was lust. Lust for more blood and not her own, his.

Natsume Pov

What the hell just happened? One minute I see the one man I want to kill the most right in front of me and then the next Sakura is smirking at Persona like a 3-year old high on crack that's asking her mom for more.

"Hey aren't you going to help him anytime soon?" Imai finally tore her eyes away from the fight to look at the lazy bunch on the ground. Yoichi was sitting o the ground watching the exchange between the two with his poker face, Mr. Bear was on the other guy's shoulder, I think his name's Kaname, and he was lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

I don't even think they heard her because they didn't even move an in- what the hell was that! Oh crap Imai's pissed.

I watched her with a chill going up my dam spine. I swear this chick is crazy! Her eyes darkened and her hand started twitching. Oh great now I really feel sorry for them. She stunk her hand in her pocket and-


What did I tell you, this chick is crazy? Wait a minute, they dodged every single one! Even I have trouble dodging those things. Although she made a custom-made one for me and a few others that she couldn't get with the original Baka Gun. According to her it's called the Baka-Flame. It was build with an automatic tracking system and heat-seeker bullets. I know she just added that both for effectiveness and to piss me off.

"As I was saying are you going to help him" Of course her face was the same as usual but there was a giant tick mark on her head and boy was that thing big.

Yoichi was the first to answer, "Well if you're that desperate to know then I'll tell you, no we aren't." He jumped off the tree he was on and landed near me along with the others.

"The only reason we aren't helping is cause Persona is the only out of all of us besides Bear that's had any experience with Mikan when she's like this." What the hell is Sakura keeping from us?

End Pov

The little color on Persona's face melted off as soon as he saw her face. He was literally petrified with fear.

By now everything was in slow motion, all you can see was a sudden glint and a bright flash. Mikan pulled her fist back; it was covered in ice, and slammed it in to Persona.

Next thing anyone could process was a thick trail of a blood leading across the frozen lake; the blood red moon was casting its shadow over it causing everything to be consumed by darkness. Oddly only three figures could be clearly seen. The first one was the largest, it was on the ground, looked badly hurt and wasn't moving but the second was hovering over the first and was covered in something. Finally, the third was the smallest; it was behind the second and was holding something.

As the moon's shadow disintegrated the figures were revealed as Persona on ground covered in cuts and bleeding, Mikan was over him covered in his blood and surprisingly Mr. Bear was the third figure, he was gripping Mikan's hands behind her back.

Kaname reacted quickly; he hurriedly sprinted across the lake and swiftly knocked her out with a hit to a pressure point.

He caught her as she fell limp in his arms. Mr. Bear had let her go and walked over to Persona.

"He's knocked out cold" Mr. Bear examined Persona more closely. It seemed Mikan broke a few ribs, dislocated a shoulder, a repeatedly clawed at his legs but he would survive and be back to full health soon. Mr. Bear shifted his head to the right and noticed that Kaname and Yoichi were taking care of Mikan so that meant he had Persona.

A sudden flash of light blinded everyone's sight of view. The source seemed to be Mr. Bear. As the light dimmed in his place was a tall, well built boy. He looked to be around 15 and had short, curly brown hair and dark brown almost black eyes. He was wearing the middle school uniform minus the blazer and tie. His shirt was out and the first two buttons were undone. The pants had a few chains attached to it. He wore two chains; one was gold the other silver with a brown stone attached and a diamond stud earring. All in all he was a lady killer.

Then all that was heard were two thumps, a scream, clicks, and an hn.

Now that got everyone's attention even Persona woke up to see what happened.

Now this is what happened the author and Ususei fainted from nosebleeds, Ruka screamed, Hotaru started taking pictures, her eyes now were money signs, and Natsume (of course) hned. Everyone else in the background just sweatdropped.

This is getting very interesting.