I don't own SA.

Prompt: N for Nude

Rating: K+/T

It's quiet, almost too quiet for you to stand it. You can hear the wind blowing through the trees, and the branches as they tap upon your window.

The room is dark, save the streak of moonlight that slithers it's way through the closed curtains.

You're both sitting crossed legged on you bed, at least you think you are, it is quite dark. You know for sure though that he's directly across from you, almost touching. You don't need to see him; you can feel his presence, just like always.

You can feel when he opens his mouth to speak.

"Ernst look at me."

You laugh, almost bitterly. "You know I can't see you Hänsy."


But you can't look at him. You can't face the perfect person before you.

Ever since you were little you were a very self-conscious person.

You're constantly smoothing out your clothing, checking your hair, and making sure your socks are up. When in the showers after gym class, you would always turn from the other boys as best you could, for you were even more embarrassed of your nude self.

For the most part, the other boys felt no shame if their shirt was a bit untucked, or if a stand of hair became loose, except Hänschen. Hänschen was always perfect. His hair was always slicked back, his shirt never untucked, and his socks perfectly equal in height.

You just had to fall for the most perfect person in your little world didn't you?

Hänschen interrupts your thoughts again. "Ernst we need to talk."

"What is there to talk about Hänsy?"

As he gives you his infamous glare, the memory forces itself to the front of your mind; you can see he's thinking of it as well.

Ah Friday night!

This was one of Ernst's favorite times of the week, other then church on Sundays of course. This was the day when he would spend the night with Hänschen; the house they stayed at alternated each week. It was the one time where they didn't have to worry about studying, well Ernst at least since Hänschen never had to worry about his lessons.

This glorious weekly tradition was given to Hänschen and Ernst since Ernst was now getting exceptional grades, and had Hänschen to thank. Their parents decided this would be the reward because the boys were such good friends. Of course the parents didn't know that Hänschen's teaching was a bit unorthodox and they didn't know what exactly the boys would be doing.

But oh, Hänschen knew. Ernst's thoughts were a bit more… innocent.

It was around 10 p.m. when Hänschen and Ernst fell back against the bed sheets of Ernst's bed.

As Hänschen gazed at his companion, Ernst seemed to find an interest with the ceiling above them. "Whoa." He stated dreamily.

Hänschen laughed. "You always say the most peculiar things when we finish." He took a brief pause to place a small kiss on Ernst's lips. "But mmm, I know."

Ernst giggled, and turned to face him. "What are you thinking about?"

Hänschen sighed. "Oh Ernst, you know I am hardly one for sentimental things, let alone sentimental questions."

Again Ernst giggled. "Oh come on. I'm curious!"

"You're too curious for your own good." Hänschen got up from the bed. He didn't even bother to take a sheet to cover him self. "I'm thinking about how I can't see you very well right now." He walked over to the window and began to run his hands over the curtains. "And how I can never fully see you and your body. Its always too dark."

Ernst gulped. "Th-that's silly."

"You're one to talk about silly things, pastor-boy." He smirked. "Now how about some light in here." Hänschen moved to open the curtains when Ernst let out a shriek.

"Hänschen no!"

Hänschen was taken aback by Ernst outburst. "Ernst, I'm just letting in a little moonlight so I can see you better." He continued to move the curtains apart.

"Hänschen please no!" Ernst jumped up and before Hänschen could register what was happening, Ernst had grabbed both curtains and pulled them shut. Unfortunately for him the curtain refused to shut fully; a strand of moonlight dared to escape. It cast a ghastly shadow on Ernst's face as he slowly walked backwards to his bed and sat in a defeated manner when his legs hit the side.

Hänschen was stunned. What had just come over his beloved Ernst? It wasn't like he hadn't seen him naked before… just not fully naked with the lights on.

Something wasn't right. Hänschen could see it in Ernst's eyes.

He walked back to the bed and sat down cross-legged. Ernst did the same and grabbed the sheets to cover himself. But time passed, and the silence continued.

And so here you are. Quiet as a mouse as Hänschen stares at you. You know you better say something soon, or this will never end. You figure you might as well tell the truth, he knows when you're lying.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just self conscious."

"Ernst we both know its more then that." He's not going to let this pass; you can feel yourself beginning to panic.

"Hänschen there's honestly nothing to talk about! I'm self conscious and its not my fault that the one person who I spend all my time with just so happens to be perfect in every way and-" You stop abruptly when you that what you're saying barely makes any sense and then you realize what you've just said. "I mean… Um…"

He laughs.

You can't believe this. "You're laughing. What? Hänschen-" Something about this seems vaguely familiar.

"Ernst, I'm not perfect! There are many things wrong with me just as there is with everyone. No one is perfect." You clutch the sheet tighter to your body and gaze up at him sadly. "Ernst I'm honored that you think I'm perfect, really. But I'm not! Imperfections are something we have to come to terms with and embrace. Its what makes us unique. If everyone was perfect, we'd all look the same wouldn't we?" You nod your head. He does have a point. "Now come on. Lets open those curtains."

Your gaze moves to the dreaded curtains. "Hänschen I can't-"

But he's not listening. He comes to your side of the bed and pulls you by the hand off of the bed. The sheet falls off of you and you begin to panic again. Hänschen is too strong though and manages to keep you with him as he pulls the curtains.

The moonlight turns the ghastly streak on your face into a silvery shadow across most of your front. Hänschen's gaze softens. You just bite your lip and sway your arms awkwardly. "Tada?" You say silently, and had Hänschen been slightly farther, he wouldn't have heard you.

He seems completely entranced. Without any sound he opens the curtains as far as they go, this time casting that silvery shadow on most of the bed behind you, and takes your hand again.

As he lays you back on the bed he murmurs softly, "I lied. No one is perfect, except for you. You're perfect."

You're at a loss of words as every memory and insecurity melts away as quickly as he kisses you.