
"Jockstrap - you seen him?"

"Do I look like a seeing eye dog, Glen?"

"Well…at this angle…"


Spencer smacked her brother's chest as he smiled at her attempt to hurt him. He kept looking around keeping his eyes peeled for his taller teammate. When he couldn't spot him in the crowd of people passing by, he took the chance to look at his sister who was emptying her bag in her locker.

"What the hell are you doing anyway?"

"It's called unpacking, Glen." Her bored, annoyed tone was very much the flavor of her voice right now.

"Why the hell are you unpacking? It's only lunch. You do have class after."

"I'm just getting ready for the rest of my classes so I don't' have to carry around so many bo- Why do you even care?" She threw the last of her books before closing her locker and rearranging the inside of her bag.

"Who told you I did?"

"You keep asking questions."

"That's a crime now? God, Spencer. You'd think you were on your –" Glen caught her menacing glance from the corner of his eye and chose a different set of words. Carefully. "Look, whatever. Can you just cover for me if you see Aiden around? I gotta to take the second part of my Spanish test later and I still need his chicken scratch notes to pass. So if you see him, tell him you haven't seen me." She still hadn't looked at him. She was too busy with her own stuff. So he opted to make this as painfully easy for her to understand as he could. "Can…you…do…that?"

She finally looked up meeting his expectant gaze with an annoyed glare. "I think I might write it down just to make sure I remember."

Rolling his eyes, he just walked off again towards the direction of the oncoming cheerleading squad. Wherever there were skirts, there Glen was. There was no denying. It was like science.

Spencer walked towards the cafeteria, trying her hardest to suppress all thoughts of the test she just bombed. It wasn't even worth thinking about when you know you failed it before you even gave it in. When she reached the quad area she looked around, trying to spot someone in particular, finding her russet curls not so easy to catch. It wasn't until she caught a glimpse of Ashley's hair blowing behind a tree in the far side of the green where there were hardly even benches that a sigh of relief escaped her lips. She wasn't even sure if it was relief or just a mix of about a million other things running through her veins.

She reached the tree and coughed softly to get the brunette's attention, causing her to turn around. She was still sucking on that lollipop. Spencer wondered if the thing was everlasting or she just didn't want to waste it.


"Hey." Her voice came out all husky as if she hadn't spoken all day. It really wasn't helping Spencer's restraint.

"How're you?"

Ashley smiled again, giggling softly under her breath as she spoke, holding onto the tip of her lollipop. "As good as I was last period and the period before that."

Spencer's eyes shut, trying to make up for the stupidity of her own question. "Right. I was just asking to…you know…"

"I know." Her smile never ceased as she just watched the blonde fidget.

"…Know…" Spencer smiled nervously as she thought of a topic of discussion. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the folded paper. "So, what'd you wanna talk to me about?"


She saw Ashley's confused stare and met her with her own. "You wanted me to meet you. So, what'd you wanna-"

"Spence, what're you talking about? You wanted to meet me,"


"Yeah, you wanted to meet-"

"No I didn't!"

Ashley's eyebrows shot up and Spencer realized what she had said. "No, that- that's not what I meant. Of course I wanted to meet you but…look," she unfolded the note to show her, "you sent me this, right?"

Ashley shook her head as Spencer got more and more confused. "You didn't send me this?"

"Nope. I haven't sent anything."

"But you signed it!" She showed her the signed 'A' at the bottom of the note but Ashley's head still shook as she pulled out her own note from her bra. Spencer tried not to focus on where the note had come from.

"No, that's not me. It's not even my handwriting! I got this in my desk before Gym and it was signed by you."

Spencer took the note, reading what looked like a poem sent to Ashley with her drawing of Pebbles on the front, in the same way her note had her own sketch of Smurfette on the cover.

"Dear Ashley, I've got some things I'd like to set in pen
I would have used a pencil but lead's just not permanent
Should I trust my printer's ink
To express the things I think?

Dear Ashley, this envelope will represent my heart
I'll seal it, send it off and wish it luck with its depart
And this stamp will be every action that carried my affection
Across the air and land and sea

Meet me at lunch
Signed, sincerely, me….- S

"Lyrics. " Ashley answered as she watched the blonde reading thoroughly. Both letters were written by the same person, apparently since both had the same handwriting.

"Yeah, I know. You played this song all the time when you drove that one time to Jack in the Box and wouldn't let me turn on the radio." She handed the letter back towards the girl, completely lost as to what exactly was going on. Who would know to send that to Ashley? There was no one else in the car except….

Spencer looked around, searching for a familiar spiked head of hair, spotting him sitting on one of the tables along with some other guys, mostly from the basketball team. He was looking her way and when she met his stare, he nodded and smiled slightly towards her before returning back to whatever it was he was talking about with his friends.

She'd definitely have to remember to get Aiden something for later.

Ashley was still watching her, her soft eyes taking the girl in. "So…Pebbles, huh?"

Spencer shook her head, getting back to where she was and to the girl in front of her. She looked at the folded paper between Ashley's fingers, which she was brandishing as if she were Vanna White. The blonde smiled softly as she turned up to see Ashley's smirking eyes looking back at her.

"Yeah. I think it's pretty cute."

"Well you would. You're pretty gay like that."

She rolled her eyes as her head tilt, the brunette was still watching her with the mischievous smirk in her eyes matching the one playing on her lips.

"So you still owe me an answer."

Spencer didn't notice but she was swaying a bit on her feet, her head resting on her shoulder and her eyes slowly taking in every curve of Ashley's face.

"Answer to what?" She decided to play coy and see where it got her. What she got was an even broader smirk, with the brunette taking holding her lollipop in her hand as her tongue rested between her teeth. She did it, and Spencer was pretty sure what effect it would have on her.

"You know to what."

"I swear, I don't know what you're talk-"


The rasp in her voice made Spencer stop for a second, take in everything she was looking at – wanting to remember everything about this moment right now. Her smile slowly crept on her lips before she stepped in, grabbing Ashley's shirt to pull her in, and kissing her fully. There was something so simple about just kissing her that she couldn't describe but she knew she never wanted to let go. This was the second time she kissed Ashley first and the more she did it, the better it was.

Ashley didn't disappoint either. She opened her mouth, deepening the kiss intensely, letting Spencer in completely. They stayed that way, feeling each other using their lips before Spencer pulled back slowly. Her hands were still gripping onto Ashley's shirt and they still stood nose to nose with each other.

Spencer looked into the chocolate eyes in front of her, just taking them in and letting them do the same. It was Ashley's husky voice that cut through their short silence.

"I like your answer but I missed the last part. What'd you say, again?"

She smiled knowingly before leaning back in again, the brunette's hand sliding up from its place on her arm to tangle itself in blonde locks.

There was no need to wonder anymore about how they would be together.


The End.

Thanx so much to everyone who's read and reviewed, it means a lot and I loved reading what you guys thought of each chap and the story! Hope you all enjoyed the ending. Till next time.