Twisted tales

I never believed in angels . . . I liked to think there was a God out there, someone who was watching and making sure that you were safe . . . I never believed in angels, they seemed to pure to be real. It sounds strange; I could believe in something so much better then man but not something in-between the greatness and normalness I could not believe in.

That was until I met Bella.

We broke the rules and we had to pay the price. I was going to fight . . . I would not live or love without my angel.

* * *

I hate high school. I hate all the back stabbing. URG I felt like I could punch something. Tanya walked up to me for the second time this hour. Her hips were moving like crazy as she strutted to my desk . . . someone save me now, please!

Just when Tanya was about to sit next to the door opened. Everyone's heads automatically turned towards the slowly opening door. The breath I was holding as Tanya approached whooshed out of me. My heart started to beat faster, like it was jumping out my chest towards the girl in the door.

My school was full of "pretty" looking girls but I had never seen someone so beautiful in my whole life. She put my sisters to shame and they were the most desired girls in the school.

Her long silky brown hair had natural red highlights in it when it caught the light. It fell down her back in loose natural curls. Her skin was almost as pale as mine and it seemed to glow. She was a little shorter then Rosalie. She had perfect curves that looked even better because she wasn't trying to show them off. She screamed "perfection" but it wasn't her body that had her so beautiful. It was her face.

It was heart shaped. Her full pink lips were pulled into a weary polite smile. She had a light blush that just made her pale skin look creamer and soft. But it was her eyes that took my breath away; they were brown – not dead and dark but light and swimming in emotion. It was like you could see into her soul . . . she had a beautiful soul.

We all watched as she walked to the teacher and handed him a slip. Even he seemed to be blown away wither her beauty. She looked at him and waited patiently as he ogled at her. I could feel the anger returning, you don't ogle at a girl as beautiful as her . . . you worship her or praise her – what the hell is happening to me!?

"I'm Bella Swan, the new student." She finally sighed. Her voice sounded like it had been worked upon by musicians for years. It was perfect like her. I picked up a hint of frustration in her polite tone.

The teacher snapped out of the trance she had bewitched him in.

"Nice to meet you. Welcome to Forks High School. Please take a seat next to Mr Cullen . . . Mr Cullen please wave your hand." It took me so long to process his words but when I did I wanted to kiss the hair-less moody over weight man. My hand shot out and moved by its self, it was moving slowly left to right.

She was already looking directly at me. A soft smile of her full lips as she danced to my desk . . . our desk. How am I going to get through this year with her next to me?

She was about to sit down when Tanya jumped up and folded her arms and glared at her. Bella looked at her and waited. I saw her eyes flash to me before she got a glint in her eyes, I automatically smiled at her. Tanya locked her jaw and her eyes filled with anger.

"I'm Tanya. I think we are going to be great friends." Tanya's voice was dripping in fake ness. Bella's lips twitched and I saw her bite the inside of her cheek. She held her hand out for Tanya to shake.

"Bella and I'm sure we're going to be great friends." Her voice was still as beautiful and flowing as before but it was full of sarcasm. Tanya grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. I opened my mouth to tell her to stop but Bella just raised one perfect eyebrow at her.

"You're in my way Tanya." She said sweetly. They both looked each other in the eyes. Tanya managed to look like she was blind, she was squinted her eyes so much that I was sure she couldn't even see Bella anymore. Bella did the opposite she widened her eyes and they flashed black. My breath caught. Tanya started to back away.

"See you around." Tanya snapped before running over to her army of sluts. I watched as Bella shook her head and took two more steps until she sat down gracefully. She turned to face me. My heart missed a beat, she was breathtaking. She smiled at me like she had known me her whole life.

My hand shot out.

"I'm Edward." I told her stupidly. I could feel my face getting warmer so I looked away. My eyes shot back to her when she grabbed my hand and shook it. Her hand was colder then mine but that wasn't what got my attention, it was the shock – like she had electrocuted me . . . only it wasn't painful it was pleasant.

I looked at her to see her staring at our still joined hands with wide eyes. Her head shot up and she smiled at me again.

"Bella." She said again. I nodded. She let go of my hand and I automatically missed her cold touch. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Do you need any help finding your way around school?" I blurted out. I could feel my face warming but I ignored it. Bella smiled a little sheepishly at me.

"It would be nice if I had some help." She admitted even though I could tell she didn't want to admit it.

"Well then I shall be your tour guild to the oh so brilliant Forks High School." I declared. Normally I wasn't like this around someone I had just met but something about her made me feel like I had known her for years. She beamed back at me.

"What classes do you have?" I asked once class was over. We had spent the rest of the hour talking, we entered the crowded hall and everyone stopped to stare at us. Boy's looked at Bella with lust and threw blots of hate at me as we past.

She handed me her class list. It was a perfect copy of mine. Could I get any luckier? I felt like stopping in the middle of the hall and starting to dance – but I didn't . . . Emmett and Jasper would never let me live that down.

"It seems like we have the same classes Ms Swan." I informed her. She blushed a little but didn't seem surprised.

"How strange." Was all she said. She wouldn't meet my eye until the next lesson after that. The next lessons past like the last. Men ogled at Bella and girls glared. I was once again lucky enough to sit next to her.

"You want to sit with me and my family for lunch? Or would you be happier eating with Mike?" I asked as we made our way to the cafeteria. Mike had met Bella last lesson and had tried to talk her ear off. I burst out laughing when he first came over and just gasped at her but stopped when I realized that I had done the same to her.

"I think I'll survive eating with your family." She said with a shudder as her eyes flicked to Mike. I tried not to grin like an idiot. Once we were inside the cafeteria we lined up and got some food. I noticed Bella hardly got anything – Jasper's like that. Once it was all paid for we started walking over to my table. I wasn't worried they wouldn't like her . . . I could see her fitting in with us.

We sat down and everyone's head shot up. Bella was still looking down tracing patterns on the table.

"Everyone this is Bella, Bella this is everyone." I introduced them. Bella and Jasper both snapped their heads up and looked each other in the eye. Both had wide eyes.

"I need to speak to Bella alone." Jasper suddenly declared whilst jumping out his seat. Bella was already out of hers. They didn't wait for our answers as they both walked to an empty table and sat down. Alice and I shared a look before we all moved to hear them talk . . . what can I say we are a nosy family.

"What are you doing here?" Jasper demanded in a hushed voice. He sounded scared. Bella glared at him.

"Nice to see you too." She snapped back sarcastically. "We both know why I'm here Jasper, which one is yours?" she asked whilst never taking her eyes off him.

"This has never happened before – did you know Jacob is here as well . . . that's three of us!" Jasper put his head in his hands. Bella sighed before putting a hand on his arm. A flare of jealousy jumped through me. I saw Alice's eyes tighten.

"You know they are listening and now they are going

to think I'm completely crazy . . . I don't think that's fair." Bella mumbled whilst folding her arms across her chest. Both their eyes flashed to us. Alice and I quickly looked away before we hurried back to our seats at the other end of the table.

I watched out the corner of my eye as Bella and Jasper laughed and would shake their heads or either one would blush – it only lasted a few minutes but the feeling of jealously tripled. Jasper and Bella knew each other and it seemed they knew each other well . . . and who the heck is Jacob?

They both walked back with identical smiles. My mouth popped open when I looked at them stood next to each other. Their skin tone was the same – not a single difference. They both had no flaws. Their eyes were the same wary still way, Jasper's blue eyes locked on Alice whilst Bella's brown pools of emotions were locked on mine. I noticed that in Bella's eyes there was a fleck of blue that I had missed whilst Jasper's blue eyes actually had brown flecks. Strange how I never noticed that about Jasper before.

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