Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana, and I most likely never will, so deal with the fact that I have to write stories. :)




So. I'm like.. depressed-ish, and I just needed to vent. So many things have happened lately, and I really should be studying, but I find, when your mind is distracted and frustrated you have a lot more pouring out of you. But that's just me.

So.. Uh.. This might not really make sense, but I'm tired, alright? :)


A foundation.

A building.

An empire.

The sky's the limit.

That's what was set in your mind, wasn't it? At the time, when you thought of pursuing your dream, were you aware of the cruelty of the people? Did you know that blog after blog would be condemning every move you made? Did you know that you were going to have magazines comment on you?

Did you know that you were going to get lost?

Then again, you've always been naive.

Most people say it's because you're so thick-headed that you refuse to let your mistakes get to you.

I agree, but I think it's more than that.

That's just the way you are.

We were all made differently, and in some ways, I think there was a reason why you were made the way you are.

You show us all that we don't need to conform.

You show us that we're all unique.

And you show us that you're just another teenager, trying to get by in life.

People feel the need to hate you, to belittle you, to destroy you.

People are disgusting.

I watched the way you grew - I was there, beside you.

I supported you.

We were co-stars.

We were acquaintances.

We are best friends.

I'd like to think that I understood you the best, out of everybody. Truth be told, sometimes I feel that I look out for you more than your family.

And yet, you've got the most close-knit family I've ever seen. I'm jealous sometimes.

Sometimes I see how heavily broken you are - It's nearly impossible to scrape the pieces of your heart and soul off the undeserving ground. The way you're confused - and yet, you understand just why they say that. You say you feel guilty, you say you feel shameful.

Sometimes I see how proud you are of your fans, the way they defend you. Their strong, yet sadly, fruitless attempts of battling back at the hatred coming in forms of grammatically incorrect sentences.

And I see the way you cry - The way you cry for them. I've never seen a starlet love their fans so much before.

I've seen the way you're so exhilarated during performances, the way your hand grips the microphone so tightly. The way your lips at first form a thin line, and you close your eyes, calming yourself.

Then suddenly--

You're a fireball of energy, excitement, and happiness. It radiates out towards the crowds, and the thousands of fans love it. Screaming your name continuously, relentlessly.

I know this is what you live for. You live to please.

You keep giving, and giving.

But you rarely get.

I saw the way you let those boys ride on your back when they were weak, when they were lowly, when they were almost nothing.

I saw the way you loved one of them.

I saw the way you were soon hated by all of them.

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make
Feels lost in all directions
My faith is shaken

But I, Gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

You've struggled out of the hole that you unknowingly dug yourself into.

You've repaired the loose ends.

You've built your foundation.

You've started your empire.

How are you gonna finish it?

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna want to make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

You've endured your mountains and mountains.

You've gone on those endless journeys, filled with hatred and anger.

You've lost.

And now--

You're gonna win.

Chin up, Miley.

We're counting on you to show us - To show us that you're not going to let anybody take your throne.

You're gonna show us that you're not going to be trampled on any longer.

You're gonna get to the top, and you're going to show us that flag waving in the distance.

That triumphant flag..

Of victory.

So don't give up.

Never give up.

so, Miley was absolutely gorgeous during the Kids' Inauguration, was she not? If you've noticed, I took the lyrics from the song, 'The Climb'. Truly inspirational. It's been helping me through exam week. :)

10 guesses as to whose POV this is. xD