Chapter 8

"..Here we go, again and again, and again…"

Mitchie's perfect voice trailed off as applause surrounded us. I smiled and gave her a standing ovation; she seemed to get better every time I heard her sang, even though I thought she couldn't get any better. Still, somehow she proved me wrong: she got even more amazing. Tonight was an awesome performance by her, here at the Camp Rock PJ Jam, and…

"Wow, what a bunch of suckers."

I turned (regretfully) towards my (ugh) date for the night. I could not believe a person like him could be friends with Shane.

His black hair was shaggy, hanging in his blue eyes, nearly touching his black sweat shirt, which dark blue skinny jeans that came up to his waist was partially hidden by. No doubt, this emo dude was totally hot…and a total looser.

"Isn't it so weird how they're all just so happy and excited, as if any of us actually have a chance at making it to the big time?"

I bit my lip from making a nasty comment and mumbled "They're just amazed…Mitchie's an amazing singer. You have to admit that, right?"

Alex (the emo dude, my blind date…duh) shrugged and rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall. "Yeah, I guess." He looked over at her, studying her closely, and shrugged again. "Pretty sexy, anyone would want to pick that chick up…"

Anger seethed through me, not for my date checking out other girls, but the fact that my date was checking out Mitchie.

"She's dating Shane," I reminded him forcefully. "Your friend?"

"Yeah," he muttered, looking as if he didn't give a shit, which I'm sure he didn't. "Shane, my bud."

I sighed, looking away at him as the next performer, a first year named Meghan, stepped up and started to play her guitar. She was pretty good, and a great singer, but I heard Alex sigh as if he was being forced to listen to screamo music, or was at some kind of boring seminar. I clenched my fists in my sweatshirt and felt my jaw harden. Worst date yet, even worse than Cody. Ugh. I hated this idea with every passing moment even more.

Then why do you keep agreeing to them? A pesky little voice sang.

Because you really want to find someone, you just haven't admitted it yet, another sang. I shook my head. No way. I was doing this to keep Mitchie happy. Simple as that.


Great, I'd taught my mind to use sarcasm. I was a genius, really.

Alex sighed again. "Can we go, babe?" he muttered to me. Babe? We'd known each other, what, twenty minutes and he was already giving me a pet name? Right…

"I kinda want to see Connect 3 perform," I said, looking back at the boys, who were seated together, with Mitchie sitting at Shane's feet, like some kind of loyal dog. It was disgusting really, but kind of sweet, I guess…if you're the romantic type.

"You'll see them some other time," Alex reminded me, looking at the door. "Besides, aren't you all buddy-buddy with Curly over there? C'mon, let's hit the kitchen, bet we can get something to eat."

I was hungry…

Sighing, I followed him out the door, knowing C3 and company were watching. I did see, however, Nate's black glare burning holes in Alex's jacket. Weird.

Once outside, the full moon lit up the path ahead of us. I got another look at Alex. For some reason, he reminded me of a mix of Danny from Grease, and Alex Evans, that sexy Canadian model…at least I think he's Canadian…maybe French…too bad he's gay…Hey, Alex and Alex have the same name….wish I could be with the other Alex right now…

I pulled myself out of my fantasies and realized we were already sneaking into the mess hall. Sighing quietly to myself, yet again, I followed Alex's black jacket into the kitchen. It was dark, Mitchie's mom and her co-cookers already having packed up and went to bed. Alex pulled open up the 'fridge and smiled. "Whoa-oh. They have everything known to man."

I doubted that but came to peek over his shoulder. Huh. Maybe they did. Even so, I did spot some of my favorite food that made my mouth water.

Two words: chocolate chip cookie dough, that Nestle type. All in that big, round tub. I reached out for it and peeled back the lid. The delicious sent wafted through the air and I inhaled deeply, letting it out with a deep sigh.

"Oh, nice," Alex muttered, grabbing the tub and two spoons. "C'mon babe, let's get this and go…grab the milk, too."

I looked around, my confidence suddenly fading. "I…I don't really think we should steal this…it might be for dessert tomorrow…"

Alex scoffed. "Bitch please, they probably have about a hundred more of those in the back. They won't miss one."

"But why would it be up in front, instead of back with the others?" I peered back into the fridge, trying to see the back of it, but my eyes were still dim to the light. Alex shrugged, a spoonful of the yummy dough already in between his teeth.

"Dunnof," he slurred around the lump. "Buff if really goof. Try fome."

He held out the tub and I couldn't resist. I grabbed my spoon and dug out a huge chunk, putting it in my mouth and moaning with pleasure. It tasted delicious, better than the cookies themselves would be. Amazing…

I suddenly noticed a note tapped to the tub. Swallowing my lump, I took the tub and read it.

To whom it may concern: THIS DOUGH IS OLD AND MUST BE THROWN OUT!!!

I suddenly felt sick. I turned the note around to Alex. Then overpowering anger coursed through me.

"Look at that, we'll be sick now!" I hissed, shoving the tub into his gut. "Now put it back before…"


The light suddenly flickered on, causing my eyes to scream in protest. Instead, I groaned. I recognized the voice.

It was Connie, Mitchie's mother.

"Fuck," Alex cursed under his breath. I knew how guilty we looked, two teenagers standing with spoons covered in cookie dough, with the tub still in sight. Connie's eyes were wide as she spotted the tub in Alex's arms, disbelief coloring her face.

"So, you decided to just sneak away from everyone to steal food from the kitchen?" Brown demanded, eyeing Alex and I. I gulped.

"We…we were just hungry," I mumbled, looking down at my wet converse, curtsy of the dewy grass. "We didn't mean…"

"You didn't mean to stick two spoons in the dough, pull some out and eat it?" Brown interrupted me. "Yeah, okay."

His sarcasm was insulting, but necessary I suppose. Personally, I think he should have yelled; that might have gotten Alex's attention. He was slouched in his chair, the tub of dough (which, Connie had admitted was still good and had only put the note on there to keep stealers, ahem us, out of it.) still in his hands. He looked utterly bored about the situation and it infuriated me. I mean, come on…first he gets me in trouble, now he's going to let me testify? Thanks Alex, I'll definitely be calling you for a one night stand in the future...

Don't you love sarcasm?

Brown sighed. "I'm afraid I have to ban you from the lake for a day, and take away your dessert for two days…"

"That's bull," Alex grumbled. I shot him a dark look. He ignored it. "We were just getting a snack, man! Can you blame us? Besides, my chick was hungry. So was I."

Brown looked at me, mouthing 'my chick?' to Mitchie's mom. I wanted to hide my face in shame and shoot Alex in the foot. I shook my head instead, making a 'help' face, hoping Brown would understand.

Brown shook his head. "Okay, kids, this is what I'm going to do. Caitlyn, you're back to working in the kitchen for a week. Alex, you'll be cleaning up every day for a week after dinner. Fair?"

"No," Alex muttered but I nodded. Brown excused us. By then, the Jam was over and I ignored Alex, walking back towards my cabin.

"Hey, babe, wait!" I heard him call but I just shook my head.

"This won't work. Sorry."

Then I stepped inside, slamming the door in Alex's pissed face. Mitchie was lounged on her bed and looked over at me, sighing.

"Bad choice?" she asked hesitantly.

I groaned. "Understatement."

Totally a filler chapter and I apologize. But I wanted to get on with this story...hoping to update again at the end of the weekend, along with other stories. (its funny, I concentrate better on updating during the school year apparently...) hehe. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it a little!! Review?