Here's a new story line I'm trying out just for curiosities sake. Tell me what you think!


I sat at my desk on the first day of class, trying to be invisible. It was an extremely small class with only seven people, including me. The professor began speaking. "Get in pairs," he ordered. Immediately, everyone had a partner but me. I felt like an outcast and I sank lower in my chair. "Does everyone have a partner?"

Reluctantly, I raised my hand. "I don't."

"What's your name?"

"Bella Swan."

"Bella, you can be Edward's partner when he comes in. He said he had a family emergency and might not be able to come." The professor, Mr. Cook, smiled reassuringly at me. I tried not to look too scared at the prospect of being paired up with a guy I'd never met. I'd always been cripplingly shy, even my mom had said so, and I hadn't dated enough guys to gain much experience.

"I hope you all like your partners because you'll be working with them this whole semester. There's also a rather big assignment coming up in three weeks. You and your partner will the subject of each others paintings."

Already, I was feeling uncomfortable.

"And since I want to make this challenging for you, it must be nude modeling."

"What?!" I shrieked, jumping up and knocking my chair over behind me. The entire class looked over at me. Blushing wildly, I quickly sat back down. Ignoring my outburst, Mr. Cook continued.

"You and your partner will put your paintings in this corner."

I was still reeling from the assignment we'd been given. Nude modeling? How could my life get any worse? After class, my best friend, Alice, grabbed my arm. "Bella!" she cried, towing Rosalie behind her. "We're just about to go get changed to head down to the pool. Come with us."

"No, thanks, Alice," I said gloomily.

"Oh, Bella," she scolded. "Don't be such a grandma. We'll only be there for a couple of hours." She unleashed the power of her puppy dog eyes on me. "Please? Pretty please?"

"Ugh. Fine," I muttered reluctantly.

She squealed in delight. "I've got the perfect bathing suit for you!" Alice and Rosalie's cars were in the body shop so we had to take my beat up truck. When we arrived, Alice pulled me into a changing room that was beside the pool. She threw something at me as I pulled the curtain closed to the changing room.

After I put the bathing suit on, I looked into the mirror. "Alice, I'm not wearing this!" I called out. The bathing suit was dark blue and all strings.

"You will or I'll force you," came Alice's voice darkly.


It was so infuriatingly hot. I almost wished someone would drown so I would have an excuse to dive into the cool water. Emmett, Jasper, and I were texting each other since our lifeguard stations were so far apart from each other. Emmett was busy eyeing all the bikinied girls sunbathing. Jasper, like me, just wanted to get our lifeguard duties over with so we could go somewhere cool.

Then she walked in.

My whole thought process stopped. So did my breathing.

She was with two other girls and they all looked as if they could be models. But all I saw was the brunette with the blue bikini. Her pale skin was set beautifully off by the dark midnight color of the cloth. She had long brown hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She seemed shy beside the confident blonde. But her shyness only made her more gorgeous.

My phone vibrated close to my crotch and I jumped, realizing that I was already hardening just by looking at the girl. I looked at the text Jasper had sent me.

Check out the girl in the purple bikini.

I looked to see the girl beside the brunette. The girl had short spiky black hair and was in a violet bikini.

Look at the brunette, I texted back.

The blonde and the black-haired one seemed to be trying to convince the brunette about something. Their voices carried up to me. "Bella, please come swimming with us," they pleaded.


"I don't think you remember, Alice," I said as they began to pull me towards the pool. "I can't swim."

"You can stay in the three feet then," she replied. "You can always learn, Bella. There's no time like the present."

"How about I just try and get a tan? God knows I need one."

"No," Alice said sternly. "Look, there's even lifeguards so if you drown, they can save you." She pointed to one of the three guys sitting in the red chairs.

I glanced up and locked eyes with him. His large emerald eyes smoldered and I felt my heart quicken. He was dressed only in swimming trunks so I could see his perfectly sculpted chest and arms. His bronze hair was tousled but flawless. He was without a doubt the hottest guy I'd ever seen. I wasn't sure I wanted him saving me. I'd probably pass out if he was that close to me.

"Check out that piece of man," Alice said, gesturing to the blonde lifeguard. Rosalie kept sneaking glances at the big burly one who was flexing his muscles towards her.

"Hey, ladies." We turned to see a boy with spiked hair smiling at us. He winked at me while I tried not to be too disgusted. "Wanna play?" he asked suggestively.

"Excuse me," Rosalie hissed. "We don't talk to snot-nosed boys. Get lost." He turned stiffly and walked quickly away, looking downtrodden. I couldn't hide my grin.

"Nice, Rose," I commented.

"All for my man up there." She turned herself towards the burly lifeguard and slowly reached up to run her hands through her golden locks. She simultaneously pushed her chest out. I turned to see the lifeguard and about a dozen other guys panting.

"Rosalie, you're the hottest thing out here," Alice whispered to her, grinning.

"I wouldn't say that," Rose replied, winking at me. "Bella's got a few admirers too - including a very gorgeous bronze-haired lifeguard. I blushed and peeked up to see him staring at me. I had never felt so uncomfortable and exposed as I was in my bathing suit.

"You're hot, Bella," Alice said, matter-of-fact. "Use that to your advantage."

"Now let's go swimming!" Rose cried before wading into the pool. Alice managed to drag me into the three feet section. I had to admit, it wasn't that bad. I ventured farther out until I got to where people dived. The floor suddenly dropped to fifteen feet and I clung to the side of the pool. As I began to get comfortable, a guy started talking to me.

"Can you swim?" he asked. I turned to see the boy from before with the once spiked hair.

"No," I admitted.

"I'll teach you. Come here." He swam out into the deep part while I continued to cling to the pool's edge.

"No," I insisted.

"C'mon," he insisted, pulling me away from my safety.

"No, stop it!" I cried, but he ignored me. I suppose he wanted me to grab onto him to stay afloat but I never got that far.

I went under, sucking in water, and sputtering when I bobbed back onto the surface. The boy wasn't strong enough to pull me back to the ledge before I was in full drowning mode. When I broke the surface the last time I screamed before going under. I heard a faint splash before everything went black and two strong arms wrapped around me.

The next thing I felt was something pressing against my lips and the chlorine water in my lungs. It pressed against my mouth once more and air was blown into my lungs. I coughed up the water suddenly. I heard cheers and applause. I struggled to open my eyes but they felt so heavy. When I finally did, I was rewarded with a beautiful man leaning over me. His face was inches from my own, those large green eyes seeing deep into me. I was vaguely aware of the crowd of people around us and Alice's knowing smile. But all I could focus on was the god leaning over me.

He grinned crookedly and my heart skipped a beat. "Good morning, beautiful," he purred in my ear. I cursed myself for arching slightly, pressing my scantily clad body against his.

Someone cleared their throat and I came back to myself. He stood up, then leaned down to help me. I brushed his hand aside and stood up myself.

The crowd dissolved until there was only Rosalie, Alice, me, and the three lifeguards. "So," Rosalie began, turning to the brawny guy with bands of steel around his arms. "What kind of car do you drive?" Alice and the other guy went off to talk and it was just me and my savior.

"Shouldn't you be guarding other people's lives?" I asked, gesturing to their empty chairs.

"No, the next shift starts now," he replied, still looking at me.

"Oh," I said lamely.

"Do you want to sit down?" he asked gently. "Unless you would rather swim…"

"No!" I said too quickly. "I've had enough swimming for the next year." I sat down in a lounge chair, the kind that folded all the way back so you could lie down. He sat in the chair behind me.

"I wonder where that twerp is," he muttered.


"The kid that almost caused you to drown." He looked at me, his eyes raking over me. "Have you put on sunscreen yet. I wouldn't want you to get burnt and that would be very easy for someone with as pale of skin as you."

"Look whose talking," I retorted; my eyes of their own accord locked on his chiseled chest. My near drowning had caused me to get cranky. "For a lifeguard, you don't look too tan yourself."


I couldn't help but remember the feeling of her tiny body in my arms and her lips under mine. We were close to arguing now and her eyes blazed.

"That's because I just became a lifeguard. So did Jasper and Emmett," I said, pointing to each of my friends. They were already looking very smug with the attentions of the two girls. I turned back to the woman I'd just saved. "But you're not the first girl I've handled."

She raised an eyebrow.

Damn it. Why was it that everything I said came out wrong when I was trying to talk to this girl? A wicked gleam came into her eyes and she grinned at me. "So you've 'handled' many girls before?" There was a definite double meaning in her sultry voice.

"No…yes…maybe," I sputtered, trying to keep my gaze from flicking to her chest as she leaned towards me. With a Herculean effort, I kept my eyes on her face.

"When's the last time you've handled a girl?"

As she put her finger in her mouth, showing her small pink tongue, all thought left me. I saw a couple of guys staring at her from the corner of my eye. I quickly grabbed a large white towel and laid it on her luscious body.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

"I don't like the way they're looking at you," I grumbled.

She glared at me but didn't remove the towel. "You're not my mother. I won't have you telling me what to do," she said harshly. "I can take care of myself."

I glared at the two boys and they quickly ran off. I turned back to her, cocking an eyebrow. "I wasn't the once who decided to swim in the fifteen feet even though she can't swim."

"It's not like I wanted to come here!" she snapped, her large brown eyes fiery with anger. She was suddenly so irresistible that I wanted to crush her to me and ravish her mouth with mine.

"Why did you come then?"

"Because Alice and Rosalie dragged me here." She huffed angrily, glaring at me. "I don't even know why you wanted to save me. Why didn't you just let me drown?"

"Pardon me for saving your life," I said sarcastically, my voice raising with her's. I stood up and looked down at her. "Would you have wanted me to just let you die?"

She stood up too, her head only coming up to my chest. The towel fell away, exposing her beautiful body. "Maybe you should have!"

"Who says I didn't just rescue you because it was my job. I am a lifeguard, you know," I pointed out heatedly.

She opened her mouth to retort but Emmett interrupted. "I hope you're not arguing with her, Edward. What happened to your 'don't fight with girls' policy?"


All the blood seemed to drain from my face and my heart stopped. Emmett's words reverberated in my mind.

"Edward?" I whispered. He turned to me.


"Oh God." I had to get out of here before I passed out. This exasperating man was my partner in art. And we had to model nude for each other…

I grabbed my things and ran to Alice. "I'm leaving now."

"Wait!" she called. "Where are you going?"

I didn't stop to answer. I rushed into the changing rooms and changed into my clothes as quickly as I could – I would shower when I got back to my dorm. "Bella, what's wrong?" Alice demanded in the changing room. She was closely flanked by Rosalie. "Tell me before I'm forced to smack you out of your hysteria," she warned.

"That impertinent man out there is my partner in art class." My voice sounded crazed even to myself.

"Wait, start at the beginning," Rosalie commanded.

I told them about Mr. Cook pairing me up with Edward since I didn't have a partner and Edward had a "family emergency". I snorted in disgust. "I bet he just said that to get out of class. He's the most aggravating, insolent…maddening man alive!"

"Well, he did save your life," Alice pointed out.

"It's his job, Alice. He gets paid to save people, remember?"

"It looked like you two were hitting it off before you started to argue," Rosalie said coolly.

"Why would the fact that he's your partner make you want to run away from here?" Alice asked.

"Because." I took a deep breath. This was going to be excruciating. "The teacher said that partners have to model nude for each other as an assignment. We're supposed to paint each other."

Alice stood, wide-eyed with her mouth open. Slowly, she began to smile. "But this is great, Bella. Don't you see that?"

"You get to stare as long as you want at him and it's perfectly alright," Rosalie replied, grinning. "I wish I could stare at Emmett's body forever. Actually, I would do more than stare…" she trailed off.

"You've just met him!" I shrieked, still agitated.

"True, but we have tons in common."

I turned to Alice for help. "Surely, Alice, you see my problem."

"Actually, Bella, this is a great opportunity for you to seriously date a guy. When's the last time you've been kissed?"

"Not this again," I groaned, pulling my damp hair into a pony tail.

"Yes, it's this again. You haven't gone on a date in an entire year."

"Six months," I corrected.

"Exactly. It's about time that you got involved with a boy. And that lifeguard outside was more than happy to save you from drowning. He's cute, Bella."

I groaned in exasperation. "You guys just don't understand. Apparently, we can't stand each other and, sooner or later, I'm going to have to model naked for him because of this stupid assignment. I'm leaving now because I am not going to be the one to tell him about it."

And with that, I walked out of the changing rooms. To my horror, Edward was just outside.

"I hope I haven't offended you," he said softly, still wearing nothing but his swimming trunks. Despite myself, fantasies danced in my head of seeing him naked and touching me. Would it really be so bad to paint this god? I looked up into his mischievous eyes and decided. Yes. Yes, it would be very bad. I probably wouldn't be able to keep myself from swooning.

"Bella?" he asked, touching my arm. Electricity shot through my body and I was instantly hyper aware of him so close to me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked stupidly.

"Your friend, Alice, told me."

Damn her. "I have to go," I said finally. "See you in class."

"In class?"

Dammit! I could have slapped myself for being so stupid as to let that slip. "Bye," I muttered before driving off in my old decrepit truck. I was at my dorm room in less than fifteen minutes. I showered quickly and changed. Alice and Rosalie came twenty minutes later.

Alice, my roommate, sat talking about Jasper until 11:30 that night. She told me about exchanging phone numbers and how his golden hair shone in the sun. "And then you left without us so they had to drop us off," she said sternly. "But I had to sit in Jasper's lap because there wasn't any more room in their car." She grinned and giggled.

"Alice, it's late, can we please go to sleep now?" I asked grumpily. She huffed and wiggled under her covers.

"I wouldn't be too irritable, Bella. I have a feeling that you and Mr. Edward are going to become very close."

I glared at her. "Not likely."

She grinned wickedly. "You should know better than to bet against me."

That night, my mind wouldn't shut off. I couldn't stop thinking about Edward and our upcoming task. What would he say tomorrow when he found out about our assignment? Visions of his finely sculptured chest and arms swam under my eyelids. Then a thought hit me. Who would model first?

It was two in the morning before I finally drifted into a very troubled sleep.

Hope you liked it!

Review please, cuz you know it makes me happy!

- Oriana