Okay, so for the last chapter I got a lot of different responses. Some of you guys said you hated it and others said it was their favorite chapter (thanks, Myra, that seriously made my day!).

This final chapter is dedicated to the 500th reviewer, icefang7!!! Wow, I actually hit the 500 mark. That's just phenomenal. Thank you so much, you guys! :D After all, without you this story would have zero reviews! Thanks. Love you!

Also, since this is the last chapter *tear* I felt that it should be a long one. I hope you enjoy the ending to this story!!! :D


I woke with an angel in my arms and the alarm clock blaring. Groaning, I rolled over and hit the snooze button. My fingers delighted in the feel of her heavenly skin. Slowly running my hand down her side and leg, I began to press my lips to her neck.

She sighed, still half-asleep, and rolled so that she was facing me, one leg recklessly pulled over me, hitched up to my hip.

"You're asking for it, aren't you?" I said in her ear. She was still trying to act like she was asleep but I saw the slight smile that quipped her lips. Her face smoothed out and she snuggled closer to me, her hand absently running down my body. That delicate, perfect hand was dangerously close to my hardening cock, playing with the skin on my lower stomach.

When her fingers brushed the head of my penis, I hissed. "That's it," I said roughly, flipping her over so that she was pressed into the pillows. "You're going to get it this morning. And if you keep touching my dick like that then I'll have to shove it into you."

Her eyes snapped open at this, shocked. I smirked; that was exactly the reaction I was looking for. I pressed my hips into hers, eliciting a deliciously soft moan from her lips. Her eyes closed once again as I brought my hand down her stomach to that part of her that was already wet and aching for me.

"Are you so eager to be taken again?" I murmured in her ear.

She moaned and arched into me, pressing her round little tits into my chest. Her nipples were erect and eager for my mouth to suck and bite them. "Yes," she breathed. Her hands ran down my back, her nails lightly scratching me. I sucked in a huge breath and shook my head to rid myself of the dizzying, naughty thoughts that suddenly flooded my mind.

"We should get ready for class," I finally said, pulling away from her. Yes, I was trying to tease her – I always loved the way she reacted – but this time it was true.

Her hand suddenly grabbed my wrist. "You're not getting away from me this time," she said, with a sexy grin, climbing into my lap, her lips crashing against mine.

I pulled away, unable to keep from grinning at her pouting face. "It's 7:30, Bella," I pointed out. "We're going to be late if we delay any longer."


I sighed. Why did something always have to interrupt these moments of perfect bliss? Edward was all I needed and here he was. After a few minutes of telling myself that school could wait, I sighed heavily and sat up. "I hate school," I muttered.

Edward chuckled and sat up with me. My eyes were drawn to his naked chest and biceps; a shiver ran down my spine. Damn, he was perfect.

"I'll help you dress," he said simply, pulling me up and off the bed. I caught the wicked glint in his eyes, and I knew he was planning something. He refused to let me pull on any scrap of clothing by myself. "Step in," he ordered, holding my panties out to me. I held onto his hand as I balanced on one foot. Suddenly, he threw my underwear across the room.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, shocked at his suddenness.

He grinned. "I'd much rather you not wear any panties today." He wined at me and butterflies exploded in my stomach.


"I want to be able to touch you under that skirt any time I want."

My eyes widened, my pulse thudding heavily in my ears. His eyes traveled slowly down my body.

"I'm looking forward to art class today."

I was clumsier than usual as I dress in my knee-length khaki skirt and a dark blue top. It was ridiculous how one little comment could make me so off-balanced and nervous. He stuffed my panties into his pocket so it was impossible for me to put them on. Every time he looked at me I felt a tightening in the pit of my stomach and my heart speeding faster. He was such a cheater. Edward knew exactly how much his teasing would affect me!

After we were completely ready, we put the canvases in the back of his car. I was extremely careful with his gorgeous painting. Mine looked like a child's compared to his masterpiece, but he held it like it was his life. The paintings weren't especially big so one was able to fit in his trunk while the other went in the backseat. They would stay there until art class.

I drudged through my classes, anticipating my last class of the day. It was silly how much I was looking forward to it. They passed by so slowly that one would have thought ten hours passed by every time the second hand moved. Visions of Edward's naked chest danced before my eyes, soon followed by his flawless face.

When it was time for me to get to art, I literally ran out of history, anxious to see him again. Jeeze, I thought to myself, I needed seriously mental help. It wasn't healthy to be this obsessed about seeing Edward again. If anyone knew how desperately I was attached, they would probably stick me in an insane asylum.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I walked through the classroom to see Edward sitting at our table, looking more like Adonis than anyone had a right to. I couldn't help but smile in complete happiness.

He grinned back and patted the seat beside him. Feeling as if I was a girl with her first boyfriend, I quickly went and sat down beside him, smiling like an idiot.

"Hello," he said with that velvety voice.

"Hey. Where are the paintings?"

"Over there." He motioned to the corner beside Mr Cook's desk. The professor was busy studying the first paintings that had been turned. He nodded slightly when he saw mine – I hoped that was a good sign. When he turned to Edward's, his eyes nearly bugged out. I didn't blame him, it was phenomenal.

By now, people were sitting in their seats, waiting for class to begin. Mr Cook simply collected the paintings and began explaining their weaknesses and strengths to the class. I tried to focus but that was impossible with Edward's enticing scent wafting towards me. God, he was delicious enough to eat!

Then his warm hand rested on my knee, tracing patterns on the inside of my leg.

I gasped quietly and stiffened in my seat in shock. "Stop, we're in class!" I hissed at him, slightly embarrassed but not truly angry.

He raised one eyebrow. "I warned you that I was going to be able to touch you any time I wanted," he purred into my ear. His hand slid slightly higher and began to rub the exposed skin under my skirt. I bit my lip to keep from moaning. Then, teasingly, his fingers brushed my waiting pussy and I tasted blood in my mouth from how hard I was trying to keep from crying out. Unconsciously, my legs fell wider apart and I slumped against the seat.

He made a disappointed sound – tsk, tsk, tsk. "Soaking and hot, again? And in the middle of class. How very naughty of you. What would they say if they could see how much you want me to fuck you?"

This time I actually did moan out loud. A few students turned to look at me strangely. I hoped that none of them realized what he was doing.

Then he slipped two fingers inside me and I arched off my chair. Quickly, he pressed me back into the chair. His hands were hot against my breasts, only increasing the feeling tightening in my stomach.

"You must be quiet, Bella," he whispered. "I'll continue but you must be quiet. Can you do that?"

I nodded. I didn't want to get in trouble for Edward fingering me. I blushed just thinking about what Mr Cook would say. That was not an option. I focused on keeping my eyes open and my breathing less than heaving. He slowly moved his fingers in a circle, pressing against my walls. My hands gripped the edge of the table so tightly that my knuckles were white and it was getting harder to stay quiet and still.

He began to pump me, slowly at first, then harder. Oh God, how was I going to keep from making a mess when I came? But I couldn't think about that right now. I couldn't think about anything right now, only the way his fingers were working me.

Then he slipped a third finger inside me and increased his speed. My eyes rolled back in my head with the pleasure. Suddenly, he hit my G-spot and I gasped, arching in my chair. Thankfully Mr Cook had dropped a stapler at that moment so my gasp was hidden in the sound of the metal stapler hitting tile.

"Right there?" Edward purred. He continued to angle his fingers so that they hit my sweet spot.

"Yes," I panted. "Right there."

He curled all three of his fingers and I was lost. But I stayed biting my lip, keeping thankfully silent except for a long, low moan. My toes curled and my limbs lost all their feeling. When I came back to myself I was slumping against my chair, legs wide open. Edward was smirking at me proudly.

"You were putty in my hands," he said quietly. Then he lifted his fingers and slowly licked my juices off each one. I was soon panting again as I watched his tongue curl around his finger, sliding down.

"I can't disagree with that," I muttered. "Ugh," I said when I realized how wet I actually was. Damn, I had came hard.

"I can take care of that." He got out of his seat and went to the tiny table that was beside the door, full of paper towels and tissues. He grabbed a few and nodded to Mr Cook in apology. He came back and sat down, beginning to wipe the wetness up between my legs. "If we were alone, I would drink up all your juices until you were dry," he said lowly, his voice slightly rough. I glanced down at his lap to find that his pants were elevated in the front. I grinned in satisfaction – so I wasn't the only one that had been affected by what he had done to me.

Then class was over. I had to have help to walk, and he happily looped his arm around his waist.

"Mr Cullen?" Mr Cook said when we were at the door. Edward turned.


"Astounding job on the painting," the professor said with an approving smile. "You are quite the artist."

"Thank you, sir."

"And Bella's very talented too." Mr Cook turned his icy blue eyes to me and I blushed in pleasure. "Well done, both of you."

"Thank you," I murmured.

"See you Monday, Mr Cook," Edward replied, quickly hauling me out of the art room. I was able to fully walk now without killing myself. My pussy was still sensitive from the work he had done to it earlier and every move I made only added to the friction that was happening between my legs.

"I have a very special surprise for you," Edward said when we were in his car.

"What is it with you and surprises?" I asked rhetorically.

He grinned but ignored that. "I've already got everything in the backseat so we don't need to go back to my house." He saw my confused expression. "I put it in the floorboard when you were sleeping yesterday. You sleep like a rock when you're worn out from sex."

I blushed darkly and looked out the window. "Where are we going?"

"That's part of the surprise, silly Bella."

Then I saw fresh green grass start rolling by the road. We were out of the tall buildings of the city, now entering the suburbs, and finally the country. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, incredulous, when we passed a herd of geese. I didn't see many geese in Phoenix.

"Stop asking. You'll find out soon enough."

After ten more minutes I realized we were at the same place he had taken me before when we went on that romantic picnic. The pond was still just as clear and crisp as before. And the large tree was still there, shadowing half of the grass from the harsh sun, the other half soaking up the warmth of the sunlight.

"Another romantic picnic?" I guessed, grinning at him. He winked at me and wrapped his arm around me, leading me to the water's edge. After it was set up, he went to backseat to once again take out a picnic basket. I sat down on the very large plaid blanket. I noticed a set of initials in the corner, EC. There was only one man that it could mean. He came back and sat opposite me on the blanket, looking down at it.

"Now that our paintings are turned in, there is no logical reason for us to stay together," he began, taking a deep breath.

My heart stopped beating. All the breath in my body left me and could do nothing but stare at him, hoping he was joking. A sickening horror curled in my stomach.

He glanced up and saw my horrified expression and his whole demeanor changed. "God, no, Bella! That's not what I meant! Let me finish before you start making assumptions."

I swallowed hard and tried to dispel my fear.

He quickly continued. "Even though there's no logical reason for us to stay together, I couldn't be parted from you if my life depended on it. I care for you to much." He gently took my hand in his and began tracing patterns into the skin of palm. "The way your eyes light up when you look my way, when you smile at me, your intelligent and witty remarks – all these things I couldn't live without. You mean so much to me, Bella. I love you."

Air surged back into my lungs, and I felt stupid for assuming the worst. Instead of that sickening dread I felt earlier, a pure and absolute happiness stole into my heart. I opened my mouth to say something but he continued, still looking at my hand.

"So that's why I wanted to give this to you." He reached into his pocket and took out a silver ring. It wasn't in a box or any kind of container. The silver band held a shimmering blue stone surrounded by what looked like tiny diamonds. I realized that the blue stone was a sapphire, my birthstone. "It's not an engagement ring – that will come later – but it's a promise ring." Now his eyes turned up to mine. I was near tears by now. I cursed my over-active tear ducts but couldn't bring myself to be truly upset at a moment like this. "That is…if you want it," he added, slightly unsure.

"Silly, Edward," I said softly. "Of course I want it. Thank you." There were no words to express how much I was thankful for – him, the happiness he brought me, him. I always came back to Edward. He was an undeserved miracle that God had brought to me. "I love you so much."

His lips descended onto mine quickly in an exultant kiss. His lips were triumphant, jubilant. I had never felt so happy in my life.

Before I realized that anything was happening, I was laying back on the plaid blanket, Edward's lips moving over my skin heatedly, passionately. When his mouth closed over my breast, through the fabric of my shirt, I moaned and arched into his mouth. I was growing wetter by the second, my hands running up and down his back.

Suddenly, he pulled away. I whimpered in frustration. Why was he always doing that?

"Come with me," he said, voice husky. "It will be a lot more enjoyable than this thin blanket." Without explaining that, he pulled me up and began walking away from the pond, towards the trees that led into the forest. I stumbled a few times on my wobbly legs but he easily caught me.

"Where are we going?" I gasped as I fell against him, managing to trip on my own feet.

"You'll see."

I sighed. I hated when he answered like that.

Then I saw it. There was what looked like a large cabin in front of us. It was quaint with flower boxes of daisies that were still clinging to life, rocking chairs on the front porch, and a front porch swing. It was like something out of a movie. "Is this yours?"

"No." He grinned at me. "But it'll be ours tonight."

A ripple of heat went through me from that promise alone. My mind, in the gutter as usual, created hot, x-rated pictures in my mind of what could happen in a log cabin.

"So we're turning into lumberjacks?" I replied, smirking.

He laughed. "Not quite." He led me up the front steps and turned the doorknob of the door. It opened easily, without even the slightest bit of squeaking. Who would be stupid enough to leave the door unlocked? I decided that it was fate and quickly followed him. As soon as the door closed behind us, he pressed me back into the cabin wall, his lips moving against mine roughly.

I moaned softly and threw myself into the kiss. The wood was digging into the exposed skin around my neck and arms. His lips were hard and insistent on mine, his delicious tongue tasting me. My hands clutched his hair, pulling him desperately closer. Edward's hands held my face gently but firmly. His hard body was pressed against every line of mine. I was literally melting in his arms, moaning and enjoying every bit of it.

My hands struggled with his t-shirt, pulling it quickly over his head. Once again, I was struck by his beauty. He should be an underwear model, I thought crazily. My hands traced his abdomen, delighting in the silkiness of his skin with the hard muscle beneath.

He bit and licked my neck before moving lower, tracing my neckline with his lips. "Mmmm," he purred. "I love the taste of your skin."

With one skilled motion, he pulled my shirt over my head, taking my bra with him. I couldn't even do that! The cool air hit my bare breasts, hardening my nipples. I gasped at the drastic temperature change. He weighed both my breasts in his palms. His soft touch sent shivers of pleasure straight into my core.

Suddenly, he squeezed roughly. I moaned and arched into him. I was still standing, still pressed against the hard wall – trapped. He rolled the nipples between his fingers and pinched tightly. My chest was heaving so much that it was practically obscene. He made quick work of my skirt and it dropped to the ground, pooling around my feet. When his lips closed over my breast, my knees buckled.

He caught me swiftly, as easy as if he'd caught a falling leaf. He then laid me on some kind of hard surface, pushing me down until I was horizontal.

"Spread your legs," he ordered. I realized that I was on a polished dining room table, my legs dangling off the edge from my knees. He moved so that he was now between my legs. "Further."

Obeying, I moved them farther apart. But apparently that wasn't enough because he suddenly gripped my thighs in his hot hands and pushed them up to my chest, pulling them away from each other in the process. I gasped. It didn't hurt but now I was so much more exposed before him, so open.

"Close your eyes," were his only words. His voice was gruff, husky, and I felt more liquid leak from between my legs, running down my backside.

I whimpered in anticipation, waiting for his fingers, his tongue, anything. But he was still for the longest moment. The silence should have calmed me, but it had the opposite effect. Every second he waited, his hands holding my legs in place, I grew more ready.

"Bella, Bella, Bella," he chided, using my name as a reprimand. "Just look at you. Soaking wet from nothing. You're so horny; perhaps I should teach you some patience." His voice was stern, as if he was a principal disciplining a student.

I was positively dripping now.

"Edward, do something," I panted. My voice was too breathy to have any kind of conviction.

"Do something? I'll show you something."

Without warning, I felt his tongue plunge into my sopping pussy. I cried out in relief and bucked my hips up. But he held me firmly in place with his hands.

He sucked deeply on me before biting my nub. I moaned and then gasped when he ran his tongue over the very tips of my folds. With the cold table beneath me and his hot mouth on my aching cunt, I was thrown into a world of building pleasure. Edward began to lap at me, drinking up my juices so fast I thought I was going to pass out from the mere sensation of his tongue on me. I cried out as he bit down once again. I came right into his mouth.

But he didn't stop.

He continued to tongue-fuck me, causing another orgasm to slam into my already trembling body. I cried out, numb to any other feeling but his tongue inside me.

"God you taste fucking amazing," he breathed, pulling my legs down. He looked into my eyes now, and his were filled with an unmistakable hunger. I realized that he hadn't had any kind of release yet. I sat up, determined to make him cum for me.

"Not yet," he began, somehow reading my mind. "You didn't honestly think that I was only going to fuck you with my tongue, did you?" When I didn't answer, he continued. "Bella, I am going to make you scream out my name five times as I fuck the shit out of you."

Edward pulled me slowly off the dining room table and led me into the kitchen. My mind whirled wildly- what if the owners of this house came home?

Abruptly, he pushed me back into the counter, grinning wickedly at me. In that moment he was so devilish, so dangerous. I was instantly so wet that my juices dripped down my thighs. He sat me on the marble countertop. I shrieked at the sudden iciness of the surface against my flushed skin.

"You're going to cum with this inside your pussy." His voice was low and rough; his deep serious emerald eyes staring into mine. I was panting for breath.

Then he pulled an object out of his front pocket. At first I didn't realize what it was; then I understood and my eyes widened.

"Do you know what this is, Bella?" he asked, running his free hand up the inside of my thigh. His fingertips lightly brushed over the small patch of hair between my legs. My eyes rolled back and I slumped slightly. "Answer me," he commanded.

"No," I breathed. I couldn't remember the question so I answered with the first thing that entered my mind.

"You don't? Well I suppose I'll have to explain it to you." He stroked the undersides of my breasts as he spoke. "It's an egg vibrator and it's going to be buzzing so hard inside you that you're going to scream for mercy." And with that, he placed it inside me. At first I didn't feel anything, but then he turned it on with the tiny remote in his hand.

My eyes snapped wide open and I gasped as it vibrated inside my core. Oh God, how was it possible that it felt that good? I clutched the counter's edge desperately, my hips bucking up into that little egg. I clenched my eyes shut and gritted my teeth against the pleasure.

"Oh God!" I gasped.

I heard him chuckle darkly. "That's only the low setting. Now experience what the high feels like."

Then the egg started buzzing so violently in my soaking pussy that I screamed outright. My head flew back, hitting the cabinet behind it. But I didn't care. All rational thought left me and I was cursing like a criminal.

"Holy shit!" I panted. "Fuck!!"

He was biting and sucking my nipples as I rushed towards my orgasm. I screamed louder than ever before, a stream of profanities spilling out of my mouth. Again, he didn't stop, the vibrator still at top speed inside my core. Another rock wall of ecstasy soon hit me.

"Time for round three," he purred in my ear, switching off the egg and reaching inside me to get it. He had to reach deep into me because it had slipped out of its earlier position. After four consecutive orgasms, my clit was so sensitive that I almost came again when he reached into me to obtain the vibrator. I cried out weakly, my body like jell-o. Then his words registered in my mind.

"Round three?" My voice was gruff but I was too confused to be embarrassed about anything.

"I told you that you would cum five times," he reminded me. "So far you've only achieved four." I watched with shock as he put the vibrator to his lips and licked my juices off it. My fingertips began to grow numb from clutching the counter edge so tightly. Then he put the egg into his pocket and licked up the wetness between my legs.

God, no! How was it possible that I was already hot and waiting for him?! I craved his touch and I knew that. Hell, I craved Edward's everything!

I moaned when he licked the last bit of my arousal.

Then he swung me up and into his arms. I cluthec his neck, terrified that he'd drop me but knowing he wouldn't. He walked through a door and we were in a bedroom.

As soon as we were on the bed, I pressed my lips against his in a heady kiss filled with both desire and love.

"I want to be on top," I said, rolling so that I straddled him. I managed to get his jeans and boxers off quickly. He was hard as granite, now standing fully erect for me.

I lowered myself onto him, impaling myself on his large cock. I bit back a moan as he filled me, my walls stretching.

"Shit, Bella. How can you still be so fucking tight?" He groaned when he was completely inside me. Then I began to ride this god under me. As my hands clutched his shoulders, I saw the silver ring with the blue stone on my finger. I grinned slightly, then moaned when he bit my nipple, swirling his wet tongue around it. The ring was perfect – a promise ring.

I promise to love you forever.

I promise to never stop kissing you.

I promise to always be yours.

Edward's hips thrust up into me, his large hands on my waist, guiding me. My breathing was ragged and my body jerked gently as I came, screaming out his glorious name.

I hoped that you guys enjoyed this last and final chapter. I'm sort of sad that this is ending but I'm really anxious to begin writing my other stories because I have two ideas for brand new stories that I think you will like. Hopefully. :) Thank you all sooooooooooo much for reading this far and reviewing. I love you guys so much!!!

I felt that it was too soon for an engagement ring so I thought a promise ring was sufficient. And also, the cabin was Carlisle's – he lent it to Edward for the occasion. So how did you like that big bunch of lemons? Also, I've got a new story up that I KNOW you're gonna like! It's called Sex Toy and you can find it on my profile. So go check it out!! :D

As always, I would love it if you reviewed.

-Oriana de la Rose